Inspire 1 suddendly cant handle 64 gb cards
1681 19 2017-2-14
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United States

I don't get it. I have used the same 4 64 bg cards and formatted them correctly the past year with no problem recording. Well, not it will record for about 10 seconds if im lucky then stop and the card is corrupted. I tried the 16 gb one and its fine but all 4 of the 64 gb cards no longer work in the inspire. I havent flown it for a few months (besides today) and always kept it up to date when one came out. Im not sure whats going on, nothing has changed besides firmware updates. any ideas?

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Donnie Stugots
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

Are you formatting them on the Aircraft ? If not try please try.  These  all (64gb)  worked in the Past correct ?  Are you up to date on firmware or at least on compatible firmware? Also is the Go app on the latest version ?  

Interesting challenge , Can you take a screen shot of the "about" tab or list the FW for your system as well, just to make sure you are on compatible FW.  


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United States

Donnie, I've tried that. Yes go app aircraft camera and battery's all on the latest. Just wired I suddenly can't us 64 gb cards but I can 16 gb. I even tried to long exfat format them with no lunck. Only thing different is that my pc to look at them in WIN10 pro
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Mark Guille
Second Officer
Flight distance : 2290810 ft


This may seem like a stupid question but how do you know it has stopped recording? Are you only getting 10 seconds of video when you play the footage on you PC or does the GO app show that it has stopped recording? Where are you seeing the message that the card is corrupt, in the app or on the PC?

Mark G.
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United States

stops in the app...says file corrupted when playing on pc
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DJI Team
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solarscar Posted at 2017-2-15 21:15
stops in the app...says file corrupted when playing on pc

Just to clarify, what kind of write speed do these cards have? What resolutions do  you normally film at and do you recall making any changes to filming to a higher resolution than normal?
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What camera do you have?  The X3 ?  I had an X3 camera replaced under warranty by DJI that was corrupting my video files but it was not as bad as what you are reporting. DJI was awesome about the issue I was having!

It might be something wrong with the camera and not the SD cards.

edit: or you have some dirt or debris inside the SD card slot causing a read/write issue ??
All the best
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United States

RichJ53 Posted at 2017-2-15 22:07
What camera do you have?  The X3 ?  I had an X3 camera replaced under warranty by DJI that was corrupting my video files but it was not as bad as what you are reporting. DJI was awesome about the issue I was having!

It might be something wrong with the camera and not the SD cards.

I have the x3. It will record just fine on a 16 gb carb, but when recordring on a 64 gb card, it will jump 3-5 seconds real fast or 5-7 seconds of video record time on the app then basically stop recording and the circle spins for a minute.  Even tryng to take pictures it will spin for 20 seconds before producing a currupted image file as well.

Ive tried 3 different firmware updates, They either fail with the long beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep or appear to to be done, but log says can downgrade. Im on the latest of everything. about to cal dji about this.

I have a feeling its firmware. Does anyone have  go app/camera/craft/contoller firmware they like and have a download for it??

So frustrated
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

solarscar Posted at 2017-2-16 07:17
I have the x3. It will record just fine on a 16 gb carb, but when recordring on a 64 gb card, it will jump 3-5 seconds real fast or 5-7 seconds of video record time on the app then basically stop recording and the circle spins for a minute.  Even tryng to take pictures it will spin for 20 seconds before producing a currupted image file as well.

Ive tried 3 different firmware updates, They either fail with the long beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep or appear to to be done, but log says can downgrade. Im on the latest of everything. about to cal dji about this.

Thanks for the additional information. Based on what you are saying, if does sound possibly like a FW issue or at least something messed up with the camera FW during the installation. If you cannot get the Inspire to complete the FW downgrade, it will need to go back to DJI. If you get the long beeeeep sound meaning the FW failed, that's a sign of a problem for sure.
Did you look at the  FW hidden file information and see if one of the modules was not communicating correctly?

All the best
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Flight distance : 1575230 ft

Experiencing an identical problem with two of my 64gb cards, I wrote a topic about it on inspirepilots.

