Inspire 2 Go 4 App - No LUT correction for filming D-Log
1417 2 2019-7-5
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Flight distance : 55305 ft
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Hong Kong

Where is the Go 4 LUT correction for filming D-Log on the Inspire 2?
I am using the latest version of the Go 4 app in an iPad Mini running the latest iOS. Latest Inspire 2 firmware update. X5S camera.

There is no LUT switch available in the Go 4 app for viewing a corrected image while shooting in D-Log. I am familiar with this button when using the Mavic 2 Pro, the greyed out square next to the AF/MF switch that changes to colour when selected to correct the flat D-Log image to normal while filming.
Why is this button not visible /available in the Go 4 app for the Inspire 2? The work-around is to set the SD card recording H265 to Normal view and this somewhat corrects the image. The Go 4 app LUT correction is an absolutely vital feature when filming in D-Log. Another thread for this issue, started last year, was not answered by DJI.

A proper explanation would be most appreciated. I am beginning to feel the ongoing development of the Go 4 app for the Inspire 2 drone, sold as a professional product, is being neglected. Thank you.

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Second Officer
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They remove LUT correction few months ago. Don’t ask why, nobody know. Dji is amateur.

Another Drone company is working on an little pro cinema drone so DJI will eat his hat soon...
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Flight distance : 55305 ft
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Hong Kong

Seems there's a notable absence of DJI team responders to certain queries on these forums. Must be too busy managing stuff like 'What amorous moments have you caught using a DJI product?'
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