Drone malfunctioned, DJI does not stand behind product or servic...
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4243 77 2018-8-2
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Flight distance : 8104 ft

United Kingdom


In spite of all the law suits, the complaints, the 1 star reviews of your support all over the internet, nothing has changed.
Why do you treat your customers like garbage?

How do your support engineers continue to believe your drones have zero bugs and
Your customers are liars?

I paid over £1,000 for this device snd your customer service representative have yelled at me,
Hung up the phone on me, made numerous promises to call back and never did, promised to help and did not, and in other phone calls just
refused to help at all.

Other colleagues have been ignoring points I have raised and addressed
in a robotic way only the points that go in their favour, and yet demanded
I pay for service.

You would think it’s maybe an isolated case, bût instead it’s a pattern with all
the representatives I have spoken too - one is so bad he has a reputation on the forum and
in other forums.

How can a company that is proudly selling expensive drones does not
stand behind them? Does not lift a finger to improve or address service issues?

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First Officer
Flight distance : 23625 ft
  • >>>
United States

I see that this is your first post.  Take a few minutes and read through the forum rules, then come on back and lay out your issue here.  There are many many experienced pilots and a few helpful Admin's willing to guide you through the problem solving process.  Be sure to say what aircraft you have, a detailed description of the problem, screen shots (if you have them), what you've tried so far to solve the problem, what kind of monitor you're using and what version of operating system, what version Firmware is installed in your aircraft, and what version of Go4 App you have.  That should get us started helping you.  Also, if you have a case number you may want to list it here.  Many times Admin's ( Like Mindy, Thor, Grace) have followed up on open cases and been a valuable resource.  Without your followup, you're just chimes in the wind.  Welcome.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 138310 ft
United States

sorry but you're being a little vague. I understand but not sure i understand i guess.......
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Flight distance : 8104 ft

United Kingdom

Hey @webparrot

Thanks for the quick response. I am being skeptial a little, and apologies - the service DJI has been providing has been untrustworthy in every aspect, and as a result I am massively disappointed in what I expected to be a really good service.

To hear a tech support engineer state that DJI has zero bugs when there is no software on earth that doesn’t, is simply shocking.

Nevertheless here is the issue:

1. I took my Mavic pro to France on a trip last April. The drone is less than a year old.

2. We stayed in a resort called Alp D’Huez and before I flew the drone, I spoke to the authorities about any possible guidelines or restrictions.

3. As stated on the resort’s website, drones are allowed as long as they are flown responsibly and within a distance of 500m

4. I used an iPhone SE and the DJI Go 4 app, at the time updates for its latest version on April 6th.

5. On the day of the flight, I turned on the Mavic. It went though it’s normal sequence- the sound, the propellers, the gimbal, and within a few seconds it was ready to fly.
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Flight distance : 8104 ft

United Kingdom

6. I took the drone up and it hovered a few meters away and up. We were about to take a ‘dronie’, however a few seconds into the flight error messages appeared and the drone was attempting to force land.

7. The errors were NFZ, which I did not expect, but the worst part was the fact that the drone did not go back to its original take off point, and instead attempted to land on a low roof with 3 feet of a snow above.

8. I was a little concerned and so I tried to cancel the landing and manoeuvre it towards a safer landing spot - which was back to where it took off.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1192231 ft
  • >>>

Sorry to contradict your experience, but I found DJI repair service exempelary fast and efficient. The admin guys here will help in every way possible, give them a chance, explain carefully and accurately your issues and between the members of the forum and admin staff you'll find a solution. Go
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Flight distance : 8104 ft

United Kingdom

8. After about 30 seconds of struggle the drone was hovering close to its original take off point and ready to land. I lowered the left lever and the obstacles senseless being turned off message appeared.

9. At this pint instead of landing h drone flew forward, and before you know it it crashed into a glass door behind me. This took a second, so too fast to actuallly do anything.

10. After the initial shock I looked at the damage which seems to have been only the propellers.

11. After a little while I looked into the flight records in the app and confirmed- the last move made was lowering the left lever and then the record ends.

