Mini 2 Checklist
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18484 158 2022-1-23
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No Original Thought
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Flight distance : 1479026 ft
United Kingdom

Find attached two checklists for the Mini 2 based on the format I have used when I fly fixed wing light aircraft.

The full checklist can be printed with the two pages on a single A4 (or Letter) page and folded and laminated to A5 size. This can then be stored in the Fly More Combo bag etc and used as an aide-memoir when flying. It contains pre-flight and post flight checks as well as a couple of 'emergency' procedures

The mini/short cehcklist is a credit card sized cut-down version with just the 'essentials'. This can be printed, cut out, folded and laminated in a credit card sized pouch to keep in your pocket/wallet or flying bag.

Both have been compiled using the user manual and feedback from this forum.

Remember: A checklist does not replace training or experience. This checklist is provided as a guide only. If you choose to use it you do so at your own risk.

If you see no point in using a checklist, then simply don't use it!


Full checklist:
Updated 2022-02-03: v1.0 uploaded (Downloaded: 39 times)
Updated 2022-02-05: v1.1 - clarification of 'Loss of Aircraft Orientation' emergency procedure. (Downloaded: 95 times)
Updated 2022-03-08: v1.2 - re-ordered 'Pre Take-Off' section to preserve battery.

Mini CC-sized checklist:
First draft uploaded: 2022-02-07 (Downloaded: 44 times)
Updated 2022-03-08: v1.0 uploaded.

DJI Mini 2 Checklist_v1.2.pdf

943.85 KB, Down times: 778

DJI Mini 2 Checklist - CC-size.pdf

819.67 KB, Down times: 505

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This is a good checklist to save.
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DJI Stephen

Hello there -N.O.T. Good day and thank you for posting these interesting information with us. For addition reference for the DJI Mini 2 Preflight checklist kindly please refer to the post below. Again, thank you for your support and fly safe always.

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Looks very comprehensive.  
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Very thorough pre-flight checklist.  
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No Original Thought
First Officer
Flight distance : 1479026 ft
United Kingdom

DJI Stephen Posted at 1-23 19:18
Hello there -N.O.T. Good day and thank you for posting these interesting information with us. For addition reference for the DJI Mini 2 Preflight checklist kindly please refer to the post below. Again, thank you for your support and fly safe always.


Thanks Stephen,

I've added a couple of extra checks and a couple of details and clarifications to existing checks to ensure that everything from the manual is included.

v0.2 is now attached to the original post.

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No Original Thought
First Officer
Flight distance : 1479026 ft
United Kingdom

DAFlys Posted at 1-24 01:35
Looks very comprehensive.

Thanks, appreciate the feedback from someone with your experience.

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No Original Thought
First Officer
Flight distance : 1479026 ft
United Kingdom

DowntownRDB Posted at 1-24 04:28
Very thorough pre-flight checklist.

Thanks, appreciate the feedback from a 'Captain'.

I've tried to make it as thorough as possible, while keeping to the one side of A5 before flight.

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No Original Thought Posted at 1-24 04:45
Thanks, appreciate the feedback from a 'Captain'.

I've tried to make it as thorough as possible, while keeping to the one side of A5 before flight.

You're very welcome.  I still have a "mini checklist" that I use faithfully.  Looking forward to seeing your final product.  
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No Original Thought Posted at 1-24 04:44
Thanks, appreciate the feedback from someone with your experience.


No probs sir.
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Thanks for this -N.O.T.
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No Original Thought
First Officer
Flight distance : 1479026 ft
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Does anyone have any further suggestions for additions, corrections or changes before i produce a non-draft version?

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Since getting the mini 2, mine is mostly just putting the battery in and sending it, i know everything else is as i left it when i put it in the bag
Different matter when i fly the P4P though, the battery latching can be troublesome so that's a preflight right there and i check it many times and also the props, they too can be troublesome if you are not mindful when fitting them, again, i check them multiple times.
Its different with the Mini 2 as the props are already attached and the battery, well, if you go wrong with that then perhaps you should be flying the Tello lol.

