Jumping in the cold sea Christmas Day
5526 273 2022-12-27
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United States

Lol I saw five  full circles so I asked what planet he was on, and I get it,  I totally do.
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United Kingdom

Fishycomics Posted at 1-2 10:52

Lol I saw five  full circles so I asked what planet he was on, and I get it,  I totally do.

Oh yes. It’s funny ‘cos I saw 1. Not the 4 so much behind.

Oh well. I just assumed it was the ethereal sky ………

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First Officer
United States

Iancraig10 Posted at 1-2 11:40
Oh yes. It’s funny ‘cos I saw 1. Not the 4 so much behind.

Oh well. I just assumed it was the ethereal sky ………

No need to be sorry, the shot has flares,  and if the lens  protector was removed  it have None
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Iancraig10 Posted at 1-2 09:29
I don’t think you get what Fish is saying 007.

I think he’s asking about the Planet because of the odd coloured sky in the photo, although you did it for artistic effect.

You haven’t a clue about composite or staged photography again you belong to the brigade who have nothing to show only whining without any proof…
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StevoB Posted at 1-2 08:30
If you didn't exist, I wouldn't have known that there was a DJI forum for a month. Once in a while I would check if there is a new fw and what's new in it, since I use MIMO minimally and he has nothing else to notify me about news....Ah Marco got the last piece after a mechanical intervention by a technician in China and he doesn't come here anymore , because he is satisfied and has more sense than me, so that he needs to prove something to someone, like you unbelieving Tomas. If unbelievers, that's normal, but knowingly lying, twisting the written and still unanswered accusations, as well as now, what a post, it's a pearl.

Marco the king is dead long live the king. Really how ridiculous are you we all knew it was a cult and you just proved it “how sad”
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StevoB Posted at 1-2 08:19
Where I ask others to do it. I hope that you will be ready with the answer today, not as yet unanswered. You lie, one joy.

You still fail to prove anything Mr cult…..
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First Officer
United States

one is with, one is w/o and not sure  what you mean by
the other ten posts

but if you take the time to remove your lens protector you won't have the spots like said,
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Those lens flares were supposed to be in the photo just like most film makers try to insure they have lens flares by using anamorphic lens or shooting directly into the light both sun and artificial light. But you’re too ignorant to know this. You thought like the motley crew a good chance to make fun of others but you haven’t got a clue…
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First Officer
United States

Hallmark007 Posted at 1-2 16:23
Those lens flares were supposed to be in the photo just like most film makers try to insure they have lens flares by using anamorphic lens or shooting directly into the light both sun and artificial light. But you’re too ignorant to know this. You thought like the motley crew a good chance to make fun of others but you haven’t got a clue…

To answer your question, the camera has a lens flare, why we asked, if you created the lens flare, a different story, see below pic 1, if you are saying its an anamorphic, then it would be Pic 2 not pic 1, but who am I  to say its right or wrong, If there s anything you like to ask I be happy to answer  that said have a  niceday

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United Kingdom

Hallmark007 Posted at 1-2 14:25
Another numpty who has no clue about photography. Flares are not exclusive to the sun you ever heard of bokeh you numpty you really haven’t a clue . Hehehe

It's a waste of time replying to you. It really is.
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United Kingdom

Hallmark007 Posted at 1-2 15:10
You haven’t a clue about composite or staged photography again you belong to the brigade who have nothing to show only whining without any proof.

It might be best to start using the cold shoulder because every comment from people who have disagreed with him is met with an insult from Hallmark.

For people who don't understand the term, it means let him do and say as he wishes without any answer, because it is a waste of time with him on this forum sending out insults and calling people names for no real reason.
If he gets no answer then his comments are even more irrelevant than they are now.

The comments reflect more about him than us.