12. Also I turned the drone against without the propellers and the drone ran its start up sequence without errors.
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DJI Tony


Hi, I apologize for the inconvenience and trouble caused. I will forward this concern to the corresponding team so that we can check for the best resolution possible. Again we are sorry for the bad experience.
Use props

sorry for that
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Flight distance : 8104 ft

United Kingdom

13. When I got back home I called DJI and explained what happpens. Surprisingly the person I spoke to recognised the issue and guided me to send in the drone and the remote - in his words - the remote will enable the team to look at the data and since the drone was under warranty they will fix it at no cost and in fact probably send new propellers too.

14. They issued a shipping label and guided me to put everything in the original box and send.
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Flight distance : 10017858 ft
  • >>>

idoc Posted at 2018-8-2 16:10
8. After about 30 seconds of struggle the drone was hovering close to its original take off point and ready to land. I lowered the left lever and the obstacles senseless being turned off message appeared.

9. At this pint instead of landing h drone flew forward, and before you know it it crashed into a glass door behind me. This took a second, so too fast to actuallly do anything.

You never said what dji said regarding your .dat log which would have covered your crashed up to and including crash, which you may not have been able to see in the log you looked at.

Can you upload log here?
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Flight distance : 8104 ft

United Kingdom

15. It took me a few weeks - we were at the process of buying a house and I wanted to settle in before I take care of this.

16. A few weeks later I was ready to send the drone in. I was curious about whether the drone is actually damaged and so I used a set of new propellers to try flying it. This time however an issue with the gimbal appeared. I contacted DJI and was told again not to worry and just send it in.

Again - the issue did not appear right after the crash - this was something new.

17. I was given a new label, but this time the return address was incorrect. It took me a day and a half to get it changed. I initially emailed the same person who sent it, but there was no response l. I then called and spoke to someone who just refused to change it, or let me speak to anyone else. He didn’t see the new to put the right details on the label, saying ‘don’t worry we won’t lose it’ and eventually hung up on me, muttering what sounded as sweet words. I then spoke to anoth  person who was finally convinced after about 30 minutes of conversation.
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Flight distance : 8104 ft

United Kingdom

18. I then sent the drone and heard nothing from DJI for a few days, until an email demanding for 180 € came in, explaining nothing but ‘no warranty, gimbal’

19. When I asked why, a man emailed back admitting that they didn’t have any data to go with while making the decision and then asking me to sync my flight records.

20. That’s alreey suspicious - clears they were not concerned wi I what really happened, but I synced the records and gave it a chance.

21. No response came for over a week and I callled to chase it up. After begging for 10 minutes the representative I spoke to said a ‘decision’ we’d already made and an email was sent to me.

22. No rmail were sent other than more emails demanding for money, and when I explained that, the representative told me to ‘just wait’ until the email arrived. No timeline, no actions, but just wait. Today is a week after we spoke and I am stil ‘just waiting’ for they mysterious email.
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Flight distance : 8104 ft

United Kingdom

23. He also looked at the details and said that basically no changes were made in e originel decision. It’s funny how the ‘engineer’ who looked at it was able to forecast the decision even without the data.

When I asked why, the representative provided 3 different answers - each time changing his mind about what was written - he first blamed me using the wrong lever, then it was the NFZ and then he wasn’t sure.

It’s also funny how DJI managed to combine what seems to be wear and tear with a crash without proof and I fact evidence to show the opposite and all - in their favour!
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Flight distance : 8104 ft

United Kingdom

24. I then asked for this to be escalated and someone named Stefan emailed me. The tech support representative gave me their word to call back too and see where I am, insisting they their customer service is the best ever - guess what ? They never did.

Stefan has made himself a name on this forum from what I gather, but his initial email was nice - he stated that he wanted to ‘hear the story from me directly and so what it can to help’

25. So, I emailed Stefan asking to arrange a call. Stefan then responded that he doesn’t calll customers. I guess he didn’t reallly want to ‘hear’

26. Nevertheless I summarise the issue in points and emailed over. Stefan didn’t bother acknowledging the email - he disappeared for a few days.
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Flight distance : 8104 ft

United Kingdom

27. A few days later he responded with a short and blunt answer saying he won’t do anything, ignoring the points I made. I tried again explaining - with screenshots this time, but Stefan responded ignoring my previous points and in what seemed to be maybe a military language - repeated himself twice in the email, literally writing ‘I repeat......’ (seriously who does that?) and again ignoring the problem.

