what does it mean for use if bound to another account
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21829 46 2023-7-10
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United Kingdom

I purchased a mini 2 from amazon warehouse. It is bound to another account.

The drone works well with the dji app on my phone.  It was activated over a year ago. I cannot see previous flight time - is this possible to see?  The battery check sates they have not been 'cycled' much. Drone is in good condition.

I read many anguished posts about drones being bound to another account. What does it mean in practical terms? I can fly the drone. Is there anything I will not be able to do? Or anything I will not be able to access?

It was a good price and I am trying to decide whether to keep it or return it.

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DJI Tony


Hi, Wizzie1000. We suggest to kindly coordinate with the seller for them to sign in to the DJI Fly app and get it unbound from their account. Please don't hesitate to contact us using this link dji.com/support if ever you need further assistance. Thank you for your support. Have a great day ahead.
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United Kingdom

The seller is Amazon. They will not be able to unbind it.

This was not my question. My question is what does it mean for me if it is bound to another account?  What are the implications?
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DJI Wanda

Wizzie1000 Posted at 7-10 01:09
The seller is Amazon. They will not be able to unbind it.

This was not my question. My question is what does it mean for me if it is bound to another account?  What are the implications?

Hello, there. Binding an aircraft with a DJI account means the owner of the account has ownership of the aircraft.
If the drone is bound to another account, it means the bound account of the aircraft is not the same as the account you log into DJI FLY APP now. You are suggested to contact the original owner and let him/ her unbind the bound account from the device.
May we know if you have ever seen this message? Please check the DJI FLY APP -Profile- Device Management, then screenshot the page for us.
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United Kingdom

Return it.  If you ever need to switch controller you'll be stuck.
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There seems to be two levels of binding available.
The stronger one, that causes the problem for people, binds the drone to the DJI account of the person who bound the drone & binds the controller to the drone. This level of binding has the ability to render the equipment useless to any other App login. This level of binding seems to be associated with setting up the equipment such that FLYaway insurance is valid. It sounds as if your drone DOES NOT have this level of binding.

The weaker level of binding merely 'notes' that the drone is bound to the DJI account of the person who bound the drone, it DOES NOT allow binding of the controller to the drone. The level of binding does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in terms of restricting the drone's/equipment's use. At least that's what I found in my experiments with it, I had three mini-2 drones available to me and five controllers. All three drones showed the same behaviour i.e. without restrictions, current or pending, I was able to use any App login to fly the drones and able to use any of the controllers. This level of binding seems available to anyone with an applicable drone but who DOES NOT have care-refresh/FLYaway insurance. As such it was pointless having the binding in place, so I removed it. Personally I was disappointed by this as I would like to render my drones useless to any would be thief.
It sounds to me that your drone has this level of binding.

Unfortunately you won't be able to remove the binding but, taking it that you are correct and that you can fly the drone without current or pending restrictions, don't worry about it, it's not going to cause you problems.

With regards to logs and previous usage.If your drone was supplied with the grey RC231 controller then there is nothing you can do to access the flight logs for flights flown by others. The only 'guidance' as to usage that you can access is the number in the name of the DAT flight logs on your phone, that number increment by 1 each time the drone is switched on BUT it is of limited use since switch on 99+1 zeros the count. The number in the name of videos and photos also increments as images are created but that can be messed with so it is unreliable.
You could look at the numbers of DATs on the drone, as in how many there are, and their dates but you can not read those DATs and there is likely to be few DAT's on the drone as old DAT's are over written as needed due to 'lack of space'. If you do this and especially if you download those DATs you would do best to arrange for a fan to blow air over the drone to cool it.

However if your drone came with a controller with a built in screen (doubtful) then there is a chance, that the old logs are on the controller. They could have been removed by the original owner. If they are there you could only access them by connecting the drone to computer etc. or perhaps the controller's file browser, YOUR APP will not see them.

