Flight distance : 2804810 ft
I think to address the topic title 'why all the hate?' we also have to address the elephant in the room - social media and particularly YouTube.
YouTubers have to create content, there the way to get more views/subscribers is not to have balanced / reasonable opinions its to create **strong** reactions - positive or negative.
So... we get this is BEST drone ever or this is the WORST drone ever (even the OP's video title tries to provoke with GREAT and HATE)
these youtubers also pander to the audience , if you are an FPV hobby channel - you'll go with the DJI haters, if you're a product reviewer - its the best, the drone that does everything.
then, of course, they want to make more contents... hence why a youtuber can put out a video entitled - '5 reasons the DJI FPV is the perfect drone', and next week '5 reasons why you should never buy the DJI FPV' - be under no illusion, they dont really have an opinion they just want views.
lets face it, most of them have now moved on to the Air2s, many have moved on from that and are now on to rumours of a Mavic 3.
its all just this weeks content - so make it loud and bold, then move on...
as for the fpv community - partly some are miffed its not what they were hoping for, and partly its 'affirmation bias' ... they've invested alot into the hobby , both time and money - so there is bound to be kick back for an easy way into the hobby, for less 'dedicated' flyers - its totally understandable.
but, lets face it, Le Drib can fly the DJI FPV better than many will ever with a purpose built acro. (same can be said for cinematatic pros vs amateurs)
its down to skills, and practice... not just having the 'right' gear.
anyway, all the fuss is (thankfullly) already starting to diminish, social media is moving on, and people are just getting on with flying what they want.
Im sure the dji fpv will bring many into the hobby, some will move on to other fpv drones, others will fly casually, just enjoying the view.
... both are absolutely fine and valid reasons