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Flight distance : 8104 ft

United Kingdom

@hallmark - I sure can. How?
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Flight distance : 10017858 ft
  • >>>

idoc Posted at 2018-8-2 16:44
@hallmark - I sure can. How?

Just click on link below and follow instructions come back here and post your link.

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DJI Susan

Hey idoc, we're sorry for the inconvenience and unpleasant experience. I managed to get the case number and checked the case status, please kindly find the data analysis result as below:
1. The aircraft worked under OPTI mode after took off due to the weak GPS signal, and entered GPS mode at flight time T=01:39; The Home Point didn't record until T=01:41;
2. T=01:44, H=0.7 m, D=0.4, after entered GPS mode, the App warned the aircraft was in Fly-Limit zone and started to count down for Force Landing;
3. T=02:00, H=1.3 m, D=2.1, Force Landing was triggered, the aircraft started to descend, and Obstacles Avoidance will be disabled during landing;
4. T=03:01, H=0 m, D=3.2 m, the pilot pushed the Elevator forward fully, and the aircraft flew forward and crashed when it was landing;
5. The Home point: 45.0882327 6.0776057, according to the Google map and GEO zone map(https://www.dji.com/flysafe/geo-map), the Home Point was in Authorization Zones;
In Authorization Zones, users will be prompted with a warning and flight is limited by default. Authorization Zones may be unlocked by authorized users using a DJI verified account. It is recommended wait until the GPS signal is stable before takeoff and pay attention to the Fly-Limit zone warning.

Conclusion: Accident occurred in Fly-Limit zone. We're sorry that we cannot offer you warranty service in this kind of situation. You may find the screenshots as below for reference.

Regarding the difficulties during the communication, we've checked with the designated team, they have explained the accident clearly about the conclusion and why we can't give it a warranty. Hope for your understanding.


0259.PNG 0200.PNG flight log.PNG

Home Point.PNG Authorization Zone.PNG

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First Officer
Flight distance : 23625 ft
  • >>>
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-8-2 18:39
Hey idoc, we're sorry for the inconvenience and unpleasant experience. I managed to get the case number and checked the case status, please kindly find the data analysis result as below:
1. The aircraft worked under OPTI mode after took off due to the weak GPS signal, and entered GPS mode at flight time T=01:39; The Home Point didn't record until T=01:41;
2. T=01:44, H=0.7 m, D=0.4, after entered GPS mode, the App warned the aircraft was in Fly-Limit zone and started to count down for Force Landing;

Good job, Susan.  Thank you so much for the follow up.  Your explanation is detailed and understandable.  Appears to be an (unfortunate) combination of the pilot being unaware of the NFZ limits and pilot error (forward stick and crash).  Does the offer to repair the aircraft still exist.  FWIW, it sounds reasonable for a gimbal replacement, etc.
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Flight distance : 8104 ft

United Kingdom

WebParrot Posted at 2018-8-2 19:07
Good job, Susan.  Thank you so much for the follow up.  Your explanation is detailed and understandable.  Appears to be an (unfortunate) combination of the pilot being unaware of the NFZ limits and pilot error (forward stick and crash).  Does the offer to repair the aircraft still exist.  FWIW, it sounds reasonable for a gimbal replacement, etc.

@Webarrot -

I can post my App record too, and for some reason, they are a little different from the picture you are drawing. Is it possible that your data could be incorrect or do your drones NEVER EVER have bugs in them? Are you saying I am not telling the truth?

Let's try answering here:

1. There are 2 separate issues here:

A. The drone not maneuvering correctly. As you can see from the data, I have lowered the gear around 3:00 minutes and then the message about the obstacle avoidance appeared. The drone then flew forward and crashed, resulting in what I understand was no further recording.

Now again, you can choose to pretend your drones have no issue but eventually, this will happen again (and there is evidence to this happening already) and crash into someone's head, and I'm sure you'll start investigating then.

The result of the crash was only the propellers breaking, and that's from your data.

