What's your Mavic Mini footage VAULT ?
743 6 2020-5-17
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3264131 ft

Just thinking about it, because me is an id-oat and I use Seagate drives.

Now, my two Seagate whelbarrows are going to talk to each other and hopefully complete and I shoul have the copy of the Mavic Mini movies and pictures on two drives (all of the them from the beginning of time when the Big Bang happened), after which I should re-copy everything again to have at least the normal two healthy copies of every data file.

Now my bad for using carpy drives, my bad for deleting 1 copy because I needed to shuffle files around, but I am quite interested to how people are storing their media files these days. So far (after million disc copies) in the last 13 years I've restorted to USB copy on external storage as this would minimize the power requirements (USB drives can be powered off) and would safe the content even more being offloaded to these dumps that are not frequently connected to the workstation.

Basically this solution in 2007 offered a decent speed (for backup), the possibility of offsite storage (I thought about it), the inherent low power consumption (because they can be completely disconnected from power), low wear of the disk (for the same reason).

But anway... fast forward to today and I have one ailing 2TB Sagate  copying to another (external) 500GB Seagate about 130 GB of files (I have much more but I am concentrating on saving the Mavic Mini stuff) which is at 50°C and slowly descreasing because I've pointed 45 Watt desk fan directly ON IT. Now this wonderful display should go on for at least one hour (I am already in by half an hour or more).

I also deeply regret having based my system on Seagates. I've lost months of my digital life because of that. The 1st four years with my new workstation I managed to fry two ST3500830AS a year (commercially sold as Barracuda 7200.11), fortunately all replaced under warrant, still... talking about Raid 0. I was always reinstalling my backup copy of the OS and letting the controller rebuild the Raid 5 spanned across 4 drives.

And this one is the last of the Seagates, it's a 2TB unit with just 5900 rpm, a very calm storage unit, used sparingly as big media storage, residing inside my workstation case that allows every disk in it to ramain under 40°C at all times... for example while transferring now it is operating at 32°C. I told to myself, I wanna give seagate another chance... well... what's their BS MTBF ? 100,000 hours ? I am at 21,000 and I am even thinking of not wasting the my time doing a full platters scan beucase the heads are already on their last legs.... it's that bad.

I'll NEVER BUY SEAGATES ever again... I have WD external although noisy the temperature is perfect being a passive as well... it doens't stick on start up, it worked like a donkey for years carrying weekly backups of my heavily fragmented documents. Okay... enough ranting. I just hope you let me know what's your choice, and if I should go NAS or another reliable WD.

And by the way after all I am thinking of playing the cheapskate that I've always been and shove the working Seagate from the external shroud of HEAT inside the workstation case, take the 2TB 'gate and stuff it in the external shroud of hell... that's the end it deserves anyway.
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Traditional Hard Disk Drive (with rotating platters)


Sold State Drive (SSD, with NAND memory)


NAS with multiple drives


Online storage (cloud or other)


CD/DVD/BlueRay disk media

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2308091 ft
United States

A house full of Seagates (media and DVR)!!  Most are 1T with a couple 2T and 4T.  Also , a few WD's  

NOT GOING BACK TO OPTICAL!!!!  unless forced to by Covid-19!!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1063107 ft
United States

When I use to do YT more I had a small raid editing array of 2 1T WD blue drives that's been running for the last 6 years now. I have a WD black 1tb and a 1tb crucial nvme as my main drive. I have a WD blue 3tb that I keep offline as cold storage, only when necessary do I plug it in and the important data is backed up else where to the cloud and my dedicated server. I've collected just under a 100gigs of MM video, pictures are only a few gigs. A lot of what I record never makes it anywhere, mostly all for personal and if anything of interest is on the footage I put it together to share.
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Flight distance : 103091 ft
United States

I use the cloud (Lightroom).
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1264639 ft
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United States

Funny. After many failures of WD drives, I will never buy WD again. Now I use Seagate. I now rotate them so as to have at least two with everything stored. I have a bunch of movies on some also and they are mixed in 3 types of media, again rotated.

I also maintain a clone of the current desktop main drive, recloned once a month.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1396755 ft
United States

Running an (insanely fast) M.2 SSD as boot drive, a SATA SSD as a work drive, and a 4TB WD Blue for storage. Regular backups on a removable WD Passport USB drive (encrypted), with a simple robocopy script to sync the folders I care about, with one click. Had several WDs over the years, never had an issue with them. I considered a NAS at some point but decided against it: didn't want yet another device around the house, always on, and - more importantly - I really don't have a need for a shared space.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3264131 ft

A "rabid" view on the whole NAS things managed to reinstate my old idea: there's no NAS for me that can work, I need a Windows machine as a NAS using the drives I want. And anyway I've seen WD still hasn't got over their (My) Clouds, meanwhile Synology and QNAP are still overpriced. If I have to spend that much I prefer a custom build where I can decide even the fans rpms.

It took me almost 6 hours to offload around 220 GB of data (still more to come). Thinking about WD Red.
Every HDD ultimately fails but Seagate has never been a company known to build for reliability, meanwhile WD has pretty much the opposite halo. This doest't necessarily mean that your WD won't break or your Seagate is going to break, but certainly the image has been formed over decades of operation, and even if a certain model (for bad or for worse) can't change the tide, you certainly can orient yourself based on this popular wisdom.
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