dji crystalsky ultra goes black!!
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3585 49 2018-4-4
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I just got a new dji crystalsky ultra today.. On my first flight it want black after about 4 mins..  I can still hear the sound but no screen
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Flight distance : 403488 ft

Sorry to hear about this!
Damn, another one bites the dust.
Something definitely has to be done to rectify the problems with these Ultra Brights.
People are paying top dollar for these things.
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Flight distance : 706539 ft
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is this a issue with the Ultra Brights?
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First Officer
United States

Sorry to hear you have joined the crowd of not so happy, CrystalSky Ultra-bright owners.
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Flight distance : 706539 ft
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how is the high-bright ones
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First Officer
United States

PilotSmith Posted at 2018-4-4 17:26
is this a issue with the Ultra Brights?

The search feature here does not work well.

Do a Google search on - Crystalsky screen failures OR problems OR blank OR black
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First Officer
United States

PilotSmith Posted at 2018-4-4 18:36
how is the high-bright ones

From what I have read by others, the smaller high brightness works okay.
Best to get some input from actual owners.
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Flight distance : 403488 ft

HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2018-4-4 18:39
The search feature here does not work well.

Do a Google search on - Crystalsky screen failures OR problems OR blank OR black

Still did not open mine but tried something else.
I opened a service request and asked to trade my (unopened) ultra bright for a high brightness.
Trying to avoid a problem before it happens. I bought it from the DJI store, so I took a screenshot of the transaction as proof. Hopefully they will approve a swap.

I'll try and keep you updated.
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Flight distance : 403488 ft

PilotSmith Posted at 2018-4-4 18:36
how is the high-bright ones

Seems to be no problems with the high brightness.
I have a brand new ultra bright (never opened) and about a month and a half old. I just opened a service request asking to trade this for a high brightness.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 619790 ft
United States

I just received my CS high brightness less than a week ago.  To me, its plenty bright.  Please keep in mind that I have limited time on it, but so far I like it.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4465 ft
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My CS UB is still working after 5 mths, but I'm expecting it to die at any time
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Flight distance : 403488 ft

lannes Posted at 2018-4-5 02:57
My CS UB is still working after 5 mths, but I'm expecting it to die at any time

Certainly great to hear that you got a good one !!!

Why do you think it might die since you have had good luck with it so far?
Maybe they have secret software in there that makes it self destruct at 12 months and 1 day after purchase   
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4465 ft
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Rickyber Posted at 2018-4-5 07:58
Certainly great to hear that you got a good one !!!

Why do you think it might die since you have had good luck with it so far?

DJI has not solved the heat problem and the circuit board reflow issue is cummlative, you use the CS UB on full brightness it heats up and any solder reflow fault is exacerbated, the next time you use it,  this point of failure is reinforced eventually the circuit is cracked/ damaged and the blacklight fails.
It's just a poor QC, they never did enough field testing in real flying conditions in real user scenario's, you'll notice that it's not available on the website anymore, it's showing as out of stock as DJI cannot fix the design. Maybe DJI did not require IPC standard 3 for the assembly of the  CS UB

The high brightness on the other hand you can leave it on for hours running through multiple batteries at full brightness with all DJI Go 4 functions turned on  and it doesn't miss a beat
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First Officer
United States

lannes Posted at 2018-4-5 12:17
DJI has not solved the heat problem and the circuit board reflow is cummlative, you use the CS UB on full brightness it heats up and  the solder reflow happens, the next time you use it,  the more reflow and eventually the circuit is broken as the solder has melted and the blacklight fails.
It's just a poor design, that never did any field testing in real flying conditions in real user scenario's, you'll notice that it's not available on the website anymore, it's showing as out of stock as DJI cannot fix the design.

They must be using some real low-temp solder for heat of CS-Ub backlight to cause solder to melt enough to reflow on circuit board.  

According to Wiki, reflow occurs around a temperature of 217C (423F).  

Low-temperature solder we worked with on circuit boards melted around 450F.  Leaving me to wonder what temperature their solder melts at?
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Flight distance : 403488 ft

lannes Posted at 2018-4-5 12:17
DJI has not solved the heat problem and the circuit board reflow is cummlative, you use the CS UB on full brightness it heats up and  the solder reflow happens, the next time you use it,  the more reflow and eventually the circuit is broken as the solder has melted and the blacklight fails.
It's just a poor design, that never did any field testing in real flying conditions in real user scenario's, you'll notice that it's not available on the website anymore, it's showing as out of stock as DJI cannot fix the design.

Thanks for the explanation and with that going on, I can see more going wrong on the circuit board too if it becomes polluted with the solder.
You think they could come up with a fix with some type of insulating adhesive or coating that could withstand the heat and encapsulate the problem area.

