Phantom 4 pro DCIM 100 and 100Media saving duplicate videos
4092 25 2017-11-25
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I am recording all my videos in 1080p. When i pull the sd card and put in my phone or tablet, i have 2 different folders. 100 and 100 media. When i go to 100 media it is ll the 1080p videos. But when i go to the 100 folder, it has the duplicate videos in 720p. Does anyone knpw why the drone/sd card is saving 2 files for each video, 1 in 1080p and one in 720???
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Jenee 2
First Officer
Flight distance : 7852129 ft

I have asked this before and did not get an answer. It is just a waste of sd card space and drone resources creating these lo res copies of the videos.
Hopefully someone from DJI will give a good reason or tell the techos to have it removed.
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Aloha nmaffei,

     Those 720p videos are for the quick editing videos allowed by the DJI GO 4 app.  It is a variation on the editing by Proxy strategy for editing videos.

     Hope this helps!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Jenee 2 Posted at 2017-11-25 22:16
I have asked this before and did not get an answer. It is just a waste of sd card space and drone resources creating these lo res copies of the videos.
Hopefully someone from DJI will give a good reason or tell the techos to have it removed.

Aloha Jenee,

     See my response to nmaffei below your post.

Aloha and Drone On!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1133038 ft

"Those 720p videos are for the quick editing videos allowed by the DJI GO 4 app."

But as Jenee claim "a waste of sd card space and drone resources creating these" if they are not needed.
It might cost a few minutes flight time that you can't disable them.
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Jenee 2
First Officer
Flight distance : 7852129 ft

Cetacean Posted at 2017-11-25 23:38
Aloha nmaffei,

     Those 720p videos are for the quick editing videos allowed by the DJI GO 4 app.  It is a variation on the editing by Proxy strategy for editing videos.

That doesn't make sense to me because there is already a low resolution copy saved on the phone or tablet (unless you turn the cache off) which can be used for editing by the DJI GO 4 app.
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Jenee 2 Posted at 2017-11-26 22:24
That doesn't make sense to me because there is already a low resolution copy saved on the phone or tablet (unless you turn the cache off) which can be used for editing by the DJI GO 4 app.

Aloha Jenee,

     That may be the case much of the time.  But, is it the case all of the time?  DJI would design for the option provided with the app regardless of a duplicate available in a device.  Do all devices provide that copy?

Aloha and Drone On!
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Jenee 2 Posted at 2017-11-26 22:24
That doesn't make sense to me because there is already a low resolution copy saved on the phone or tablet (unless you turn the cache off) which can be used for editing by the DJI GO 4 app.

While I agree that it would be best to be able to choose whether the 'proxy' copies are generated, the ones on your phone or tablet are subject to any transmission problems and may be cut short due to range issues, where the proxies on the SD card are not affected. Also, it is not unusual, quite a number of devices automatically produce proxies.
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DJI Susan

The another file is saved for playback, so that you can check the video and change the composition during the flight.
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Jenee 2
First Officer
Flight distance : 7852129 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-11-27 05:10
The another file is saved for playback, so that you can check the video and change the composition during the flight.

I am not sure you understand the real issue. The drone has to compile a true 4K video on the SD card and at the same time, it also has to save a low resolution copy of the same video file and transmit another low resolution video file back to the phone/tablet. That is a large amount of processing that has to be done. The resources of the drone would be put to better use by concentrating on the 4K video file and just not have the added burden of also saving a low resolution copy as well on the SD card.
I will start a poll to find out if anyone uses the low resolution video file on the SD card because.
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Three days and no answer?    ....

Look at your app settings and check these:
The top one creates the small cache video that''s pretty well useless and just takes up space
The lower one ... well it tells you what it does
App settings.jpg
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United States

Labroides Posted at 2017-11-28 23:38
Three days and no answer?    ....

Look at your app settings and check these:

gotcha. Im familiar with the Cached videos, so in the memory card the DCIM 100 folder with 720p videos, is the same videos that show in my phones gallery as DJI Record. So if i turn off the cache, it wont store both files if i understand correctly.

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Jenee 2
First Officer
Flight distance : 7852129 ft

nmaffei34 Posted at 2017-11-30 15:39
gotcha. Im familiar with the Cached videos, so in the memory card the DCIM 100 folder with 720p videos, is the same videos that show in my phones gallery as DJI Record. So if i turn off the cache, it wont store both files if i understand correctly.