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United Kingdom

Fishycomics Posted at 1-2 13:00
No need to be sorry, the shot has flares,  and if the lens  protector was removed  it have None

Fish, are you talking about the lens protector on the A3? I have tried that, but given the shape of the lens, I got worse flare.
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No one manages those forums? He keeps going off topic, he already mentions a professional photo he took when he was young, insults and started bragging about himself in the last month...
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United Kingdom

These forums aren’t managed really. If they were the original insult would be nipped in the bud.

What he 'thinks' he’s done and knows is of no real consequence really. Probably lies anyway. He’s just bragging and putting other people down, so really, it reflects more on him than anyone else. It's often a sign of an inferiority complex.

Some of the insults are quite nasty (look what he wrote about me and my wife to someone else, unprovoked!) but in the end, he contributes nothing much to the discussions other than arguments, contrary views and ugliness when he can’t get his way.

Maybe just carry on as if he isn’t around and eventually, someone from mods might spot one of the many nasty emissions from him! In the end, he REALLY is saying nothing much about anything……

You're not answerable to him anyway and need to prove nothing. He's really not important enough to worry about. Pretend he's not there as it were .....
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Fishycomics Posted at 1-2 16:53
To answer your question, the camera has a lens flare, why we asked, if you created the lens flare, a different story, see below pic 1, if you are saying its an anamorphic, then it would be Pic 2 not pic 1, but who am I  to say its right or wrong, If there s anything you like to ask I be happy to answer  that said have a  niceday


I never said it was anamorphic. If you read my post correctly I fully explain how the photo was taken including the lens and the camera format. I mentioned anamorphic because these lenses are purposely designed to throw lens flares IE creating just as we did in the photo, but bokeh balls can simply be created by using such things as coloured led lights.
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Kamen666 Posted at 1-3 02:39
Good Lord...have mercy on this fallen individual. Restrict his access to the Internet forever!
I have never met a meaner man than 007 on the forums in my entire life....so down and bitter against everyone else....

I take him as a teacher in my self-development. He is still teaching me self-control, for which I thank him, because I can see that I have a lot to learn. The most important thing is to realize this and not let the ego act on its intention, which is still from a position of resistance... Many times I wanted to delete what I (the ego) wrote, I was also sorry, but since I am making printscreens, I let it go , it's a good school. It's not about changing others, but yourself....then everything changes, and they naturally too ;) OOOHHHMMM
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First Officer
United States

Iancraig10 Posted at 1-2 23:36
Fish, are you talking about the lens protector on the A3? I have tried that, but given the shape of the lens, I got worse flare.

thank you, Yes  what I tried to mention and  possible its more then the shape,  and how it is.

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StevoB Posted at 1-2 23:36
No one manages those forums? He keeps going off topic, he already mentions a professional photo he took when he was young, insults and started bragging about himself in the last month...

I don’t keep going off topic, but instead I will hold you to task when you fail to produce any proof while asking others to prove what they do. Still to this day you have spread completely untrue statements and ridiculous conspiracies like saying if you sent your A3 for replacement they would just return the same one. That’s total disinformation to give anyone and it’s just not true. So just like you freely try to create conspiracy you should expect anyone to accept your word about little else.

It’s your friends like lancraig and 666 who come to this forum to discuss and talk make fun of others that are off topic. Your friend 666 in almost every post he makes now he insults others. Constantly telling others they are only posting to show off and you can see the same with lancraig above freely calling others liars . But I have never posted any work unless asked to on this forum. I have on others forums that are specifically for that. But every time I post and others too it’s met with disdain by your friends in the form of making fun of the poster ridiculing his work and basically running down everything he does.

You and your friends have used this forum predominantly to rubbish the A3, but people like me and BP have spent years on this forum helping others encouraging others to use their devices. You then come along spreading your conspiracies ignoring anything others have to say unless it backs up your complete and utter conspiracy trashing anything anyone posts that doesn’t suit your agenda continually asking for proof then going out of your way to rubbish what people post.

So it is actually you and your friends who are completely off topic here. Just go through their posts they have little to do with A3, in fact the latest is playing in the snow “without cameras”
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United Kingdom

Fishycomics Posted at 1-3 03:37
thank you, Yes  what I tried to mention and  possible its more then the shape,  and how it is.