Damn, thought i'd best at least look at yours before i post this and DAMN.... i actually said OMFG out loud, i couldn't read that before flight, it would be exhausting, i don't have that much drink in my flask, but I'm sure it would serve a purpose for newbies, seasoned pilots will have their own way of doing it and it will be set in stone, but, it will give them sommat to read if they take the lazy way on the return flight ;)
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No Original Thought
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Flight distance : 1479026 ft
United Kingdom

Bashy Posted at 1-25 04:55
Since getting the mini 2, mine is mostly just putting the battery in and sending it, i know everything else is as i left it when i put it in the bag
Different matter when i fly the P4P though, the battery latching can be troublesome so that's a preflight right there and i check it many times and also the props, they too can be troublesome if you are not mindful when fitting them, again, i check them multiple times.
Its different with the Mini 2 as the props are already attached and the battery, well, if you go wrong with that then perhaps you should be flying the Tello lol.

Well, as I said in teh first post, it's based on experience flying manned fixed wing aircraft.

Even pilots with hundreds of hours flight time use the checklist every flight. They know the aircraft inside out, but complacency is what leads to things being missed, and if a fault is missed then you are asking for trouble.

In flying fixed wng the only items on the checklist that have ever had 'fail' multiple times are oil level and anti-collision beacon, but I still check EVERYTHING on the list.

It's easy to think that it's more important to check these things when you are actually going to be sitting in the aircraft, but a crashed drone could still cause damage or serious accidents on the ground. If I crashed my drone because I hadn't checked something I'd feel pretty stupid - and if it hurt someone......

Checklists are an aide to remembering to check things that you should be checking anyway. Which items on the list do you think are superfluous and not worth checking?

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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

No Original Thought Posted at 1-25 05:20
Well, as I said in teh first post, it's based on experience flying manned fixed wing aircraft.

Even pilots with hundreds of hours flight time use the checklist every flight. They know the aircraft inside out, but complacency is what leads to things being missed, and if a fault is missed then you are asking for trouble.

Not got a clue, i saw a lot of reading and it hurt my brain...
I fully understand them for sit in pilots and the like, here is mine in its entirety for the Mini2..

Make sure fully charged the night before.
1st flight, Turn it on, connect to the controller.
Throw it in the air, or hand launch depends on how childish i feel at the time.
I then work the all sticks at the take-off holding height. that's to make sure all is well.
Then fly away.

Ya see, everything else re RTH and max heights etc are already in, i may double check the RTH height against  any thing nearby but as i live in the most flattest area in the UK, and fly mostly in the countryside, i only have trees to worry about, so the max RTH is normally set to 60m. every thing else, i just wing it. Im out to have fun, not wrecklassly mind, i rarely do footage or images and when i do they get deleted most of the time, so its just fun, sommat to do, gets me out of the house , I'm part disabled due to my back so i treat it as playtime, but i am sensible, i don't buzz folks bedroom windows or the local RAF towers or the like, its just fun, by the time you've read your checklist, id be landing in my hand   
Dont get me wrong, check lists are good, especially for newbies, you need a structured planand you need to stick so in the end you wont need to read it, it will be second nature, oh and btw, i would never pass any drone flight tests, i cant fly them to save my life, but its fun, nonetheless

Now, if i was doing it commercially, it would be a different kettle of cucumbers and i would take it more seriously'ish...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 15134095 ft

No Original Thought Posted at 1-25 00:43
Does anyone have any further suggestions for additions, corrections or changes before i produce a non-draft version?


After 12 satelites, should you not wait for Homepoint Rrecorded? Or is that not for this model? Otherwose I feel that you list is pefect and will take it with me every time I fly and put it in my little Flight Manual that I take with me every time i fly. As said, think that you are sitting in that plane (drone) Would you not check everything you can think of and survive.
Sorry. I see it now entered. I thought it had to be just as you take off on the ground and before you do any checks of the sticks when up a bit. I alsways get the home point at the ground before actually take off.
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No Original Thought
First Officer
Flight distance : 1479026 ft
United Kingdom

kyalami Posted at 1-25 08:02
After 12 satelites, should you not wait for Homepoint Rrecorded? Or is that not for this model? Otherwose I feel that you list is pefect and will take it with me every time I fly and put it in my little Flight Manual that I take with me every time i fly. As said, think that you are sitting in that plane (drone) Would you not check everything you can think of and survive.
Sorry. I see it now entered. I thought it had to be just as you take off on the gopund and before you do any checks of the sticks when up a bit. I alsways get the home point at the ground before actually take off.