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United Kingdom

Hi thanks for your help, the controller has no screen.  AS we can use the djo fly app to control the drone on our phone with its controller, then it seems the fly away insurance was never activated. From what I have understood we should be able to use the drone without issue. It is for my teenage son and I don't think he would be able to afford such a good drone any other way. I will contact Amazon and complain to see if htey will further reduce the price.
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United Kingdom

DAFlys Posted at 7-10 02:30
Return it.  If you ever need to switch controller you'll be stuck.

I don't think we would ever want to switch controller though. my son won't be able to afford to buy lots of drones.
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United Kingdom

DJI Wanda Posted at 7-10 02:04
Hello, there. Binding an aircraft with a DJI account means the owner of the account has ownership of the aircraft.
If the drone is bound to another account, it means the bound account of the aircraft is not the same as the account you log into DJI FLY APP now. You are suggested to contact the original owner and let him/ her unbind the bound account from the device.
May we know if you have ever seen this message? Please check the DJI FLY APP -Profile- Device Management, then screenshot the page for us.

ok I will try to get this later today, thanks
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United Kingdom

I think I also read something about geo zones can't be unlocked/used with a drone bound to someone else. Geozones seem to be no fly areas. I cannot imagine we will ever come across these we live in rural Scotland.
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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United Kingdom

Wizzie1000 Posted at 7-10 21:28
I don't think we would ever want to switch controller though. my son won't be able to afford to buy lots of drones.

If the controller developed a fault and you got it replaced under warranty or cheap from eBay you'll stuck.      DJI change the way they do activations later and you need to log back into the original account and again you'll be stuck.   Best to just return to amazon whilst you can.
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United Kingdom

I am afraid that with respect to my "weaker" binding I disagree with DAFlys with regards to the controller. If, by some quirk, your drone does have the stronger binding then his concerns are valid.... but, if that were the case, I think you would have already discovered that the drone was grounded.
In my experiments I saw no mention anywhere of binding the controller to the drone and WAS NOT able to do that. I WAS however able to use any of the 5 controllers available to me to fly the drones, I think I bound at least 2 of the drones and might have bound the third.
As I said, if you can currently fly the drone with no warnings about the drone being bound and grounded, then I think you have the weaker binding the same as I was able to establish.

I have no idea of the interaction of binding, weak or strong, and Geo Zones ............ BUT......... given that the RAF etc. use Scotland as a low level flight training ground I would be very wary of Geo zones, the idea of an encounter with one of the sheep shearing aircraft scares the crap out of me.

I very much doubt that, using the scrap of the email address that you can see, you will be able to get in contact with the original owner, it has happened but it must have been an unusual email address. However, if you contact DJI Wanda by PM SHE may be able to contact the original owner on your behalf, she will not be allowed to give you the contact details of the original owner, hence my stressing 'she'. She will need a certain serial number but would have to tell you which serial number that is. The original owner can then remove the binding in their FLY app, they DO NOT need to connect the App to the drone i.e. they could be in Timbuctoo and still unbind the drone. Once the App has connected to the internet and the unbinding registered your App will, when connected to the internet, see the change in status.
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United Kingdom

DJI Wanda Posted at 7-10 02:04
Hello, there. Binding an aircraft with a DJI account means the owner of the account has ownership of the aircraft.
If the drone is bound to another account, it means the bound account of the aircraft is not the same as the account you log into DJI FLY APP now. You are suggested to contact the original owner and let him/ her unbind the bound account from the device.
May we know if you have ever seen this message? Please check the DJI FLY APP -Profile- Device Management, then screenshot the page for us.

Hi I have the screenshots, well I actually took a photo of the phone attached to the controller.
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United Kingdom

Nowhere do I see an equivalent of your first photo, in that I do not see a *'ed controller serial number, I do see the equivalent of your second photo.

DAFlys may be correct and you may need to be wary.

I'd suggest you ask, in a PM, if DJI Wanda can, if allowed, tell you, via PM, if the drone ever had FLYaway insurance activated and if she can email leonel.de*****@me.com and ask them to unbind the whatever.
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United Kingdom

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 7-11 10:21
Nowhere do I see an equivalent of your first photo, in that I do not see a *'ed controller serial number, I do see the equivalent of your second photo.