I haven't tried downgrading as of yet. Now that I think about it, I did attempt a FW update that didn't seem to do anything just before the problem occurred. I will try and do some updates/downgrades of FW to see if anything will fix the problem and get back.
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Flight distance : 1575230 ft

OK just did a downgrade & upgrade (down to V01.09.01.30 and back up to V01.10.01.40), testing with a 64gb card after each with no luck on resolving the issue.

The behaviour is always the same:
- The I1 initially launches and works normally
- I start recording a video (4K, 30fps) and leave it running
- At around 4:30min, the recording stops automatically
- From thereon, record/stop recording commands are really laggy and the camera automatically stops recording after about 10 seconds of starting a new recording
- The behaviour on my osmo is identical, except there I also get a "SD card is too slow, reformat recommended" popup which I just noticed doesn't show up when the X3 is mounted on the I1

My guess is that card writing speed is severely lowered by an unknown factor, so the X3 write onto its buffer memory until it fills up and then automatically stops the recording. As already mentioned, the issue completely disappears as soon as I put in a 32gb card. Let me know if you have any thoughts or suggestions!
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United States

I bought the higher speed 32 gb and no problems! We are in the same boat and totally agree with you. I've done the update/download so many times I can't remember! Now I wonder if the higher write 64 gb Lexmark speed ones  "the Lexmark ones that have gold on them" will work.
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United States

Have you contacted dji?
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United States

I also wonder if these updates did something to the cards? You would think everyone would be complaining though. I also had no problems after all the latest updates.
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United States

Oh wow!!! I have two inspires and never have flown the second one. Got it set up, formatted my 64 gb card in it and it did the exact same thing! Definitely needs an explanation from dji!! Did all three previously working cards crap out at the same time? Doubt it
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Mark Guille
Second Officer
Flight distance : 2290810 ft

You could try running a test on your cards. I know it seems like a coincidence that 3 would go down at the same time but it could help eliminate the cards from the diagnostics. I use h2testw you can download it here

h2testw Download

Mark G.
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United States

thanks for the link Mark.... Weird, they are testing bad... only thing i can think of is a close encounter with a super strong ratre earth magnet when i gat it out (it holds my little screws) when fixing my  P3S

Spheric, give this a shot too and see if your cards are bad. Its easier to find if you just google H2testW
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Flight distance : 1575230 ft

Sorry for disappearing like that, I am back now!

I am a Mac user, so I found & downloaded a Mac version of the application call F3X ( Super surprisingly, after testing for many hours (I ended up leaving it overnight), the result came out as a Pass. It was suprising because the write speed that the application showed during the test was really low - it varied between 7 to 12mb/s, which I would guess is insufficient for 4K video. The speed also seemed to drop significantly after the first 5-10min, but I am doing a retest as I am writing this and am not observing the same phenomenon now (it has leveled out at around 10.5 - 11mbs.

After the retest is finished, I plan on running the same test on my 32gb card to check the result and write speed during the test. I'll come back with the results before the end of the day.

F3X result = Pass

F3X result = Pass
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Flight distance : 1575230 ft

OK, so I have now double tested the 64gb card I have with me and it passes the test. I ran the same test on the 32gb that works fine on the X3 and it also passed and I didn't really notice a big difference in the writing speed vs the 64gb.

Basically, in my case its back to square one in terms of figuring out why my cards suddenly stopped working
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Mark Guille
Second Officer
Flight distance : 2290810 ft

Spheric Posted at 2017-2-25 05:28
OK, so I have now double tested the 64gb card I have with me and it passes the test. I ran the same test on the 32gb that works fine on the X3 and it also passed and I didn't really notice a big difference in the writing speed vs the 64gb.

Basically, in my case its back to square one in terms of figuring out why my cards suddenly stopped working

Hi Spheric,

What speeds were you getting with the good/bad cards? I know you say there was no big difference but if one is slightly within parameters and one slightly out, that small difference could be the deciding factor on whether or not they work.
It's not that I don't trust your judgment, I'm curious to get to the bottom of this.

Mark G.
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