Last point on the first page is to check that the Home Point has been set or updated and to check vai the map that it is correct.

I put the check at this point as if the Home Point is not accurate on the map then it can only be updated via teh Fly app once the aircraft is airborne.

The first GPS fix can actually be quite a way off accurate, so I always check the aircraft location against the home point after doing my other checks as that gives the GPS location time to update to a more accurate location.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 15134095 ft

No Original Thought Posted at 1-25 08:45
Last point on the first page is to check that the Home Point has been set or updated and to check vai the map that it is correct.

I put the check at this point as if the Home Point is not accurate on the map then it can only be updated via teh Fly app once the aircraft is airborne.

OK, Yes I just saw this and corrected my first statement. I have notised that I get the home point set on the ground and when I go up a bit to check all other things I can some time get a second upate that the home point is set. So that one is probably better.
Great check list and I will use this one.
Thanks N.O.T.
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No Original Thought
First Officer
Flight distance : 1479026 ft
United Kingdom

kyalami Posted at 1-25 09:05
OK, Yes I just saw this and corrected my first statement. I have notised that I get the home point set on the ground and when I go up a bit to check all other things I can some time get a second upate that the home point is set. So that one is probably better.
Great check list and I will use this one.
Thanks N.O.T.


Yeah, it seems a bit odd to me that the Home Point gets set immediately a GPS fix is acheived with the aircraft still on the ground, but that the app then does not let you update the home point again until you are airborne.

I'll get a non-draft version uploaded in the next couple of days.

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Flight distance : 665968 ft
United States

Nice effort.

Although I am new - -  I have written "operating procedures" in the past. . .and I have seen people both use and ignore procedures.

It's a difficult balance to achieve "Enough detail to be useful" without "Too much effort for too little gain".
For example: DJI checklist item that was posted above that states "use only DJI genuine parts" is clearly. . .not something that belongs in a checklist.

I personally believe in short and sweet.

A couple of questions/clarifications
       * On loss of signal (to the controller)- - -I thought the craft would do a RTH/hover/land based upon options? I would not have expected a "retrace path" as an option?
       * If signal strength is an issue. . .I would not be switching out of the Fly App to mess with phone settings.  That just seems like. . .asking for trouble.
       * Should a phone be in airplane mode?   hahahaha        Seriously. . . .getting a text while flying is . . . bad timing.
       * The landing checks:  With maximum flight time of 30 minutes. . .I don't think the time to check the landing zone for obstuctions and permissions is while in flight.  What if the land owner says "no"?   That stuff needs to be sorted before you take off.

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No Original Thought
First Officer
Flight distance : 1479026 ft
United Kingdom

OneSnark Posted at 1-25 10:09
Nice effort.

Although I am new - -  I have written "operating procedures" in the past. . .and I have seen people both use and ignore procedures.

Thanks, some really good questions and observations...

I'll answer them individually as I'm using the Forum via the Fly app and it limits the length of responses...
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No Original Thought
First Officer
Flight distance : 1479026 ft
United Kingdom

OneSnark Posted at 1-25 10:09
Nice effort.

Although I am new - -  I have written "operating procedures" in the past. . .and I have seen people both use and ignore procedures.

Re retracing path on loss of signal:

This is part of the built in Failsafe RTH procedure described on page 15 of the user manual.

If the aircraft is more than 20m from the home point when it loses RC signal, it will retrace it's route for up to 50m to try to regain signal.

If it regains signal within that retrace then the aircraft enters straight line RTH.

If it does not regain signal and ends up 20m from the home point as part of the retrace, it will then initiate straight line RTH at its current altitude.

It's well worth reading up on RTH as there are nuances that are well worth understanding if you want to avoid the aircraft flying into trees etc. That min 20m distance is a bit if a gotcha!
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No Original Thought
First Officer
Flight distance : 1479026 ft
United Kingdom

OneSnark Posted at 1-25 10:09
Nice effort.

Although I am new - -  I have written "operating procedures" in the past. . .and I have seen people both use and ignore procedures.

Re switching out of Fly app to mess with phone settings:

A couple of things here.