Actually, I’ve tried using the A3 with the lens cover off in order to get flare! Quite nice and saves doing it in post!
In order to try and score a point, he wasn't using the A3 for that green photo. Probably the Fuji.
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United Kingdom

Hallmark007 Posted at 1-3 03:59
I don’t keep going off topic, but instead I will hold you to task when you fail to produce any proof while asking others to prove what they do. Still to this day you have spread completely untrue statements and ridiculous conspiracies like saying if you sent your A3 for replacement they would just return the same one. That’s total disinformation to give anyone and it’s just not true. So just like you freely try to create conspiracy you should expect anyone to accept your word about little else.

It’s your friends like lancraig and 666 who come to this forum to discuss and talk make fun of others that are off topic. Your friend 666 in almost every post he makes now he insults others. Constantly telling others they are only posting to show off and you can see the same with lancraig above freely calling others liars . But I have never posted any work unless asked to on this forum. I have on others forums that are specifically for that. But every time I post and others too it’s met with disdain by your friends in the form of making fun of the poster ridiculing his work and basically running down everything he does.

Broken record. By 'others' you mean you and Plumb. More exaggeration and lies I guess .....
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DJI Natalia


Dear all,

Here, I would love to emphasize the rules and regulations of DJI Forum.

Please be advised that DJI Forum is an innovative platform created by DJI for product information exchange and sharing among the users, which always follows the philosophy of "respect the dream, the pursuit of pure". Our main purpose for this forum is to hear firsthand from our customers about their joys, creations, projects, and insights.

Therefore, topics that are not related to DJI products are not allowed. Kindly stop the topics that are not related here FROM NOW ON, vulgar, hateful, or otherwise obscene language is not tolerated. I will keep monitoring the forum, and discussions that violate the forum regulations will get warned and deleted. You can report similar discussions to me if it was raised in any posts. Please be advised that 3 violations will result in an automatic 30-day ban.

Only one account is permitted for the same user. Any further accounts created by the same user will be immediately terminated.
Any attempts to impose on another user's activity will be seen as harassment and are not allowed. Do not expose personal privacy.

At last, we welcome every discussion that are DJI products related, thank you all for your cooperation on contributing a friendly forum. Appreciate your understanding.  
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Hallmark007 Posted at 1-3 03:59
I don’t keep going off topic, but instead I will hold you to task when you fail to produce any proof while asking others to prove what they do. Still to this day you have spread completely untrue statements and ridiculous conspiracies like saying if you sent your A3 for replacement they would just return the same one. That’s total disinformation to give anyone and it’s just not true. So just like you freely try to create conspiracy you should expect anyone to accept your word about little else.

It’s your friends like lancraig and 666 who come to this forum to discuss and talk make fun of others that are off topic. Your friend 666 in almost every post he makes now he insults others. Constantly telling others they are only posting to show off and you can see the same with lancraig above freely calling others liars . But I have never posted any work unless asked to on this forum. I have on others forums that are specifically for that. But every time I post and others too it’s met with disdain by your friends in the form of making fun of the poster ridiculing his work and basically running down everything he does.

I have never said in my life that in case of complaints (within 14 days of purchase) they will send the same item back. In the 14 day window they send a new unit (new unboxed with a different SN) without a second thought with the same close focus error, this is what I was saying truth twister. After that, if you haven't paid for any additional warranty package, only an "inspection" follows, probably based not only on my experience, with the storekeeper, who will say that everything is OK and they will send back the same (second) one. I will no longer explain or prove anything to you, only repair yours twisted lies, because this is your role, which you have grasped and which you otherwise play perfectly, probably financial motivation from the sale.
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DJI Natalia Posted at 1-3 04:41
Dear all,

Here, I would love to emphasize the rules and regulations of DJI Forum.

