Flight distance : 2528264 ft
United States
Antonio76 Posted at 2017-12-6 02:56
Aloha Cetacean, these are the files I have talked about a few times in the past. They are the same that can be saved in the device if caching is turned on. Surely they are useless for "professional" users, but quite useful, I must say, to me, as I can't edit the HD ƒiles in my computer and anyway prefer to have the cache turned off. I don't know how much energy is drawn from the battery while saving these files to the SD card, but I don't think it would be much, compared to the energy drawn by the motors...
Aloha Antonio,
Your point is well taken. DJI designs for the larger pool of likely users and allows specific users to disable options as needed. So you are taking advantage of what DJI offers, which is good.
BTW, have you tried editing by "Proxy"? This is where the editing software converts your 4K or 2K clip to 720p for editing, but when the time comes to render the final video, it edits the original 4K or 2K video. This 4K or 2K video should be a copy, but you have to make sure that it is a copy. (Usually the editiing software creates its own copy to edit but that is not always the case.)
Aloha and Drone On! |