1. If you have lost control signal to to aircraft then the Fly app is already disconnected from the aircraft as well. Exiting the app wouldn't, therefore, be that big of a deal. Actually exiting the app and restarting solves some issues, but not signal strength issues between RC and aircraft obviously.
2. On Android phones you can switch off WiFi and Bluetooth from the top pull down menu without exiting the app.
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No Original Thought
First Officer
Flight distance : 1479026 ft
United Kingdom

OneSnark Posted at 1-25 10:09
Nice effort.

Although I am new - -  I have written "operating procedures" in the past. . .and I have seen people both use and ignore procedures.

Re the phone being in airplane mode:

Distractions of phone calls and messages aside, Occusync uses the same frequency bands as WiFi.

The aircraft and controller try to avoid congested WiFi channels in the same way that your home router does (probably, unless you've changed settings and fixed the channel).

If you phone is trying to latch on to / scanning nearby WiFi (which it will be doing with WiFi switched on) it could be channel hopping adding to the congestion and that could theoretically be just enough to tip you over from weak signal to no signal.

Turning off WiFi _may_ be just enough to get your signal back.

Bluetooth also uses one of the same frequency bands - hence why Bluetooth can sometimes interfere with WiFi connections.

Turning off the cellular radio that carries calls and texts etc is less likely to have any benefit as the frequencies are different. Also you will need a data connection for the map in the Fly app, if you use it.
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No Original Thought
First Officer
Flight distance : 1479026 ft
United Kingdom

OneSnark Posted at 1-25 10:09
Nice effort.

Although I am new - -  I have written "operating procedures" in the past. . .and I have seen people both use and ignore procedures.

Re landing site permissions:

You got me with that one.. good catch. That's exactly why I published a draft for people to pick over first!

That line was actually originally directly after the take off site permissions line, but when I created the landing section I moved that line without really thinking through the logic.

You are absolutely right, the permissions and suitability 9f landing site should be sorted before take off... I'll correct that and tweak some of the wording.


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Flight distance : 665968 ft
United States

Learn something new everyday.

I was not previously aware of the 20M straight return to home and retrace functionality.

I will admit that I have not RTFM yet.   .  . . .

Honestly; I have been scared to press the RTH button  for some reason. . . .and this is part of the reason why.
Same with Master Shots.  I have not even opened the menu up. . . and I won't before RTFM.  Honestly; been having enough fun without these tricks.

One of the areas where I want to fly is fairly congested with 80' trees.  The total open area is barely 20m in any direction. Above 125' - - -wide open.  I flew there once. . .it was scary (But I know more now ;) )

I do admit that I am a bit dependent on the map function.  An *incredibly* useful feature.  I use it for a variety of reasons; while I like to keep the drone in sight; even when it is in sight I can't always tell WHAT is exactly under the craft  (i.e. am I actually hovering over people? Or well away?) without changing camera view.  It also helps me gauge if I can push distance further.  Sometimes, the drone SEEMS to be far away; but the map is telling me it's actually fairly close and I can safely increase the distance.   Also; I will admit that sometimes I lose track of the drone in the sky. I can *hear it* but I can't  *spot it*.  Sometimes light conditions. . . .sometimes I find I have line of sight blocked by a tree. The map helps me quickly orientate so I can readily move back into vision. (Along with simply rotating the craft and using the camera to see where I am - I use both)

The key things for me (which you have covered) are (1) Battery states and (2) Post launch checks.  Post launch; verification of home point and RTH height is essential I think.  (RTH: I don't want to be super conservative with this. . .but some places I fly REALLY need 150' to clear obstacles; and others are super happy with a 50' RTH.  Climbing to 400' default because BATTERY or BAD CONNECTION just sounds like the wrong move).  Also; verifcation of basic control (front/back up/down and hover) prior to pushing the limits of your eyesight also seems essential.
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No Original Thought
First Officer
Flight distance : 1479026 ft
United Kingdom

OneSnark Posted at 1-25 15:04
Learn something new everyday.

I was not previously aware of the 20M straight return to home and retrace functionality.

RTH height is an interesting one...

I'm sure everyone has their own rule of thumb methods and calculations, but what I've been doing is setting the camera at zero degrees, flying vertically up from my take off point and using the grid/cross-hairs to determine when the aircraft is roughly just above anything that could be an RTH obstacle. I then add 10% or 10m (whichever is greater) to the aircraft height, then round up to the next 10m.