B. The gimbal issue:

This is a different issue. The gimbal was not damaged in the crash. How do I know? You'll see in the data that about an hour later I turned the drone on again, and 'flew' it. When I say 'flew, there were no propellers, so the drone did not actually take off, and you'll see that in the error messages, however, the drone completed its startup sequence including the engines, the little sound, and the gimbal, without the gimbal error.

In other words, the gimbal, right after the crash, was not damaged.

C. The drone then sat in its package for a few weeks (as instructed by your tech teams)
It was only before I sent it that I decided to turn it on again just in case and only then the gimbal error came up.  There is no flight, misuse or anything else that could have intentionally cause the gimbal error.

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Flight distance : 8104 ft

United Kingdom

idoc Posted at 2018-8-3 00:39
@Webarrot -

I can post my App record too, and for some reason, they are a little different from the picture you are drawing. Is it possible that your data could be incorrect or do your drones NEVER EVER have bugs in them? Are you saying I am not telling the truth?

D. Why have you not posted a screenshot of the actual seconds before the crash? It took less than a second for it to crash, as I described. Anything before that was not really the issue

E. Why have you ignored all the issues I've raised with the customer service people? Surely no one should have to go through those.
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Flight distance : 8104 ft

United Kingdom

F.  The NFZ detection is DJI's, not mine. Surely if your drone did not pick up the zone before it flew and in fact reported as 'ready for taking off' without any issues, the responsibility lies on you too, especially if there is a dispute as to whether drones are allowed. (and please refer to Alp D'huez to clarify). If your drone picked up the NFZ mid-air, there is no need to punish the pilot with going the wrong direction, and in fact, it should surely be better if the drone did maneuver according to the controller so that it could be brought safely down.

Telling customers it's their fault when it was the drone that didn't pick up the NFZ is like traffic police guiding citizens to park in a restricted area and then writing them a fine. The drone should not take off it if believes its an NFZ (which I know that how the mavic should work) and in this case - it did not work as expected.

Nevertheless, the crash happened in literally the last second and you'll see it from the attachment.

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Flight distance : 8104 ft

United Kingdom

G. After the crash, as I said, I flew the drone (without propellers again)\\
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Flight distance : 8104 ft

United Kingdom

As you can see, there were no gimbal related errors as the drone is displaying at the moment. You insisting your data is 100% correct - surely the drone would have picked up the gimbal error as it does now during the startup sequence.

The result here is that there is no link between the maneuvering issue the gimbal as they happened in completely different dates - weeks away from each other.it
Use props
DJI Susan

idoc Posted at 2018-8-3 01:11
As you can see, there were no gimbal related errors as the drone is displaying at the moment. You insisting your data is 100% correct - surely the drone would have picked up the gimbal error as it does now during the startup sequence.

The result here is that there is no link between the maneuvering issue the gimbal as they happened in completely different dates - weeks away from each other.it

Hi idoc, thanks for getting back to us. Please kindly find the below replies and confirm:
1. The data analysis was based on the flight records and flight logs you offered. If this is different from yours, please kindly offer the correct one and point out the differences, we'll verify with our engineers.
2. After the crash, the performance cannot be ensured, some internal modules might be damaged but cannot tell from the appearance. The damage assessment is comprehensive and strictly, please kindly note and understand. As you described, the gimbal error appeared after the crash and before sending it in, I'm afraid that it is not the malfunction.
3. Just like you pushed the car brake, it takes some time for the car to stop due to the principle of inertia, it is the same for the aircraft.
4. Every call, email or chat will be recorded and investigated. If there is anything improper, we'll check and learn from it.
5. It is the duty of every pilot to fly responsibly and safely. We sincerely suggest preparing and getting the authorization if you're going to fly in some sensitive places or areas.
Lastly, we do not say everything we said is 100% correct, all are analyzed based on the info you offered, If there is anything wrong, please kindly provide the correct one, we'll forward to our engineers for further analysis, thanks so much!
Use props
Flight distance : 10017858 ft
  • >>>

idoc Posted at 2018-8-3 00:39
@Webarrot -

I can post my App record too, and for some reason, they are a little different from the picture you are drawing. Is it possible that your data could be incorrect or do your drones NEVER EVER have bugs in them? Are you saying I am not telling the truth?

