Flight distance : 10434964 ft
I am getting a few stitching erros on my 360 fotos made with the Mavic2Pro. They used to be very rare, but now are getting too frequent (about 50% of the fotos).
I am not moving the drone during the shots and it was not windy yesterday. I made 17 fotos 360 at the same coordinate, each one at a differente altitude (to simulate the view of a new apartment building). Half of them came with stitching erros, most at the same spot, but not all.
I know how to process them in ICE or LightRoom and Photoshop, so I took the 26 individual pics of each 360 and processed them. They came out perfect on theses softwares, so the base fotos are OK. But that takes a lot of time whem you have to do hundreds of these pictures to process, so I really need the automatic stiching to work in order to be cost effective.
Here are some examples of the stitching erros. Some are subtle, some are unusable.
#update: I switched my M2P for a Air2S and the new drone has the same issue in some locations. |
Subtle error
Big error