rhoude57 - YUL
MarkusXL Posted at 10-3 15:35
Also remember to balance the gimbal
Also, during power up initialization the gimbal tests full down so that thing will go "Clunk!" on the chassis every time... Found that out with the cheap laser pointer strap-on.
All valid thinking and planning points!
For the IR blaster, the extension extends the blaster's channel. It remains to be seen what impact the extension will have on the signal spread and accuracy.
For rear ballast, I started thinking of designing a 3D-printed ballast box that will be fitted at the rear of the blaster/cannon using the existing cover panel and 4 screws.
Also, I'm not sure as to effect the grooves inside the extension will have on the gel beads. I'm afraid some of them may breakdown inside the extension and jam.
So far, I need to counterweigh the laser sight and muzzle extension.