 Second Officer
Flight distance : 15176119 ft
djiuser_wWngM1NLwut6 Posted at 3-6 14:23
It just happened to me (drone auto turn on), with my Mavic 2 Pro acquired one month ago.
The battery that was on the drone was an extra battery purchased with a fly more kit.
Quite scaring and absolutely unexpected behavior.
Hi, did you write to DJI as Natalia suggested 16.12.2020?
Hi there, I'm sorry to hear that, please send us an email to, provide the details and the serial numbers of your batteries, our team will check and provide further assistance. Thanks.
If so did you get a reply and what was the reply? I would be very interested to know what is happening and how to correct this. I never keep the battery in the drone, as if anything presses against the button it could turn on. But you had the drone on the desk and it turned on by itself. That is serious. |