Flight distance : 2354357 ft
United Kingdom
Youtube Mavic Pro at 3000m no data but video is certainly convincing enough'' '' Mavic Pro 4654m with data
'' '' Mavic Pro 4080m with data, descent at 10m/s with 14% battery remaining
" " Phantom 2 at 3400m again, no data but video is convincing
" " Phantom 4 only at 1428m but had 8:30 mintues on battery left
" " Phantom 4 pro 2417m with data but no battery time showing so i would say about 8-10mins when landed, he stopped at that height as he'd just broke through the clouds, i think that was his goal to get above the clouds, he also stayed at the height sight seeing for a short while which would have drained it some
What i am saying is, its not impossible for this to have been an Obsidian, 3000m is not out of the realms of a DJI, nor is it condoned hence ive not linked to the videos, just search phantom or dji or mavic and max or record altitude. Many have been removed from YT now. i cant find the one where the guy shut down the motors on his mavic pro so that he would have enough power to get back, think that was Russia.
Found it, just search yt for DJI Mavic 5km Altitude to freefall world record