Flight distance : 1367920 ft
United States
I could not agree more with your sentiment, Sandro. I am wondering why the XT2 is not supported and I cannot figure out a good reason why. Each rendition of GSPro is also different in how it reacts to the XT2. Last week I did a test flight just like you laid out --
1. Use a crystal sky to set image settings (emissivity, radiance, R-Jpeg, gain, etc.) in DJI Pilot app with XT2 and two 32 GB Class 10 U3 cards (cards that came with the camera)
2. Remove crystal sky
3. Install Ipad on Cendence and start up GS Pro
4. All settings from the DJI Pilot App and crystal sky combo remain in the GS Pro app
5. Plan/load mission in GS Pro using XT settings (not XT2, as it's not an option). In our case, 13mm.
6. Fly mission
7. R-JPG Thermal images and JPG RGB images taken every 2 seconds (with gaps / missed camera triggers of course, because that's what DJI GS Pro does EVERY time)
8. Number of images taken does not show in the flight path screen. Always shows "0" in the bottom left of the mission/flight path screen by the waypoints information.
9. Number of images on the SD card continuously counts down after each image is taken in the air when viewing the camera window. Information displayed near the camera settings on top of screen.
10. 32 GB card allows roughly 13000 images to be taken and the countdown starts from there.
11. Land the drone and JPG and R-JPG images are stored on SD Card in the 2nd Slot of the XT2 camera
After successfully completing a test flight by capturing the thermal and RGB images at the same time using this method, one would think you could bring that knowledge to another scenario, such as work. The thing I like to do to pay for this high priced, supposedly integrated, supposedly supported camera and drone. However, that's not the case.
After bringing it to the work site, I duplicated the exact same scenario, but now am greeted with something I cannot get rid of with the same drone, crystal sky, XT2, SD cards, Ipad and GS Pro. Now, when getting to step #4 from above, we are unable to move forward because the camera settings of the XT2 are no longer recognized.
As you can see in the picture, there are no settings shown for the XT2 at all and the SD card shows a capacity of 1 picture. I know the SD card has about 30 GB of storage left, because the SD card is the same one I used last week! That data set was still on the SD card!
So, maybe I thought the cards needed to be formatted. So I did that in the GSPro App. Didn't do anything. I did it in the DJI Pilot App on the crystal sky. Didn't change anything either. Still always reading "1" in photo mode.
When I press the camera trigger on the remote, I can take as many pictures as I want, but the number never changes. It's always just "1". With this unrecognized camera and faulty settings, GS Pro will not let you take off, because there is "not enough room" on the SD card to take the pictures for the mission.
When I switch over to video mode, an accurate minute and second count of available space is provided in the camera settings pane. Take a look at this:
I can record video until my heart's content and the countdown reacts, although camera settings still do not show and cannot be changed.
So, then I'm curious, so I start up the ipad XT Pro app, to see what settings show up there. Turns out the SD card is recognized in that app and shows that the card has room to take 4,808 pictures. Settings can also be changed here for the XT2 camera. Here's a pic of that:
All of these things baffle my mind. I hit my head against the wall for an hour trying everything under the sun. Then I switched to my back up ipad with GS Pro and the camera was magically recognized there and I was able to plan a mission and fly it using the XT settings as described in the method at the top of this post. I hate even writing about it, because I feel it's not going to work the next time I open the app. Why are two exact programs on two exact ipads using exactly the same equipment behaving so differently? Is one GS Pro more updated? Yes, the one that doesn't work is the most recent "update".
Hey, DJI. Can you please help? Your customers that fork over $20,000+ for cameras and equipment would like some support and some transparency. If you know it's not going to work, just tell us! If there's a combination of the best hardware and software to get the best results, tell us! If a firmware update makes something unusable, give us the option to roll it back! Give us the tools. We want to know how to best use this admittedly amazing, but ridiculously gimped equipment. Let us make a thermal map with our official DJI thermal camera!
Pretty please?
XT2 XT Pro Picture Settings
XT2 SD Video Settings
XT2 SD Picture settings