[size=14.6667px]So my NAZA (v2) is doing a strange thing and hoping someone out there might have an idea or have experienced this issue also. It is custom build, scarab reconn 600 frame, tiger motors, 20a blheli escIt's not my first build and everything else is fine, just having problems with the following and if anyone can help at all it would be HUGELY appreciated.
[size=14.6667px]It's windy here most the time so have never noticed before, but I was doing a real estate video yesterday (I don't use a gimbal so it shows up in the video) when it was very still and I noticed that the airframe rocks from front left to rear right and back, about 1-2 rocks per second... only moving a few degrees.
[size=14.6667px]I know it's the FC (or the fc dealing with something) as if I run it in manual mode I get no problem.
[size=14.6667px]I just leveled the airframe and FC then did an advanced calibration, still the same.
[size=14.6667px]The arms are exactly the same length within a fraction of a mm.
[size=14.6667px]I had the motors pointing in their yaw direction a few degrees, then also tried leveling them off again, still the same.
[size=14.6667px]Frame is well balanced, makes no difference if I offset the balance a little or not.
[size=14.6667px]Does it in atti. and gps mode but not in manual mode.
[size=14.6667px]It is isolated from vibrations on PU gel balls... props very well balanced (zero jello videos) triblad props.
[size=14.6667px]My NAZA has always had little niggling problems that come and go - it has been reliable to an extent (almost lost it in strong wind the other day when it was fine the previous strong wind flight).... do flight controllers age?
[size=14.6667px]I have an iNav Sirius air 3 with m8n gps board and a multiwii + gps..... should I just change FC? What is considered a good FC these days. I just want rock solid locked in feeling with solid gps lock as backup. I'm suspicious the NAZA creates tiny little oscillations that creates shaking in the video, regardless of tune, that you don;t see in videos from well tuned multiwii boards.