I’m using a P4 multispectral with DJI GS pro and I have a few questions about the mission settings. First questions deals with capture mode, which one between capture at equal time and capture at equal distance is better? I know hover&capture is probably the best but I don’t need that, I need quick and equal times gives you more photos than equal distance does and it doesn’t affect the speed of the UAV or shutter intervals of the camera because they are both the same. The second one is about front and side overlap, what is the minimum for these? I’m willing to give a little more but I’m not willing to pay for more processing than I need to, so for those of you using 80% with the minimum is 50% there is 30% you are paying for that isn’t really doing any good remember these are crops how much detail do you really need plus it helps on flight time with less overlap. For the flight course mode I usually set this to inside mode because every part of the flight course will be inside the specified area and an accurate course will be provided for the convex polygon but I could be wrong on this still a little fuzzy. So I invite you to share what your setting and thoughts are.