Drone NFZ firmware
990 0 2022-7-7
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Flight distance : 8281 ft
United States

Hi, I I am a licensed drone operator, I request  permission to fly in restricted zones. from the FAA in my country,  as  near airports, to do roof inspections of buildings. using LAANC.
  Next when I attempt to fly, I have to request permission from DJI. This  process can take hours. I cant earn a living this way. not knowing if I  can fly, When I can Fly and if my customer will wait....
So I try to reflash the drone software to do this.
  My Mavic Pro and other is now Bricked. I cannot connect to the pc anymore to  attempt reloading software, the RC will not connect to the drone to  reload the software. the last attempt was with DJI software that froze  at 40%
I have spent thousands of dollars on DJI drones which are now garbage.
  The  reason my drone is bricked is there is no policy within DJI to allow  licensed drone operators to operate there drone as responsible adults,  that is the purpose of the license, at least here in the US.
So if  anyone at DJI reviews my issue, consider unlocking drones for licensed  operators. you could keep a data base of operators which would give your  company some measure of liability protection. which is what I assume  you fear.
Requiring permission for each flight from DJI is not  feasible in its present form, for me. when I arrive on site I have FAA  permission within minutes. working near an airport, I need to be able to  fly promptly for everyone's safety, not wait for a response from a  corporation when they decide. many times the inspection cannot be  scheduled the previous day. I need to respond to my customer when they  want.
When ATC says go, the airline pilot cant say, "well wait, I have to get permission from Boeing before I take off."
  I hope you can take the time to consider my proposal.
Thank you for your time
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