DAFlys may be correct and you may need to be wary.

so that implies my controller is bound to my drone, yours aen't. However in the first photo it says replacement service is invalid, and in the small text it says to do something to validate flyaway insurance, suggesting there is no flyaway insurance.

I have PMd Wanda as you suggested, it is owrth a try :-)
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DJI Wanda

Wizzie1000 Posted at 7-11 08:32
Hi I have the screenshots, well I actually took a photo of the phone attached to the controller.[view_image][view_image]

Thank you. I will reply to you in PM.
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United Kingdom

DJI Wanda Posted at 7-10 02:04
Hello, there. Binding an aircraft with a DJI account means the owner of the account has ownership of the aircraft.
If the drone is bound to another account, it means the bound account of the aircraft is not the same as the account you log into DJI FLY APP now. You are suggested to contact the original owner and let him/ her unbind the bound account from the device.
May we know if you have ever seen this message? Please check the DJI FLY APP -Profile- Device Management, then screenshot the page for us.

Same problem. Seller is ignoring my requests. At my wits end over this.
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DJI Wanda

eb154 Posted at 9-28 04:48
Same problem. Seller is ignoring my requests. At my wits end over this.

Hello, there. Sorry for the inconvenience. May we know did you contact our support for help?
Here is the link:
https://www.dji.com/support/prod ... ite&from=footer

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Flight distance : 660902 ft
United States

I have a problem with DJI care refresh they don’t want to respect my insurance because the remote control is no complete Bound with my drone. Supposed to be, was going do it automatically but  with my drone never happened and now DJI  don’t want to respect my insurance is stupid  the dji have records that I pay for the insurance  and now don’t want to replace my drone
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United Kingdom

djiuser_uHCEevk2AjFH Posted at 11-30 08:52
I have a problem with DJI care refresh they don’t want to respect my insurance because the remote control is no complete Bound with my drone. Supposed to be, was going do it automatically but  with my drone never happened and now DJI  don’t want to respect my insurance is stupid  the dji have records that I pay for the insurance  and now don’t want to replace my drone

For clarity, are you talking about using care refresh on a damaged drone that you either
a)  currently have in your possession, or
b) have already sent to DJI for repair/replacement?

If you are talking about using Flyaway insurance to replace a drone that flew away or crashed and is irretrievably then having the controller bound to the drone is a required for the insurance to be valid and as far as I remember that has always been made quite clear.
Care refresh on its own does not cover flyaways since care refresh REQUIRES the return of the drone. Though, if the logs demonstrate a problem with the drone and the drone was still within warranty, then the loss might be covered as a warranty matter and FOC.

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DJI Wanda Posted at 7-10 02:04
Hello, there. Binding an aircraft with a DJI account means the owner of the account has ownership of the aircraft.
If the drone is bound to another account, it means the bound account of the aircraft is not the same as the account you log into DJI FLY APP now. You are suggested to contact the original owner and let him/ her unbind the bound account from the device.
May we know if you have ever seen this message? Please check the DJI FLY APP -Profile- Device Management, then screenshot the page for us.

the same problem. I bought an unpacked drone from the merchant www.alza.cz and when using the new controller I found that the drone is already paired to the j.maci****@gmail.com account. Would it be possible to write to this user to unpair otherwise I can't fly error- 30064 Error
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DJI Wanda

Altaros Posted at 12-10 02:09
the same problem. I bought an unpacked drone from the merchant www.alza.cz and when using the new controller I found that the drone is already paired to the j.maci****@gmail.com account. Would it be possible to write to this user to unpair otherwise I can't fly error- 30064 Error

Hello, there. We also replied to you in PM. You can contact our support here and let them contact the original owner for you. Here is the link:
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United States

DJI Wanda Posted at 2023-7-12 00:22
Thank you. I will reply to you in PM.