Looking at above, it looks very much like you were in control when Aircraft crashed, I don’t think looking at screenshots this should be in dispute.
In NFZ although auto landing was initiated you still had some control to bring aircraft to safety, it’s not dji’s responsibility to check NFZ these are included in your app but should not be entirely relied on , especially when flying in areas your not familiar with it is always prudent to check if it’s ok to fly.
But even if you are holding dji to account for the NFZ , it still doesn’t get away from the fact that you were still controlling the drone when you made the incorrect movement that caused the crash, although you said earlier you never pushed right stick forward it clearly shows in the screenshot that the stick was pushed forward.

Regarding the gimbal problem, you say it wasn’t there before crash, but only surfaced some weeks after the crash. The difficulty with that is how can you prove crash didn’t cause the problem, and although your right there can be gimbal problems without crashing, you are now faced with the problem of how to prove it wasn’t caused by the crash, and that looks like a devils own job trying to prove that.

I am somewhat perplexed that you reported the crash when as you say yourself there was no damage except props that you reported crash in the first incident.

Your phantomhelp log may show last stick movements, but I’m not sure how this will help your situation regarding gimbal problem, it looks like not sending in drone when first reported crash is going to go against you, maybe it’s time to see if you can negotiate some compromise deal , if dji are agreeable.
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Flight distance : 8104 ft

United Kingdom

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-8-3 04:33
Looking at above, it looks very much like you were in control when Aircraft crashed, I don’t think looking at screenshots this should be in dispute.
In NFZ although auto landing was initiated you still had some control to bring aircraft to safety, it’s not dji’s responsibility to check NFZ these are included in your app but should not be entirely relied on , especially when flying in areas your not familiar with it is always prudent to check if it’s ok to fly.
But even if you are holding dji to account for the NFZ , it still doesn’t get away from the fact that you were still controlling the drone when you made the incorrect movement that caused the crash, although you said earlier you never pushed right stick forward it clearly shows in the screenshot that the stick was pushed forward.

1. The data analysis was based on the flight records and flight logs you offered. If this is different from yours, please kindly offer the correct one and point out the differences, we'll verify with our engineers.

Is s different, but I am not sure whether it's your data or interpretation. In reality what happened is that there was lots of maneuvering - backward, forward and sideways. There were no issues and are no disputes up to this point.
The issue begins in the last 2-3 seconds of the flight. By that time the drone had reached a spot where I wanted it to land and hovered for a few seconds. I wasn't completely stable but enough to take it down. I then attempted to take it down, and a second after had already hit the glass door by flying a meter or two forward instead of down.
This is what I guess where the records stopped

2. After the crash, the performance cannot be ensured, some internal modules might be damaged but cannot tell from the appearance. The damage assessment is comprehensive and strictly, please kindly note and understand. As you described, the gimbal error appeared after the crash and before sending it in, I'm afraid that it is not the malfunction.
3. Just like you pushed the car brake, it takes some time for the car to stop due to the principle of inertia, it is the same for the aircraft.

The drone was turned on, without propellers, an hour later, without any issues - the gimbal was not damaged at this point.

This is where you are confusing. If you are sure of your data, then the second flight shows no gimbal issues, hence, there is no crash damage other than the propellers. If you are not sure about your data, then perhaps you should reconsider the
whole thing.

Moreover, your teams have assessed the journey admittingly without data initially. Why? How are you expecting me to trust your team's judgment when they admitted being wrong in the first place?

4. Every call, email or chat will be recorded and investigated. If there is anything improper, we'll check and learn from it.

What you learn and do as an internal process is your business. I am not here to train your stuff or comment on internal business processes I don't have access to. The result, for me, is what important, and when your colleagues yell,
hang up the phone, misinform on numerous occasions, promise and not deliver, and waste valuable customer time, it's unacceptable. This is not a one time off incident but a pattern of events that all lead to frustration, which is large,
considering the investment. It took 2 hours of effort just to get a shipping label, not counting the rest of the chase ups and the terrible way I've been spoken to. This on its own calls for DJI to take financial responsibility for the issue.
Use props
Flight distance : 8104 ft

United Kingdom


You're right in the sense of proving the gimbal issue and the crash are not related. I would ideally show the record of the drone crashing, and then separate records after, where the gimbal was working., If the gimbal was still working after the crash, in a completely different record, there is no reason to assume both are related.

