I put together a fast paced, short video encompassing a year of drone flights with my Mini and Mini 2. It's the new trailer for my YouTube channel.
Anyhow, there's a lot more behind it than a bunch of clips. It represents a one year period from March 2020 to March 2021, ordered chronologically with at least one clip from each month of the year. It's mostly comprised of Mini 1 footage until the Mini 2 came along in November of 2020. The Mini 1 footage was all 2.7K scaled up to 4k, which, in my opinion looks pretty darn good. It also is largely comprised of clips that never made it in to other YouTube videos. I shoot a lot of video and most never sees the light of day so it's nice to air some of that out.
My wife and I moved from our neighbouring province of Alberta to British Columbia this year so it's also a bit of a glimpse behind the scenes of us exploring our new home.