Finally, thank you.
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DJI Natalia


StevoB Posted at 1-3 04:42
I have never said in my life that in case of complaints (within 14 days of purchase) they will send the same item back. In the 14 day window they send a new unit (new unboxed with a different SN) without a second thought with the same close focus error, this is what I was saying truth twister. After that, if you haven't paid for any additional warranty package, only an "inspection" follows, probably based not only on my experience, with the storekeeper, who will say that everything is OK and they will send back the same (second) one. I will no longer explain or prove anything to you, only repair yours twisted lies, because this is your role, which you have grasped and which you otherwise play perfectly, probably financial motivation from the sale.

Hi, there. We are sincerely sorry for the inconvenience caused.
We noticed that we have sent you the repaired unit already.
We hope everything goes well and you can enjoy your products as well.
Should you have any inquires, please feel free to let us know.
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DJI Natalia Posted at 1-3 04:59
Hi, there. We are sincerely sorry for the inconvenience caused.
We noticed that we have sent you the repaired unit already.
We hope everything goes well and you can enjoy your products as well.

Sorry no, you did not send me a repaired unit. The first time within 14 days, you sent a new piece with the same problem as everyone else, and then during the second complaint, your technician did not find any problem, which is why I got emails. You sent the same one without change, without intervention in the optical system. I repaired it myself, even at the cost of losing the warranty by rotating the lens, as several of us have done here (other threads, you can see that you follow the forum), as your technicians should have done with every single complaint from dissatisfied customers with a shifted depth of field that does not correspond to the range from 30cm , which is the manufacturer's specification and as proof of which I sent about 8x A4 photos of the blur. If you don't understand something, I will explain in more detail and add email communication. I don't want to deal with anything, because I canceled the warranty myself by my own intervention, and further arguing with you is no longer meaningful, even legal for me. I already have the camera I wanted the day I bought it. It is the best action camera for me at the moment, if I compare all the pros and cons with the main competition.
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Flight distance : 246194 ft

DJI Natalia Posted at 1-3 04:41
Dear all,

Here, I would love to emphasize the rules and regulations of DJI Forum.

That's great ! I hope the rules apply to everyone, not just some users. Can I immediately point out those who insult with "idiot" about 4-8 times a day?
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Flight distance : 246194 ft

Hallmark007 Posted at 1-3 03:59
I don’t keep going off topic, but instead I will hold you to task when you fail to produce any proof while asking others to prove what they do. Still to this day you have spread completely untrue statements and ridiculous conspiracies like saying if you sent your A3 for replacement they would just return the same one. That’s total disinformation to give anyone and it’s just not true. So just like you freely try to create conspiracy you should expect anyone to accept your word about little else.

It’s your friends like lancraig and 666 who come to this forum to discuss and talk make fun of others that are off topic. Your friend 666 in almost every post he makes now he insults others. Constantly telling others they are only posting to show off and you can see the same with lancraig above freely calling others liars . But I have never posted any work unless asked to on this forum. I have on others forums that are specifically for that. But every time I post and others too it’s met with disdain by your friends in the form of making fun of the poster ridiculing his work and basically running down everything he does.

According to you, your logic is as follows:
I've been using this forum for years, and I have the right to insult anyone as and when I want?
New users should bear with me and not contradict me ... ?
This looks like communism to me!

This is a public space, you CANNOT and there is NO WAY you can expect everyone to agree with your menu and no one will oppose you... your mission is impossible.
It is also IMPOSSIBLE to constantly insult someone or make fun of them and expect that they will not reciprocate.
Grow up and be a man!
I wish you all the best and thousands of wonderful videos!

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Flight distance : 11959747 ft
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StevoB Posted at 1-3 04:42
I have never said in my life that in case of complaints (within 14 days of purchase) they will send the same item back. In the 14 day window they send a new unit (new unboxed with a different SN) without a second thought with the same close focus error, this is what I was saying truth twister. After that, if you haven't paid for any additional warranty package, only an "inspection" follows, probably based not only on my experience, with the storekeeper, who will say that everything is OK and they will send back the same (second) one. I will no longer explain or prove anything to you, only repair yours twisted lies, because this is your role, which you have grasped and which you otherwise play perfectly, probably financial motivation from the sale.