Luckily as posted above (and if anyone knows how to show the date/time on this, please let me know) I did fly the drone after the crash, and the gimbal had no issue. The issue I'm having with the gimbal now shows an error in the startup sequence - the error says it overheats, and it looks like the gimbal goes back and forth, and as a result, the drone is never ready to take off (unless I assume there is a way to just take off and ignore the error message)

In the flight record I uploaded, there are no issues of this kind and the after the startup sequence the drone was ready to take off (as the message says). I actually started it, but since there were no propellers, the drone then displays an error message related to that and turned off.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1272723 ft
United States

If you take off before getting a GPS lock, how would the Mavic know it was in a NFZ?
Use props
Flight distance : 8104 ft

United Kingdom

ghostrdr Posted at 2018-8-3 07:26
If you take off before getting a GPS lock, how would the Mavic know it was in a NFZ?

I didn't program the drone, so I wouldn't know. Maybe the drone should have stated it was ready for taking off before it's got GPS lock, especially when it's not running in some sort of expert mode.

DJI decided to develop an NFZ drone control mechanism, which is fine by me - and probably great, too, but that doesn't mean it's perfect as suggested.

Beyond that, again, the NFZ is one issue I'm challenging them on. If they want to take the responsibility for the next crash when something serious happens, it's up to them. This time it's just us screaming, next time it could hit someone in the eye.

My issue is the gimbal - it was not broken during the crash and they are asking me to pay. That's beyond the unacceptable treatment by customer service, which they seem to aggressively ignore in this thread. I don't remember anything about customer service people yelling at me, providing me with the wrong information, and wasting literally hours of my time in the terms and conditions.
Use props
Flight distance : 74213 ft

Hallmark007 , i cant belive I found you again on this forum jumping on users. Its his convensation with DJI.
Your are just audiance and shouldnt be so quick in making any judgement. DJI drones have tons of issues. Just read the forum. Do you belive that people spend time reporting false issues?
If I where you I’d leave this forum.
For the clearity, Hallmark007 is a spolied kid pesting this forum.
There can only be one Hallmark and that me.
Use props
Flight distance : 74213 ft

Why do you even spend time in this forum? Its like your are looking for any oppertunities to attack other users problem. Who are you to suggest whats right or wrong.
If he says he didnt do full trottle then read and try to understand this. Focus on your own drone and try to enjoy that only.
Use props
DJI Susan

idoc Posted at 2018-8-3 05:18
1. The data analysis was based on the flight records and flight logs you offered. If this is different from yours, please kindly offer the correct one and point out the differences, we'll verify with our engineers.

Is s different, but I am not sure whether it's your data or interpretation. In reality what happened is that there was lots of maneuvering - backward, forward and sideways. There were no issues and are no disputes up to this point.

I understand your point, but guessing will not help solve this. Actually, DJI has launched a series of posts to help pilots learn the data analysis, you may find the tutorials here: https://forum.dji.com/thread-114810-1-1.html
idoc, the data analysis requires the flight records and flight logs, that's the reason why we contacted you to make sure everything can be verified from data. The management will keep following up your case during the working time. Thanks for your time.
Use props
Flight distance : 8104 ft

United Kingdom

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-8-3 22:36
I understand your point, but guessing will not help solve this. Actually, DJI has launched a series of posts to help pilots learn the data analysis, you may find the tutorials here: https://forum.dji.com/thread-114810-1-1.html
idoc, the data analysis requires the flight records and flight logs, that's the reason why we contacted you to make sure everything can be verified from data. The management will keep following up your case during the working time. Thanks for your time.


Thanks for the clarification, In this case, however, the harm you're causing is only to your own company, and continuing, in the same way, will only cause grow in frustration. As I explained before -

1. Initially, your team (the one that requires data) made a conclusion without data. My flight records were not synced at all, not even from since I purchased the drone. If they are so focused on data, how did they let themselves make a conclusion without it?

2. When I challenged them - it was only then when they went '\realized', we don't have the data' and asked me to sync it. I would have believed that on other occasions, but given the way I've been spoken to and treated, it's hard.