Hey DJI Wanda I’m having a similar issue with one purchased online I have box and all but seems bound to another account in which I have no contact … I see so often people this they have unbound the device but haven’t … if you can help…. eddiev****@gmail.com is this persons email and I have photos of the fly app thanks in advanced Jeremy from prestige motors and designs
1-19 00:20
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Hi,  can I bind mavic 3 classic with new mavic 3 classic remote, I don't know who is the 1st owner of classic 3 mavic.
Actually,I found a mavic 3 classic drone not remote, i purchase another remote of mavic 3 classic, but now it's not properly connect that show unable to fly option.
Can I bound my remote with that drone or not?
1-30 07:56
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DJI Gamora


djiuser_XkXbyUB7yZyl Posted at 1-30 07:56
Hi,  can I bind mavic 3 classic with new mavic 3 classic remote, I don't know who is the 1st owner of classic 3 mavic.
Actually,I found a mavic 3 classic drone not remote, i purchase another remote of mavic 3 classic, but now it's not properly connect that show unable to fly option.
Can I bound my remote with that drone or not?

Hello, there. Thank you for reaching out. May I confirm if you picked up this aircraft or recently purchased it from your local store? If the aircraft was picked up, we encourage you to contact us via this link. Please feel free to reach us anytime.
2-1 02:20
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United Kingdom

Hi just bought this drone from cex and is already bound. Are you able to help?
2-29 10:35
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


djiuser_nxspQ0kE6QKI Posted at 2-29 10:35
Hi just bought this drone from cex and is already bound. Are you able to help?

Hi there. Thank you for reaching out. If you purchased the drone by private transactions/second-hand platform. You need to contact the seller and ask them to log in to the DJI Fly app and unbind the account. After the account has been successfully unbound, you can then log in using your own account. You may also send us the proof of purchase so we can verify the source. Please keep us posted.
3-1 20:36
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United States

Hi @DJI Wanda,
I have the same situation as Wizzie 1000 (user at beginning of thread).
Can you please help me contact the original owner. His email is: rob.pi****@gmail.com

Thanks allot
3-6 20:03
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Hello, there. Binding an aircraft with a DJI account means the owner of the account has ownership of the aircraft.
If the drone is bound to another account, it means the bound account of the aircraft is not the same as the account you log into DJI FLY APP now. You are suggested to contact the original owner and let him/ her unbind the bound account from the device.
May we know if you have ever seen this message? Please check the DJI FLY APP -Profile- Device Management, then screenshot the page for us.

What if i am the original owner . Does that mean that someone else registered my drone under there own account  ? ....if that's even possible .Bought it 6 months ago and its still under warranty. Was trying to sell it and follow steps that i found online to "unbind" it from my account and i cant because of the message
3-15 20:53
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BIGKUBI Posted at 3-15 20:53
What if i am the original owner . Does that mean that someone else registered my drone under there own account  ? ....if that's even possible .I did have one gentleman looking at the drone to purchase it ...is it possible he stole the serial # ???? Bought it 6 months ago and its still under warranty. Was trying to sell it and follow steps that i found online to "unbind" it from my account and i cant because of the message

With a little more google i figured it out . Once i connected my transmitter to my wifi the message disappeared
3-15 21:51
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United Kingdom

Hello, I've got the same issue with my refurbished/as new DJI MINI 3 PRO
Purchased from a genuine DJI store on ebay,  I have the drone saying Connected device not bound to aircraft / 5 flights remaining
Can anyone help at all, I obviously have the serial number and invoice copy etc it is pre owned and apparently still bound to the previous owners account :-(
3-20 05:01
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First Officer
Flight distance : 18150351 ft
United States

grahampbrown Posted at 3-20 05:01
Hello, I've got the same issue with my refurbished/as new DJI MINI 3 PRO
Purchased from a genuine DJI store on ebay,  I have the drone saying Connected device not bound to aircraft / 5 flights remaining
Can anyone help at all, I obviously have the serial number and invoice copy etc

