Aaron Rupp
Flight distance : 71575 ft
United States
After trying 3 different Iphone models, 4 different drones... I figured out It's the DJI GO 4 app. It won't update to mobile device home-point if the accuracy of certain phones are reporting more than 15ft inaccuracy. DJI GO 4 app won't allow to update, Stating GPS Signal too Weak to update Current mobile Position, even though your gps signal on the phone may be spot on, if the phone GPS Module doesn't report within a certain perimeters that was set by DJI in the programming of the GO 4 app, then it won't let you use your dynamic home-point. Doesn't work in Active track either when when dynamic position is set on and you go beyond the 180ft limit of aircraft take off point. The drone will stop in the air. I've reported this very issue several times dating back a year ago. All they have to do is allow the drone to update mobile home point gps location even when the newer Iphones are reporting a inaccuracy of 5 meters or more, although its not actually true. I know Iphone X works fine and the new Iphone XR, Test your phone GPS Accuracy and Download a gps accuracy app and see if your phone can come within 12ft of reported gps accuracy, if not, until DJI updates there firmware to include these perimeters, we are all out of luck. My friend has the Iphone X and it doesn't do it with his, I had the Iphone 6s, the 8plus and now I have the XS MAX and every phone I have had, has this issue, even with 4 different drones. Only way to fix, is to have another mapping app open and toggle back and forth between the Go4 app and the google map, Maps or Here Maps and let it refresh your position. Then switch back to GO4 and click on the Person Icon in the settings to update mobile position. Then home point will be updated...But it will only do it for a minute or so at a time, then you have to toggle back and forth again and again and keep refreshing your maps app to allow your position to refresh. It fucking sucks. Especially if you want your drone to follow you while your riding a bike or moving and cannot continually keep stopping and keep toggling back and forth between the apps so that your damn drone can keep following you in active track after you go beyond 180ft from last updated position. Havent tested it yet on the Follow me mode. Hope this helps, and if someone can get through to DJI, Let them know that many many many people are having issues with this. I did everthing to figure it out, almost a year now, this is the best solution. And DJI, quit asking everyone if they have there damn location turned on in the IOS settings. ITS NOT THAT! GET IT FIXED!!