Thinking about buying...A few questions..
1644 14 2015-3-16
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United States

I'm thinking about purchasing an Inspire 1 but have a few concerns. I own a P2V+, Phantom FC40 and Phantom 1 and I am familiar with the various flight modes and naza/vision assist programs. Does anyone know:

1) Is the height limit restricted to 120 meters (400 feet)  in all flight modes? Can it be raised and if so is there a limit? The commercial limit is 500 feet by the FAA. I know the P2V+ height limits can be changed so is it possible on the Inspire and has anyone tested it?

2) The inspire video transmission specs are at 2000 meters (6500 feet)  while the P2V+ is rated at 500m (1600 feet) to 700m (2300 ft). In the area I fly I can get about 1200 feet before the video starts breaking up all choppy or disconnecting. In the real world is the video transmission stable close to the 2000 meter limit? What do most people get?

3)  I'm not that familiar with light bridge (used in video transmission I believe) and how it works. Does it use cellular data? My Ipad is wifi only. Would I need to upgrade my ipad or have to use my cell phone? If it uses cellular data would it cut into my cellular data plan usage?

4)  I guess from what I have read Ground station is currently on hold indefinitely by DJI and will probably not officially come out. Does anyone know if any outside third party developers are working on a ground station app? Is it even possible with the inspire?

5) What are the actual flight times with the stock battery and what is percentage of battery remaining when landing. I can get anywhere from 14-15 mins with my P2v+ with 25% battery remaining. Has anyone flown with the 5700 battery and same question.

6) I know about the propeller issue that appears to have been corrected but are there any other persistent problems anyone is experiencing? Have most of the bugs been worked out? Should I wait a few more months or purchase now?

7) Is it true that DJI can ground your bird at any moment? Ive read that firmware updates are mandatory and some people havent been able to fly without hooking it up to computer and updating the firmware.

8) Now that you have had time with the Inspire and the initial wow factor has come down would you still purchase it again? If you are coming from a P2V+ is the extra cost worth it in your opinion?

Thanks in advance!!!
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Flight distance : 31152 ft
United States

1) Is the height limit restricted to 120 meters (400 feet)  in all flight modes? Can it be raised and if so is there a limit? The commercial limit is 500 feet by the FAA. I know the P2V+ height limits can be changed so is it possible on the Inspire and has anyone tested it? I believe they can be changed in the flight app.

2) The inspire video transmission specs are at 2000 meters (6500 feet)  while the P2V+ is rated at 500m (1600 feet) to 700m (2300 ft). In the area I fly I can get about 1200 feet before the video starts breaking up all choppy or disconnecting. In the real world is the video transmission stable close to the 2000 meter limit? What do most people get?  That is going to be your best case scenerio and like most companies, tested that number in the most ideal conditions.  So many factors come into play that it is hard to nail down a solid number.

3)  I'm not that familiar with light bridge (used in video transmission I believe) and how it works. Does it use cellular data? My Ipad is wifi only. Would I need to upgrade my ipad or have to use my cell phone? If it uses cellular data would it cut into my cellular data plan usage?  It does not use cell data.

4)  I guess from what I have read Ground station is currently on hold indefinitely by DJI and will probably not officially come out. Does anyone know if any outside third party developers are working on a ground station app? Is it even possible with the inspire?  Not sure.

5) What are the actual flight times with the stock battery and what is percentage of battery remaining when landing. I can get anywhere from 14-15 mins with my P2v+ with 25% battery remaining. Has anyone flown with the 5700 battery and same question. I am seeing 16-18 minutes with 20% on landing.  Roughly.  This is with the smaller battery.

6) I know about the propeller issue that appears to have been corrected but are there any other persistent problems anyone is experiencing? Have most of the bugs been worked out? Should I wait a few more months or purchase now? To be honest I had these same concerns and sometimes reading this forum can be scary, but I think that 95% of the owners are having no major issues.  I have had none, knock on wood.  I wouldn't wait.

7) Is it true that DJI can ground your bird at any moment? Ive read that firmware updates are mandatory and some people havent been able to fly without hooking it up to computer and updating the firmware.  They can ground it for not updating the firmware, yes.  If you have been in the remote jungle though and the app cant upgrade, the aircraft wont know the difference anyway from my understanding.  I dont think that you will be in the middle of Africa and suddenly it will land and not work.

8) Now that you have had time with the Inspire and the initial wow factor has come down would you still purchase it again? If you are coming from a P2V+ is the extra cost worth it in your opinion?  Yes, there is nothing this aircraft hasnt been able to do that I wanted.  it is a dream to fly and frankly cant be matched from a cost to benefit ratio.