I have a 7.85 Ultra-Bright that I purchased around the second week of February. I have yet to open it and it is still factory sealed. The reason being, I became real paranoid after receiving it then reading these horror

So, yesterday, I opened a case and asked if I could send it back to exchange for a high brightness. Today, I got an email back saying I could not have a refund due to the 14 day grace period having passed. So, I had to reply and say I did not want a refund but to exchange for a standard unit. I also asked if they could not do anything for me, to pass it on to a supervisor who may look into this further for me and stated about the numerous failures being received by DJI repair.

But, if they insist that I keep this one and go through the channels if it fails, they will not get it back. I will take it to one of these electronic repair places that works on cell phones, computers, etc. In fact, here is a gentleman who is also an expert dji repair person who could probably diagnose and repair the problem properly.

It would probably be worth paying out of pocket instead of going through the stress and anxiety of the repair gauntlet.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4465 ft
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HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2018-4-5 18:34
They must be using some real low-temp solder for heat of CS-Ub backlight to cause solder to melt enough to reflow on circuit board.  

According to Wiki, reflow occurs around a temperature of 217C (423F).  

It's more the quality of the reflow process on the CB's
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


Hi Smith, I'm sorry to hear about the issue that you are experiencing. Have you tried to restart the Crystalsky and check if it is ok? If there is any further issue, please feel free to let us know, we'll look into it. Thanks!
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Flight distance : 706539 ft
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DJI Diana Posted at 2018-4-6 00:56
Hi Smith, I'm sorry to hear about the issue that you are experiencing. Have you tried to restart the Crystalsky and check if it is ok? If there is any further issue, please feel free to let us know, we'll look into it. Thanks!

How do you reset it without having a screen?
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Flight distance : 403488 ft

DJI Diana Posted at 2018-4-6 00:56
Hi Smith, I'm sorry to hear about the issue that you are experiencing. Have you tried to restart the Crystalsky and check if it is ok? If there is any further issue, please feel free to let us know, we'll look into it. Thanks!


Can you check into this case for me: 1069416

To see if a trade request is an option for me? I only got one response, then I sent a reply, and no answer sent back.

It would be much appreciated and thanks !!
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Flight distance : 403488 ft

PilotSmith Posted at 2018-4-6 06:23
How do you reset it without having a screen?

You have to sit in the lotus position, enter into an altered state of mind and will it to reset.
See the Crystal Sky, Be the Crystal  
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First Officer
United States

lannes Posted at 2018-4-5 23:21
It's more the quality of the reflow process on the CB's

I would like to see some pictures of failed solder joints on CS-Ub CBs.  ???
I have never seen any bath type solder joints fail.  I have seen a few foil runs on CBs fail.

The biggest issue we ran into with repairing solder bath CBs was replacing failed chips.  Usually bad memory chips.  Getting chips un-solder from board was not easy because there was no room under chips stubby-leads, and solder loved to hide behind stubby-leads.  Followed by chips being spot glued on to circuit boards.  Getting chips broke loose was a matter of heat, and careful twist coupled to gentle pull.
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First Officer
United States

Rickyber Posted at 2018-4-6 06:50
You have to sit in the lotus position, enter into an altered state of mind and will it to reset.
See the Crystal Sky, Be the Crystal

That explains it.  When my original CS-Ub was freezing and crashing, I was doing vrksasana (tree) pose.
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First Officer
United States

Rickyber Posted at 2018-4-5 19:45
Thanks for the explanation and with that going on, I can see more going wrong on the circuit board too if it becomes polluted with the solder.
You think they could come up with a fix with some type of insulating adhesive or coating that could withstand the heat and encapsulate the problem area.

You think they could come up with a fix with some type of insulating adhesive or coating  

Need to see a couple of failed CBs.  But I am guessing the circuit boards are failing due to repeated heating up and cooling down.  Stress of expansion and contraction is breaking weak solder joints or possible tearing foil runs.  
If CBs are multi-layer boards, then warping due to heating and cooling down comes into play.  Multi-Layer boards we worked with had foil runs going X-direction, insulator, Y-direction, insulator, -Vss#1, insulator, -Vss#2, insulator, ground plane.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4465 ft
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HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2018-4-6 07:59
You think they could come up with a fix with some type of insulating adhesive or coating  

Need to see a couple of failed CBs.  But I am guessing the circuit boards are failing due to repeated heating up and cooling down.  Stress of expansion and contraction is breaking weak solder joints or possible tearing foil runs.  

thanks for the explanation, what could be cause of failure a few minutes after turning on.
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First Officer
United States

lannes Posted at 2018-4-6 10:07
thanks for the explanation, what could be cause of failure a few minutes after turning on.