The key point being that I use the camera and the drones reported height to work out the height of objects around me as I'm not very good at estimating height of things when I'm on the ground yet.

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Blue Canyon
Second Officer
Flight distance : ****
United States

Very nice checklist.

I posted a checklist for doing regular maintenance on any drone... more particularly, a DJI drone though. Everybody took a steaming crap on it in the comments. So, I'm glad to see somebody can be allowed to contribute to the community in a good way.
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Flight distance : 665968 ft
United States

No Original Thought Posted at 1-25 15:49
RTH height is an interesting one...

I'm sure everyone has their own rule of thumb methods and calculations, but what I've been doing is setting the camera at zero degrees, flying vertically up from my take off point and using the grid/cross-hairs to determine when the aircraft is roughly just above anything that could be an RTH obstacle. I then add 10% or 10m (whichever is greater) to the aircraft height, then round up to the next 10m.

This is exactly the method I use.

In terms of the Friendly checklist:  I would have "quick" and "monthly" lists.  The monthly list would have the things like firmware updates and general condition check.

I am not one to deliberately load a fresh firmware on a fully functional craft for a quick (or perhaps important) flight.  Another thread was complaining about recent FlyApp issues with a mini2.  Nope. . .best let others beta test firmware ;)
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Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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I think real planes have shorter checklists.
For a DJI Mini 2, anything more than 6 lines would be excessive.
And after you've flown a few times, you shouldn't need one at all.
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DJI Stephen

No Original Thought Posted at 1-24 04:43
Thanks Stephen,

I've added a couple of extra checks and a couple of details and clarifications to existing checks to ensure that everything from the manual is included.

Hi there -N.O.T. You are very much welcome and thank you for these given update. Keep flying and a have a nice day. .
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First Officer
Flight distance : 84797 ft

You forgot the most important thing.......
Check SD card are inserted and full, maybe a second one to take with you.
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No Original Thought
First Officer
Flight distance : 1479026 ft
United Kingdom

dji_MODDER Posted at 1-26 00:45
You forgot the most important thing.......
Check SD card are inserted and full, maybe a second one to take with you.
Not sure it's THE most important thing, but good spot!

When I was a kid my mum was left with my dad's camera to take photos of my dad and I finishing a particularly tough half marathon (back in the day when kids were allowed to run half marathons).

She was so chuffed that she'd got the hang of using his fully manual SLR and had got some great shots of us, and other people we new, on one of the last sections of the course and at the finish.

Unfortunately, my dad hadn't loaded any film. My mum was gutted.

My dad knew that camera inside out, he'd used it around the world, often when half way up and hanging off a rockface.

But that morning his mind was on the run, and he forgot to load the camera.

That's what checklists are for. It's often the most experienced that forget to do something because they expect their experience to do the job for them.

I'll add an SD card check.


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No Original Thought
First Officer
Flight distance : 1479026 ft
United Kingdom

Labroides Posted at 1-25 18:50
I think real planes have shorter checklists.
For a DJI Mini 2, anything more than 6 lines would be excessive.
And after you've flown a few times, you shouldn't need one at all.

Might want to do your research a bit there, Labroides.

I fly Piper PA28 - here's a link to an example checklist for this non-complex (ie piston engine, with fixed prop pitch and fixed undercarriage) light aircraft.

That checklist - the first that came up when I searched Google for PA28 checklist - has more than 80 checklist items before starting the engine!

And checklists are designed to be used by every pilot from the novice (although they do rely on some familiarity with the aircraft systems) to the seasoned pros. They don't replace traiing or experience, they assist everyone in making sure nothing gets forgotten.

In the old adage 'There are old pilots and there are bold pilots, but there are no old, bold pilots', the bold could refer to those that don't bother with their checklist.

There's anothe adage that also comes to mind... 'To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail'.

Arrogance and thinking that you know everything and therefore would never forget to check something has proven fatal in many cases (Robert Trivers wrote a great book on deceit and self deception that includes studies of a number of cases where people deceive themselves into not bothering to check the obvious because they thought they knew better). A checklist helps prevent that because by methodically following it you don't miss anything. They specifically help avoid complaceny in those with the most experience.

