United States
djiuser_tN9pnrvLb5LI Posted at 1-17 12:29
I had the same problem. The drone was a replacement, and the gimbal needed aligning. First I tried doing the manual align, and that worked until I tilted the drone. Then I did the auto align, and it got stuck at 20% with the Gimbal Overload message. So what I did was go back to the manual aligning, and reset both parameters to zero. I then reran the auto align and it worked fine.
I just had to perform this little trick on my Mavic 2 Pro. Noticed tilted horizon, attempted to correct inflight manually (which would unwind as soon as I tilted the gimbal up or down), and auto calibration would fail/hang at 20%. Once I zeroed out the manual calibration, auto calibration was able to complete successfully. Thanks, djiuser_tN9pnrvLb5LI! |