No, you have been misled. No matter what you do, the 720p video will be saved to the drone sd card. And this is in addition to the cached version on the phone/tablet.
The picture shown above by Labroides is from Android and refers to the cache in the phone/tablet and if you have an sd card in your android phone/tablet it can cache to that as well. As ios devices do not have internal sd cards, the option is not shown in the DJI GO 4 app on an ios device.
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DJI Susan

Jenee 2 Posted at 2017-11-28 22:17
I am not sure you understand the real issue. The drone has to compile a true 4K video on the SD card and at the same time, it also has to save a low resolution copy of the same video file and transmit another low resolution video file back to the phone/tablet. That is a large amount of processing that has to be done. The resources of the drone would be put to better use by concentrating on the 4K video file and just not have the added burden of also saving a low resolution copy as well on the SD card.
I will start a poll to find out if anyone uses the low resolution video file on the SD card because.

Jenee, I have double checked with our engineers, confirm that we are in the same page. The another file in SD card is saved for playback.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1158258 ft
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Labroides Posted at 2017-11-28 23:38
Three days and no answer?    ....

Look at your app settings and check these:

Dear Labroides,

I assume the screenshot is of a DJI GO4  for P4P.Please confirm.

I have a P4P+ and mine is different.

Once more the + is a minus for DJI...
I complained before the SD card and slot on the P4P+ is useless and the internal memory for the cache video recording is ridiculously small (16Gb for the whole system).
The owners of P4P+  can not choose to "Cache to SD card" !!!...
When DJI Susan told me a couple of months ago "they were working on it" (!!!), I didn't know that we, the owners of the +, were in a grievance as respect to the P4P without built in screen...


Do you hear DJI ????

Shame! Shame! Shame!
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Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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15matjan Posted at 2017-12-4 09:38
Dear Labroides,

I assume the screenshot is of a DJI GO4  for P4P.Please confirm.

My screenshot was from App version 4.1.15 on a P4 pro.
The P4 pro+ is running an older version of the app.
I don't know if this "feature" was always there in earlier versions or if it's a new thing.
I wouldn't get too excited about the video cache.
I have it turned off because I can't see how it would be of any use anyway.
The real video is recorded on the camera's SD card.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1158258 ft
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Labroides Posted at 2017-12-4 18:32
My screenshot was from App version 4.1.15 on a P4 pro.
The P4 pro+ is running an older version of the app.
I don't know if this "feature" was always there in earlier versions or if it's a new thing.

Thanks for the info.
The use of the feature is, at least, to avoid the annoing message "Video chace has stopped..." during the flight.
The available memory of the RC of P4P+ is ridiculously small and one constantly has to erase previous video caches, especially when you have downloaded one or two offline maps.
Which is another design failure of this model, that one can not download the offline maps on the SD card of the RC...
Fact is that is impossible to dowload all the maps +12Gb on a total shared memory of 16 Gb...
And again one has to erase and erase again...
The video cache could be useful when you do not have a PC at hand, when travelling until reaching home.
But again, hope to serve for potential customers : PAYING MORE IS GETTING LESS for DJI...
DJI CARES ONLY about new models: Spark and Mavic. If one looks at the last 6 release notes for system or app updates, there is none with improvements for P4P or P4P+ !!!! NONE.
There are two conclusions: DJI does not care about P4P family, their engineers are not "working on that" and, again, rather buy cheaper models and you'll get a better update & customer service
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1158258 ft
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Update to my issue:
First of all, sorry to the topic poster, I have no intention to "hijack" the topic. If required, I'll move my issue to a new topic, just let me know.
Well, I updated the DJIGO4 app from v4.1.6 (7-dpad) to v4.1.15 (19-dpad) and I have the same options  as before for videocaching. Still no option for video cache on a SD card and now it seems I have the same version as you have Labroides.

DJI, please can explain ???
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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15matjan Posted at 2017-12-4 23:52
Thanks for the info.
The use of the feature is, at least, to avoid the annoing message "Video chace has stopped..." during the flight.
The available memory of the RC of P4P+ is ridiculously small and one constantly has to erase previous video caches, especially when you have downloaded one or two offline maps.

DJI CARES ONLY about new models: Spark and Mavic. If one looks at the last 6 release notes for system or app updates, there is none with improvements for P4P or P4P+ !!!! NONE.
The number of firmware updates has no bearing on whether DJI cares about a model or not.
How many of those updates had any features that are at all important?
The Phantom series has been around a lot longer than the Mavic and Spark so the bugs have been ironed out and there isn't much to add.
Rather than improvements all I've seen added to the P4 pro software in almost a year is unnecessary bloat.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1133038 ft

Labroides Posted at 2017-12-5 07:19
DJI CARES ONLY about new models: Spark and Mavic. If one looks at the last 6 release notes for system or app updates, there is none with improvements for P4P or P4P+ !!!! NONE.
The number of firmware updates has no bearing on whether DJI cares about a model or not.
How many of those updates had any features that are at all important?

