 First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft
WETCOAST_JC Posted at 11-12 02:44
Hi LV_Forestry
I want to re-open this topic as I am having the same question for my project. I have made mosaics in DJI Terra for all bands. When I open these in QGIS you can see that pixels are slightly shifted due to positioning of the different lenses on the drone, BUT all mosaics share the exact same extent.
Next topic, OSAVI with P4M.
Yes indeed terra offers this possibility. But you need to be aware of a small detail before you start wanting to exploit the results.
OSAVI its (1+Y)*((NIR-RED)/(NIR+RED+Y)) Feel free to correct me if iam wrong.
For its original formula NIR was used as 800nm and Red as 670nm.
Optimization of soil-adjusted vegetation indices - ScienceDirect
The fact is that the DJI camera does not deliver these spectral ranges.
Instead it uses a pseudo value which is generic to bands Red (R): 650 nm ± 16 nm and Near-infrared (NIR): 840 nm ± 26 nm.
Very far from the definition of the original formula.
In the image below it is the complete spectrum from 400nm to 1000nm with a bandwidth of 2nm of a pine needle.
The red arrows are the center values of the bands of the DJI camera. Without even talking about the bandwidths you can see that there is a big trend problem. The value of the DJI camera for the RED is supposedly higher than the real value of the original formula, and for the NIR it is the opposite.
This gives a result like below, which is not bad, but be careful to remember the potential offset if we compare it with the same index calculated from data from another camera.
And finally, a little personal note to say that I use Metashape Agisoft. I have no commercial connection with them, I bought my license at the regular price. That said, it manages the offset of the cameras from the XMP data well, because yes the relative offset is indicated for each image, but it is in pixels so if you want to do an image by image analysis do not forget to shift accordingly. If you work with software that manages coordinates like Metashape then it's good, they are corrected. I think Terra must also manage it, but I have already had very strange results with this software, so nothing surprising.