Possibly shaking and/or temperature changes during shipment?  Another possibility, insufficient testing after manufacturing (aka burn-in time).

In old days we would sometimes see equipment fail within first 24-hours of being powered up.  It was attributed to vibrations during shipment, temperature changes during shipment, or thermal shock of being powered on.  Components going from room temperature to operating temperature.  

In those old days, we would sweat after a long power outage.  Cause we knew it meant possibility of a failure somewhere in computer system.  The physically massive disk drives were notorious for crashing after long outages, and had to be pampered on power up.  Clean up, rebuilding, and calibration of a crashed drive was a royal pain.
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Flight distance : 403488 ft

HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2018-4-6 11:08
Possibly shaking and/or temperature changes during shipment?  Another possibility, insufficient testing after manufacturing (aka burn-in time).

In old days we would sometimes see equipment fail within first 24-hours of being powered up.  It was attributed to vibrations during shipment, temperature changes during shipment, or thermal shock of being powered on.  Components going from room temperature to operating temperature.  

Thanks so much for all of the insight into this  !!!!

I got my second reply back stating almost the same as the first about not being able to swap my unopened ultra bright for a high bright. I sent back another persistent reply asking them to pass it on the a supervisor for consideration. So, I will wait for another reply and if no success, will give up.

Then, I will look like the wicked witch of the west, when touching the red slippers, opening this package up for

Is there anything I can really do at the start to help in the burn in process. Like powering it up and letting it sit for a certain amount of time before doing anything with it? It has been sitting in the same place now for over a month.
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First Officer
United States

Rickyber Posted at 2018-4-6 18:55
Thanks so much for all of the insight into this  !!!!

I got my second reply back stating almost the same as the first about not being able to swap my unopened ultra bright for a high bright. I sent back another persistent reply asking them to pass it on the a supervisor for consideration. So, I will wait for another reply and if no success, will give up.

Like powering it up and letting it sit for a certain amount of time before doing anything with it?  

Sort of, see below.  As for other things, Not really.  
We did somethings during that time, but what we did was company blessed steps.  Actually had a book with check off sheets.  Understand these were Bleeding Edge, very expensive computer systems.  

What might be of interest to you is following two posts by me.
Questions on Brand new CS and Updated CS   and   post #28 of  New CrystalSky - failed on first flight using CS with GO4 #28

Quick highlight.
Looks like it is normal for CrystalSkys to initially be slow or sluggish and for very top of CrystalSky's Touch screen to fail to respond to Touch.
   (Why can't DJI warn customers?  Why can't DJI resolve these problems?)
Once you get through the first startup Registration / Agreement procedure things should start to improve.

Two things that seemed to help with CrystalSky slowness and failure to respond to Touch.
1) Have CrystalSky do a Firmware / OS update via its System menu.  After it is updated, power CS down.  Pull the battery.  Wait a while.  Put new battery in.  Power it up.
   (Why is a replacment new CrystalSky coming from DJI service with outdated Firmware / OS?)

2) Leave the CrystalSky running for several hours.

After that, you will need to get GO Pilot / GO 4 apps updated.  Which will likely mean several downloads.  

Best of Luck!  
PS: I think you will need following during the process.  If you are over 21, a 12-pack is mandatory.

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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


PilotSmith Posted at 2018-4-6 06:23
How do you reset it without having a screen?

Hi, sorry for the inconvenience. Can the Crystalsky be power on again? If still no good luck, then you are recommended to contact our support to start a case number and send it in for diagnosis: Thanks!
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Flight distance : 403488 ft

HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2018-4-6 20:03
Like powering it up and letting it sit for a certain amount of time before doing anything with it?  

Sort of, see below.  As for other things, Not really.  

Thanks again for all of the information.
It is very much appreciated.

Well, I got my third reply back with what I thought it would be. They will not accept a trade for a high brightness because it does not go along with their protocol and procedures.
Certainly a great insurance policy for them because I don't think they want any parts of this ultra bright due to it's awful track
It will be interesting though to see what will happen with the many units being sent back for repair, over and over again. I am wondering if the constant repairing and sending back relieves them from responsibility if it exceeds the 12 month warranty period.

What a really bad scenario for all involved going through this to purchase a highly touted product and not have the use of it, and possibly losing their money.

Thanks again for your much appreciated help and will update as to the much feared initiation of my
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First Officer
United States

Rickyber Posted at 2018-4-7 09:29
Thanks again for all of the information.
It is very much appreciated.