Out of interest, which half dozen items do you think would warrant being on a checklist?


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No Original Thought Posted at 1-26 02:09
Might want to do your research a bit there, Labroides.

I fly Piper PA28 - here's a link to an example checklist for this non-complex (ie piston engine, with fixed prop pitch and fixed undercarriage) light aircraft.

Might want to do your research a bit there, Labroides.
I fly Piper PA28 - That checklist has more than 80 checklist items before starting the engine!

Sorry, I left out the word almost.
Flying a real plane is much more complex than a DJI drone.
It doesn't take much flying experience with the drone before you don't need any checklist.
It's a lot like driving your car or riding a bicycle, you know what to do and you just do it.

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No Original Thought
First Officer
Flight distance : 1479026 ft
United Kingdom

Labroides Posted at 1-26 03:03
Might want to do your research a bit there, Labroides.
I fly Piper PA28 - That checklist has more than 80 checklist items before starting the engine!

And therein lies the cause of many car breakdowns!

You don't want to use a checklist? That's your choice.

Some of us want to do things properly.

This is an aircraft and it should be treated as such. Easy to fly isn't anything to do with this. You are more than happy to point out how stupid you think people are for not understanding how drones work because actually they are pretty complex pieces of kit. If any one of the systems in your drone fails it could lead to an accident. IMHO checking those systems before getting airborne is the considerate thing to do.

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No Original Thought
First Officer
Flight distance : 1479026 ft
United Kingdom

Labroides Posted at 1-26 03:03
Might want to do your research a bit there, Labroides.
I fly Piper PA28 - That checklist has more than 80 checklist items before starting the engine!

Oh, I heard this once as well. I can't remember the exact wording but it went something like this:

"Checklists don't attempt to replace training or experience, so don't be tempted to think that experience can replace your checklist."

Not my words, but I took that as good advice from someone far better qualified than I am to advise on these matters.

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Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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No Original Thought Posted at 1-26 04:05
Oh, I heard this once as well. I can't remember the exact wording but it went something like this:

"Checklists don't attempt to replace training or experience, so don't be tempted to think that experience can replace your checklist."

Some of us want to do things properly.
And some just want to over-think simple things.

Do you need a checklist to drive your car to the shops?
The drone is a lot less complex than your car.

But what would I know?
I've only been flying DJI drones for 7 years, most of that professionally.
My current working drone is  5 years old, has logged >7000 km in all conditions and still comes back to me each flight.

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No Original Thought
First Officer
Flight distance : 1479026 ft
United Kingdom

Labroides Posted at 1-26 04:06
Some of us want to do things properly.
And some just want to over-think simple things.

Actually, I took my Advanced Driving Test many years ago... The Institute of Advanced Motorists did recommend a checklist for your car and a walkaroind check every time you drive. I believe they still do recommend that despite cars becoming more reliable.

It's not about complexity, it's about fallibility.

But I don't expect to convince you, my couple of months experience of you on this forum has lead me to believe that you never accept anyone else's opinion as you are always right. Your 7 years and hundreds of flight logs views means you are infallible, even if your hardware isn't.

I accept that you think checklists are pointless, I disagree.

I am producing a checklist for those who will find it useful. I a clearly not, therefore, producing it for you.

If you have nothing constructive to add, why do you bother adding anything at all?

You provided useful info regarding satellite lock and I will use that, thanks. But your contribution here adds nothing of any value

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Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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No Original Thought Posted at 1-26 05:09
Actually, I took my Advanced Driving Test many years ago... The Institute of Advanced Motorists did recommend a checklist for your car and a walkaroind check every time you drive. I believe they still do recommend that despite cars becoming more reliable.

It's not about complexity, it's about fallibility.

Actually, I took my Advanced Driving Test many years ago... The Institute of Advanced Motorists did recommend a checklist for your car and a walkaroind check every time you drive. I believe they still do recommend that despite cars becoming more reliable.

That doesn't answer the question do you run a checklist before jumping in the car to drive to the shops.
But if you do, then you will definitely need a checklist to fly your drone, and to make a cup of coffee, have a bath, walk up stairs etc.
You fly your way and I'll fly mine.

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