Try this - from the splash screen go to Profile/log in. Log in using the same e-mail and password you used on the forum.
3-20 07:53
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DJI Wanda

djiuser_FGXF7IZQJvOC Posted at 3-6 20:03
Hi @DJI Wanda,
I have the same situation as Wizzie 1000 (user at beginning of thread).
Can you please help me contact the original owner. His email is: rob.pi****@gmail.com

Hello, there. Sorry for the late response. You can contact our support for help. May we know if you have reached out to us?
If not, you can click this link: https://www.dji.com/support?from=store_footer
4-17 18:31
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DJI Wanda

BIGKUBI Posted at 3-15 20:53
What if i am the original owner . Does that mean that someone else registered my drone under there own account  ? ....if that's even possible .Bought it 6 months ago and its still under warranty. Was trying to sell it and follow steps that i found online to "unbind" it from my account and i cant because of the message

Hello, there. Sorry for the late response. May we know if you contacted our support and resolved the issue? To bind the account, it requires you to connect the drone to the remote controller with good internet conditions during the binding process. Thus, remote binding is not possible, Provided that your device is involved in some interpersonal dispute or theft, please contact the police. We will assist the police in investigating your case.
4-17 18:47
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DJI Wanda

grahampbrown Posted at 3-20 05:01
Hello, I've got the same issue with my refurbished/as new DJI MINI 3 PRO
Purchased from a genuine DJI store on ebay,  I have the drone saying Connected device not bound to aircraft / 5 flights remaining
Can anyone help at all, I obviously have the serial number and invoice copy etc it is pre owned and apparently still bound to the previous owners account :-(

Hello, there. Sorry for the late response. May we know if you have resolved the issue?
4-17 18:50
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Wayne Beller


I have dji fly app and dji account .will my account have to be changed  if I try the go fly app because my mini se controller and drone wont connect' hard not to get frustrated plus I'm not good on computers so that doesn't help
5-18 00:47
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Wayne Beller Posted at 5-18 00:47
I have dji fly app and dji account .will my account have to be changed  if I try the go fly app because my mini se controller and drone wont connect' hard not to get frustrated plus I'm not good on computers so that doesn't help

Hi there. We're deeply sorry for the trouble. Kindly watch the tutorial below on how to properly link/bind your DJI Mavic Mini se to the controller itself. If cannot still connect them, please download the DJI Assistant 2 software on your computer using the link below as the components may need firmware updates. After downloading the software, connect the drone and the controller (one at a time) then update/refresh the firmware. Please let us know the result. Hope this helps.

DJI Assistant 2 software download link: https://www.dji.com/downloads/so ... sumer-drones-series

5-19 01:55
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United States

I have a bound drone I purchased from eBay. I have included a screenshot. Is there anyway to fix this by contacting the previous owner?
6-6 08:31
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Flight distance : 50459 ft

United States

DJI Wanda Posted at 4-17 18:50
Hello, there. Sorry for the late response. May we know if you have resolved the issue?

Hi, @DJI Wanda.

I'm in the same situation, having purchased a near-new Mini 2 SE from a pawn shop and found it bound to the previous owner's account.  I opened a support ticket this evening, but instead of someone reaching out to me, the support system has generated a UPS label for me to send the unit in for warranty service!

Please advise what I should do at this point.  Thanks!

6-11 22:59
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DJI Natalia


djiuser_oKGZbyMqdhkj Posted at 6-6 08:31
I have a bound drone I purchased from eBay. I have included a screenshot. Is there anyway to fix this by contacting the previous owner?

Hi there,
thank you for reaching out.

May we confirm which screenshot you referred to?

Please kindly note that normally only the account owner has the right to unbind the drone with the account. This limitation is used to protect the ownership of the product and in respect of the privacy rules and regulations.

If you purchase a second-hand drone, we recommend you try to contact your seller to confirm with the previous owner to log in to the account and unbind the drone first. Then you can log in to your account to bind it. Hope this helps!

Should you have any other questions, kindly message us for assistance. Thank you!

6-12 02:53
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