DJI returns policy is very simple and is fully explained in your warranty. DJI Europe or USA don’t repair cameras or drones , you warranty is simple within 14 days money back guarantee, after 14 days you will receive a new “or as new” refurbished camera/drone and this has been the policy for 5 years. All broken or returned cameras are then returned to china to be refurbished. The only real option to get a proper working camera is to return as warranty case.
In Europe manufacturers are entitled by law to repair or replace put good faulty goods if they fail to do this all European citizens are entitled to a full refund by law.

I think what we have from the same few is an appetite to make this whole thing much worse than it is. So you continually get “I have a problem, then I have a bigger problem, then its the batch its faulty its bad and this is basically rubbish.

DJI announced there was a problem that could be fixed by simply calling support and going through a few things including factory reset calibration and reset. I called them went through this procedure rebooting and 2x new firmware and my camera did not have any focus issues. Many contrast based focus cameras can have difficulty focusing particularly close up depending on what it’s trying to focus on. Panasonic GH5 was riddled with this yet it was seen as the best camera in its class as a video/stills camera. So I had no problem knowing FW would improve the quality of this camera. On this forum since FW update many have left simply because there camera had improved greatly , but one thing will always be them same people like whining but hate to admit anything is fixed they just fade away and that has been the situation with EVERY DJI CAMERA. There will always be those who want to cause hysteria , maybe because they cannot produce anything worth posting …
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United Kingdom

DJI Natalia Posted at 1-3 04:41
Dear all,

Here, I would love to emphasize the rules and regulations of DJI Forum.

Thank you.
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DJI Natalia


You're welcome,
We will support all discussions related to DJI products and thanks in advance for the cooperation in contributing to a friendly forum.
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DJI Natalia


StevoB Posted at 1-3 05:18
Sorry no, you did not send me a repaired unit. The first time within 14 days, you sent a new piece with the same problem as everyone else, and then during the second complaint, your technician did not find any problem, which is why I got emails. You sent the same one without change, without intervention in the optical system. I repaired it myself, even at the cost of losing the warranty by rotating the lens, as several of us have done here (other threads, you can see that you follow the forum), as your technicians should have done with every single complaint from dissatisfied customers with a shifted depth of field that does not correspond to the range from 30cm , which is the manufacturer's specification and as proof of which I sent about 8x A4 photos of the blur. If you don't understand something, I will explain in more detail and add email communication. I don't want to deal with anything, because I canceled the warranty myself by my own intervention, and further arguing with you is no longer meaningful, even legal for me. I already have the camera I wanted the day I bought it. It is the best action camera for me at the moment, if I compare all the pros and cons with the main competition.

Thanks for your update and sorry for the unpleasant experience, we will forward your feedback to the relevant team as well. And if you meet any problems or need any support, you can contact me here anytime.
Thank you again for your patience and understanding.
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DJI Natalia


Kamen666 Posted at 1-3 05:19
That's great ! I hope the rules apply to everyone, not just some users. Can I immediately point out those who insult with "idiot" about 4-8 times a day?

Hi, Kamen666.
Sorry for the belated reply.
If you found someone violating community rules, you can send us a PM and report it to any Administrators, and we will check it asap.
Thank you.
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Flight distance : 246194 ft

DJI Natalia Posted at 1-4 23:22
Hi, Kamen666.
Sorry for the belated reply.
If you found someone violating community rules, you can send us a PM and report it to any Administrators, and we will check it asap.

I already did it , several times actually. Without any result...

Thanks for the reply though
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DJI Natalia


Kamen666 Posted at 1-5 00:47
I already did it , several times actually. Without any result...

Thanks for the reply though

Thanks for your reply. We have sent you a PM, could you please have a look?
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