Photos not saved to card
7584 10 2019-7-18
Uploading and Loding Picture ...(0/1)
Flight distance : 8330 ft
United States

Flying a Mavic 2 Pro with Smart Controller. On my last 2 flights, the pictures were not saved to either the card on the drone or the card in the Smart Controller. I have gone through the menus looking for an incorrect setting. I am missing something. Does anyone have an idea on which setting I should be focusing on? Thanks!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1235591 ft

The sd card on the smart controller doesn't hold any pictures that are taken.
However on the drone you have to set to set the storage location to the sd card. Standard location is the internal memory of the drone.
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Flight distance : 8330 ft
United States

JohnDG Posted at 7-18 08:52
The sd card on the smart controller doesn't hold any pictures that are taken.
However on the drone you have to set to set the storage location to the sd card. Standard location is the internal memory of the drone.

Thank you. Thought internal memory might be memory inside the smart controller. I'll check out that setting.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1235591 ft

ovc050 Posted at 7-18 09:43
Thank you. Thought internal memory might be memory inside the smart controller. I'll check out that setting.

The Mavic 2 series has 16GB storage memory inside the drone, not on the controller. Of course the smart controller has memory for applications and to store low resolution video it received thru ocusync.
You have to look into the recording location settings of the drone on either the smart controller or the standard controller.
No high resolution video or photos on the smart controller.
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DJI Tony

Hi, we're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try to change the Storage Location using the DJI GO 4 app then check if there will be changes. You may refer to the screenshot below. Thank you for your support.

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Chase Brothers
United States

JohnDG Posted at 2019-7-18 08:52
The sd card on the smart controller doesn't hold any pictures that are taken.
However on the drone you have to set to set the storage location to the sd card. Standard location is the internal memory of the drone.

I am having same problem. I just got my new Mavic 2 Pro w smart controller and no matter which settings I toggle on or off, I can't get any images to save to my SD card in the drone. Also, I can't delete the images in the cache. What the heck am I doing wrong? Need to figure it out so I can go use it.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1235591 ft

Chase Brothers Posted at 12-8 18:18
I am having same problem. I just got my new Mavic 2 Pro w smart controller and no matter which settings I toggle on or off, I can't get any images to save to my SD card in the drone. Also, I can't delete the images in the cache. What the heck am I doing wrong? Need to figure it out so I can go use it.

did you format the SD card in your drone ?
The pictures should go to your memory card in the drone in the first place. No way to disable that, unless your drone has problems with the SD card. For that reason, the formating should be done when the SD card is in your drone and you can select "format" from the menu in the SC.

For clearing the cashing, there's also an option on the menu of the SC.
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I have the Smart Controller (SC) and a Mavic 2 Zoom.

I'm  trying to save the pictures taken in flight with the drone into the SD  card of the drone AND also in the same time into the SD card of the  Smart Controller (SC), is this possible? Or just directly to the Smart  Controller (SC) SD Card.

I tried to follow the steps explained in the Smart Controller (SC) User Manual (DJI Smart Controller User Manual V1) but never success whereas the option « Auto Sync HD Photos » and « Download footage to external SD card » are enable.

The Smart Controller (SC) User Manual (DJI Smart Controller User Manual V1) says that:


Changing Storage Locations for Images and Videos

After  linking, you can use DJI GO 4 to select to store images and videos on  the aircraft. Users can also use DJI GO 4 to select to store images and  videos to the Smart Controller or on the microSD card in the Smart  Controller.

Auto Sync HD Photos:
Power on  the remote controller and the aircraft, and make sure they are linked.  Run DJI GO 4, and enter the camera view. Tap > and enable “Auto Sync  HD Photos”. All images will be stored in high resolution to the microSD  card in the remote controller at the same when the microSD card in the  aircraft stores the images.

Store to Smart Controller:
Power on the remote controller and the aircraft, and make sure they are linked. Run DJI GO 4, and enter camera view. Tap > :
To cache images and videos to the remote controller, enable “Cache Locally When Recording”.
To store images and videos to the microSD card in the remote controller, enable “Download Footage to External SD Card”.
When  “Download Footage to External SD Card” is enabled, all the selected  images will be downloaded to the remote controller's microSD card when  downloading the images to the remote controller in playback.
The “Cache Locally When Recording” and “Download Footage to External SD Card” are disabled by default.
To enable “Download Footage to External SD Card”, make sure a microSD card is inserted into the remote controller.

There is always nothing in the folder "Storage/external_sd/DJI/dji.go.v4/DJI Album".

Why isn’t it working?
What  is the exact way to save the pictures taken with the drone in the same  time into the Smart Controller (SC) SD Card, or at least  just directly  to the Smart Controller (SC) SD Card?
Or is it impossible?

Capture d’écran 2024-06-28 à 13.43.51.png
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Nociferyon Posted at 6-28 04:05

I have the Smart Controller (SC) and a Mavic 2 Zoom.

Answer of DJI online support is: "So while flying it is not possible  to save pictures on the SC. For this you will need to download the  pictures from the drone to the SC".
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Another member of DJI support staff is telling me it's possible and tried to make it working but never managed...
He has opened a ticket and will try on his side with a Mavic 2 Zoom and will come back to me in more or less 1 week after having tested.
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Nociferyon Posted at 6-28 05:37
Another member of DJI support staff is telling me it's possible and tried to make it working but never managed...
He has opened a ticket and will try on his side with a Mavic 2 Zoom and will come back to me in more or less 1 week after having tested.

Only reply I got by email 3 days after is to turn ON "AutoSync HD Photos" which is something I've obviously already tried and done.
But the fact is I don't see nowhere on the SD Card of the Smart Controller (SC) where are the HD files.

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