What a really bad scenario for all involved going through this to purchase a highly touted product

I am hoping that DJI will make some sort of amends with those who bought CrystalSkys and had problems with CrystalSkys.
DJI CrystalSky is sold under Professional line, as Professional accessory, and it does carry a Professional price tag.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 4465 ft
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Rickyber Posted at 2018-4-7 09:29
Thanks again for all of the information.
It is very much appreciated.

Everytime you get a repaired or replacement CS UB doesn't the 12mth warranty period start again from zero.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4465 ft
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HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2018-4-7 10:10
What a really bad scenario for all involved going through this to purchase a highly touted product

I am hoping that DJI will make some sort of amends with those who bought CrystalSkys and had problems with CrystalSkys.

I'd say the best outcome, would be for DJI to discontinue the product, so that future customers are not subject to the same problems we have faced.  Chinese companies don't actually give a damn about their customers, it's not ingrained culturally, all their worried  about is profit. Their view is that if they loose you as customer, they'll pick up a another chump on the way.
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Flight distance : 403488 ft

lannes Posted at 2018-4-7 12:02
I'd say the best outcome, would be for DJI to discontinue the product, so that future customers are not subject to the same problems we have faced.  Chinese companies don't actually give a damn about their customers, it's not ingrained culturally, all their worried  about is profit. Their view is that if they loose you as customer, they'll pick up a another chump on the way.

I agree with your opinion 100%
Also, they have the option of being arrogant in these situations since they are the top dogs in drones and do not have to worry about  too much competition.

Really bad customer service approach though. You know eventually, it might come back and bite them in the butt. A lot of teeth marks from rabid  
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Flight distance : 403488 ft

HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2018-4-7 10:10
What a really bad scenario for all involved going through this to purchase a highly touted product

I am hoping that DJI will make some sort of amends with those who bought CrystalSkys and had problems with CrystalSkys.

You are absolutely right !!!
It certainly was not buying an extra battery or something like that. I'm sure a lot of people saved for a good while to purchase this accessory. Only to have it become a major lemon.

They really need to rectify the situation and make amends to all involved.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4465 ft
  • >>>

My CS UB is officially dying after 5 mths, the screen is flickering, so the backlight will fail soon.

It looks there are no CS UB production runs that are working, the heat issue must be cumulative.

This problem was triggered by running the Amazon version of Litchi on it, which made it very hot in 2 minutes.

I would not be running the Amazon Litchi on any Crystalsky if you can avoid it

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Flight distance : 403488 ft

Thanks for the advice.
Luckily, I have not advanced to the point of trying Litchi.
If I do ever, in the future I will definitely use a tablet instead.

Advice is much appreciated and should be headed by all.
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First Officer
United States

lannes Posted at 2018-4-9 02:59
My CS UB is officially dying after 5 mths, the screen is flickering, so the backlight will fail soon.

It looks there are no CS UB production runs that are working, the heat issue must be cumulative.

This problem was triggered by running the Amazon version of Litchi on it, which made it very hot in 2 minutes.

Thank you for posting this warning.
After all good things people have said about Litchi, I had thought about giving it a try on my CrystalSky.
Looks like Litchi is out as an option on CrystalSky.  
Which is so wierd being it runs on Android OS, and many people fly with Smartdevices running Android.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 4465 ft
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HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2018-4-9 07:58
This problem was triggered by running the Amazon version of Litchi on it, which made it very hot in 2 minutes.  

Thank you for posting this warning.

I'm not sure if it was a coincidence , but this was what  I was doing before the screen started to fail.
It surprised me with my CS UB getting so hot so quickly as DJI Go 4 ver 4.2.6 runs relatively cool even with full brightness on.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4465 ft
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Really strange phenomena, after having the unusable flicker problem  and screen backlight uneveness , which a factory reset on the day could not fix.

I decide to run the the CS UB today to the point of backlight failure so I could return it for a refund, but strangely when I turned it on from a cold start, the flickering is all gone and the panel is back to normal and evenly lit across the screen. I ran it flying with the P4P for 1 hr on full brightness and sound and there was surprisingly no problems at all, it is again functioning according to spec. High temp reached was on the panel at 40c and around the ports at 38c, the fan did not come on at all.

This is a bit perplexing given the amount of flickering and uneven backlight issues a few days ago.
The only difference now is the factory reset has removed the Amazon app store and the Litchi app associated with it.The only thing I can see is that Amazon Litchi caused it overheat very quickly and that the issues were related to the CS UB being too hot at the time, which disappered when it really cooled down.
I am now stuck with a potentially failing CS UB, that is running normally when I use DJI Go 4 4.2.6, this will be hard to explain to support.

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Flight distance : 17041 ft
Sri Lanka

My brand new new dji crystalsky ultra got hot and blacked out on 1st flight after 3 min and 41 seconds .... !!!!
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