Hope those answers helped.
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1. Most Inspire pilots will agree that height is suitable for intended use.
2. some have flown over 4 km. But really it would be unwise to fly beyond Los.
3. wifi is fine just remember to use airplane mode during flight.
4. There are stability issues that need addressing before adding bloatware.
5. Sky den is correct but battery age and temperature will be a factor as well.
6.Use the supplied prop locks and the props will stay on.
7.The aircraft can not be grounded without a connection to the internet and when GPS is disabled ie. around airports etc. but you will not have APP capability
8. I would have to concur with SkyDen, This is a remarkable aircraft and worth every penny despite a few issues.
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United States

Yes thanks... the 16-18 min flight time with 20% stock battery remaining is really encouraging... If I decide to get it I'm getting the more powerful battery which I assume will give an extra 2-3 minutes...Nice...

I've almost talked myself into buying

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Flight distance : 234590 ft
United States

Three years in with dji products p1 ,p2 custom and the inspire 1 , the one is really a fantastic tool compared to a phantom or anything else I've seen on the market . Yes you'll probably really like this bird ...dslr pros is even offering a custom version with a nose cam for the pilot in dual operation mode ... Just what the DR. Ordered ....
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United States

So far so good.... No one with buyers remorse or experiencing major problems yet....

I know some people don't care about ground station but that is one feature I wish it had so I could concentrate on filming and rotating the camera.
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Prop-Lock Girl
Flight distance : 2419163 ft

Well... I always tend to simplify things... So finally you are simply asking: to buy or not to buy?
My answer: Buy!
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United States

Is everyone coming from a Phantom 2 Vision plus or something similar?

The only thing that bothers me about the P2V+ is the video connection breaks frequently under the 500 meter limit. The Inspire looks like a beast with the 2km video range. Plus it looks so cool!!! 10 times better....

The P2v+ still puts a smile on my face so I can imagine how I'll feel with an Inspire!!! Of course if it ever crashes  that smile will turn into a      $3000 flyaway or crash would be devastating....
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United States

Hi rdc, I am coming from a Phantom 2 Vision plus, up from a vision.  I pushed both phantoms to their limit and beyond their limit, with FPV cutting in and out in the 1,200 to 2,000 range.  The Inpire, NO WAY.  I have attempted to push the limits, but have not found the limits.  I am an old man and freak out beyond 2500 feet which is basically out of sight for me.  I have watched a friend take his past 5,500 feet keeping video transmission.
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United States

I'm the contrarian here.  I have a PT2V+, I have had some issues with it and has been back to DJI twice. It seems to work trouble free now and I am really enjoying it.  I watched with great anticipation the launch of the Inspire, and almost bought...glad I didn't.  I have bought, extra batts and other accessories and really want this about two months when all the major issues are sorted out, i'll buy.  Many here love theirs and have experienced no issues, BUT along with those who HAVE HAD major issues and the continuing issues with shortage of props, batteries, and other parts..I'll wait and fly my Phantom and maybe by summer, I'll jump in.  Your dime, spend it wisely
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Wildcat Willie


There are to many issues right now ranging from software bugs to parts supply issues to support issues....If you can I would wait 3 months to see how these issues pan out With hindsight that what I would do.  Having said that the Inspire 1 is an amazing platforms and I am confident that DJI will work out the issues...It should be worth the wait...
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United States

Wildcat Willie Posted at 2015-3-18 23:31
There are to many issues right now ranging from software bugs to parts supply issues to support issu ...

Yes after doing a little more research that is exactly what I plan on doing. I was burned by purchasing two early version 3 P2V+s with the esc and motor wire issue. It would have been much smarter for me to wait and buy at a cheaper price with the fixes in place. I thought it would be safe since the Phantom had been around for a long time and this was version 3 and simply an upgrade but somehow thay managed to mess it up...Lesson learned. No New DJI products (new versions or models) until at least 6 months from release date. It pays to be patient for a better and cheaper drone. Plus new models from other manufacturers  are coming out later this year so I'm going to consider all other options when it comes time for my next drone purchase.
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Wildcat Willie


To be fair about it I used to do Design Support for a Design team in Nortel Networks....With all 1st releases there is some churn...No company is immune and first adopters usually become Beta Testers for the company....DJI is no different...What you want to look for is if the company leaves you high and dry or do they honestly try to resolve the issues... The signs that I see with DJI so far is that they are putting in an honest effort to resolve the issues...However, I would still give it a  few months till the dust settles...The jury is still out...I've flow it three times today and its a pleasure to fly.   I'm trying to arrange some flight time in the badlands and mountains but have to deal with the municipalities and Parks dept first and get there permission first...
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Flight distance : 17141325 ft
  • >>>

WAIT before you buy is probably the best advice I can give you. I have Phantoms (3) and love them. Got the i1 - upgraded FW and it fried my compass. Now I have a 4k sitting in a box until I can get it repaired. Seems like DJI has some issues to sort out with the i1.
Just my personal opinion.
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South Africa

Agree with flying squirrel. Stay away from i1 for. Got mine 3 days ago. Upgraded firmware. Compass won't calibrate. I am stuck with an expensive paper weight at the moment and a slight case of the blues. My phantom however is old faithful.
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