Flight distance : 191896 ft
This is Lagoon amusement park, northern Utah. First of all, there were no people under me, it was just concrete and asphalt, that's why I chose that position. I did NOT launch or land within the amusement park property.
So now, before I go public with this, I want to get my ducks in a row, or basically cover myself from any problems. Aside from flying over populated areas, it seems like a grey area of uncertainty when flying over private property. In the U.S., it's legal, but not always a good idea. If the drone fails, it lands on private property and can be a headache to retrieve sometimes. And then if it's harrassing people, it's a bad idea, and in general it's a bad idea to draw attention to it.
So aside from all of that, the flight went well and I think I got some great shots. Now I want to go public with them, but I want to make sure I'm covered and that the laws haven't changed since I last read through them.
(for anybody waiting to post a link with a huge amound of reading and laws to search through, thanks but no thanks, unless you can point to one specific area)
Is it still legally acceptable to launch from outside of an area, such as an amusement park, and to fly over and video? I'm not asking if it's a good idea, I'm just asking if it's still legal and if any prosecution can come from it. I'm not interested in personal opinions, I'm just looking for actual rule and law, thank you.
Here is a sample of what I shot. Check out the little kid, the only one not freaking out on the roller coaster drop.