How do you expect customers now to trust your claim that was required? Clearly, your team didn't really care in this case, and since they have nothing personally against me, I would assume this is not a unique case.

3. Data is not only what's on your drone. Its also quantitive and qualitative customer feedback. And data could be wrong, too. It's not always 100%, and your drones - as any combination of hardware and software and the world, are not and probably never will be 100% bug-free. As a result, the mechanism that collects the data could produce incorrect data, too.
Don't believe me? Consider the NFZ issue. The drone has a mechanism that picks up whether it is in NFZ. In this particular case, you may argue that it was due to a weak signal. I would argue that the signal was great - I had my phone, my partner's phone and an iPad with me and using apps that require GPS all day long (if you're curious the app is called Fatmaps)

The drone's mechanism was bad signal tolerant, which resulted with incorrect data - data that allows the drone to take off.

You should appreciate that customers contact and tell you what's going on, and accept that sometimes it could be something you did not notice.

4. Again - the NFZ issue is one issue - and I believe your drone should not take off when it's in NFZ, rather than realize mid-air that it is and cause trouble. It's not just up to the customer.

5. The Crash is another issue - in this case, the drone was not following the controller's commands. I'm sure you; 're not saying that if it's an NFZ, the pilot should expect your drones to move forward when the controller says to move down. If you are - let us know drone the controller is irrelevant.

6. The gimbal issue - well, since you're so focused on data - there is no evidence that the gimbal was broken in the crash, and in fact, the evidence shows that the gimbal was still working after the flight. In your own colleagues' words - unless you can provide evidence that directly links the gimbal with the crash, as far as I concern the gimbal was broken without external interference.

7. In addition, there is also evidence that the Mavic pro I have was not produced to the highest quality - the charger I sent through is disintegrating. The USB sockets have fallen off as you may notice. I'm sure you won't be claiming that the charger was in NFZ so that's why, and obviously it didn't fly, too.

Why would the USB sockets disintegrate, and if it's low quality, perhaps the gimbal is, too.

Lastly, there is the element of the bad customer support experience. Again, I don't remember your terms and conditions stating people would be yelling at me, disconnecting phone calls, never return calls, provide me with the wrong information on multiple occasions, and refused to help in any way. Regardless of whether I am wrong or right about my points above, this surely should be taken into account and result in DJI finding a way to make up for the experience.
Let's hope my points are not ignored this time - again, the harm you are causing is also to your own company by doing so - since I'm sure each and every customer on this forum would like to know that in return for the expensive price those drones cost, DJI would take any of their comments, complaints or quetions very seriously.

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Flight distance : 179026 ft

DJI isn’t going to cover a pilot error. You have to take some responsibility!
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Flight distance : 8104 ft

United Kingdom

MichealMedia Posted at 2018-8-4 01:42
DJI isn’t going to cover a pilot error. You have to take some responsibility!

MichealMedia can you point me to where I've said DJI should cover a pilot's error?
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Flight distance : 179026 ft

idoc Posted at 2018-8-4 01:55
MichealMedia can you point me to where I've said DJI should cover a pilot's error?

So what are you doing here? A long long long speech full of guessings and complaints will not save yourself, show us some real.
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Flight distance : 8104 ft

United Kingdom

MichealMedia Posted at 2018-8-4 02:25
So what are you doing here? A long long long speech full of guessings and complaints will not save yourself, show us some real.

I've summarised it in my last post to Susan. If there's anything that's unclear, I'm happy to simplify it for you.
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DJI Susan

idoc Posted at 2018-8-4 00:15

Thanks for the clarification, In this case, however, the harm you're causing is only to your own company, and continuing, in the same way, will only cause grow in frustration. As I explained before -

idoc, we're sorry if there is any misunderstanding during the communication. We cannot access the data if the user didn't sync the flight records successfully. If the data lost or cannot be provided, it might be inconclusive, but finally we got it and we're sorry if this bothers you. As your other questions, we have made it clear on 19# and 26#, here I will not repeat any more, sorry for this.
As mentioned above, if you have any doubts about data, please kindly provide us with the correct one and point out your doubts, we'll forward to our engineers for further verifying.
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