"How many of those updates had any features that are at all important?"
Well the last one from June was very important as it caused a lot of problems for a heck lot of customers and at the same time the possibility for downgrade to a working version was removed.

"The Phantom series has been around a lot longer than the Mavic and Spark so the bugs have been ironed out and there isn't much to add."
No the list of bugs is just growing and growing with each release of the App and for 7 months no new FW for the AC.

I can believe it is hard to image how frustrating this is for the ones with no issues but all the rest of us can do nothing than to watch our warranty expire.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1158258 ft
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Labroides Posted at 2017-12-5 07:19
DJI CARES ONLY about new models: Spark and Mavic. If one looks at the last 6 release notes for system or app updates, there is none with improvements for P4P or P4P+ !!!! NONE.
The number of firmware updates has no bearing on whether DJI cares about a model or not.
How many of those updates had any features that are at all important?

I think is time DJI explain why owners of P4P+ are receiving less than owners of P4P in therms of sofware and hardware.

In my previous postings on this topic I described some of those grieving aspects.

The only way to get a fix from DJI is informing potential P4P+ buyers that + is only paying extra money. They'd get less...
Dear DJI you can count with my help on that...
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1133038 ft

15matjan Posted at 2017-12-5 13:15
I think is time DJI explain why owners of P4P+ are receiving less than owners of P4P in therms of sofware and hardware.

In my previous postings on this topic I described some of those grieving aspects.

Very clear to see here that the Phantom family is the bottom of the support chain and i feel that the expensive + models is the bottom of the Phantom family.
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Jenee 2
First Officer
Flight distance : 7852129 ft

Labroides Posted at 2017-12-5 07:19
DJI CARES ONLY about new models: Spark and Mavic. If one looks at the last 6 release notes for system or app updates, there is none with improvements for P4P or P4P+ !!!! NONE.
The number of firmware updates has no bearing on whether DJI cares about a model or not.
How many of those updates had any features that are at all important?

Really have to disagree with you Labroides. You may be lucky with your Phantoms but there are many of us running on a beta version to fix the gimbal issues. Either there is a bunch of faulty gimbals or the software is flawed somewhere. The beta version has fixed my grinding gimbal but it still has a habit of just going limp for no reason. And I may as well go make a cup of coffee if I dare to change from NTSC to Pal or vice versa as the gimbal just gives up all together as it grinds, travels from side to side, gives a gimbal overload message and then just hangs limp.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 144403 ft

Cetacean Posted at 2017-11-26 23:34
Aloha Jenee,

     That may be the case much of the time.  But, is it the case all of the time?  DJI would design for the option provided with the app regardless of a duplicate available in a device.  Do all devices provide that copy?

Aloha Cetacean, these are the files I have talked about a few times in the past. They are the same that can be saved in the device if caching is turned on. Surely they are useless for "professional" users, but quite useful, I must say, to me, as I can't edit the HD ƒiles in my computer and anyway prefer to have the cache turned off.  I don't know how much energy is drawn from the battery while saving these files to the SD card, but I don't think it would be much, compared to the energy drawn by the motors...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 144403 ft

Jenee 2 Posted at 2017-11-28 22:17
I am not sure you understand the real issue. The drone has to compile a true 4K video on the SD card and at the same time, it also has to save a low resolution copy of the same video file and transmit another low resolution video file back to the phone/tablet. That is a large amount of processing that has to be done. The resources of the drone would be put to better use by concentrating on the 4K video file and just not have the added burden of also saving a low resolution copy as well on the SD card.
I will start a poll to find out if anyone uses the low resolution video file on the SD card because.

I for one do use them.
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Antonio76 Posted at 2017-12-6 02:56
Aloha Cetacean, these are the files I have talked about a few times in the past. They are the same that can be saved in the device if caching is turned on. Surely they are useless for "professional" users, but quite useful, I must say, to me, as I can't edit the HD ƒiles in my computer and anyway prefer to have the cache turned off.  I don't know how much energy is drawn from the battery while saving these files to the SD card, but I don't think it would be much, compared to the energy drawn by the motors...

Aloha Antonio,

     Your point is well taken.  DJI designs for the larger pool of likely users and allows specific users to disable options as needed.  So you are taking advantage of what DJI offers, which is good.

     BTW, have you tried editing by "Proxy"?  This is where the editing software converts your 4K or 2K clip to 720p for editing, but when the time comes to render the final video, it edits the original 4K or 2K video.  This 4K or 2K video should be a copy, but you have to make sure that it is a copy.  (Usually the editiing software creates its own copy to edit but that is not always the case.)

Aloha and Drone On!
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