Last week I bought a new Inspire2 with a Zenmuse X7 35mm lens. Today I flew the derone for the second time. Approximately 1 minute into the flight, the drone started to rotate like crazy and eventually drifted 3 km away. I had no control over the drone, and it was rotating in the air, and I couldn't get it back. Fortunately, the area I was flying over was very flat with no tall obstacles. I figured out how to use the RTH to get the dron back. After using the RTH, after a few minutes, the dron got stable and returned back, but the moment it got close to the ground, it started to rotate like crazy. As the drone came closer, I realised something like a black teapot was hanging from the drone. Eventually, after a few failed attempts to land the crazy drifting drone, I took the risk of jumping and grabbing the drone in the air because there was no way to get the dron to land normally. One of my friends managed to turn off the motors after grabbing the drone. Finally, the drone did not crash. What happened? The right side small supply arm, which was completely out of its place, caused the main right arm to rotate and the drone to drift in the air. After close inspection, I realised the small supply arm is not screwed but glued in its place. DJI Is it normal that a new drone I bought last week is defected like this? Is there any guarantee that the other parts won't get out of place while flying? Do you recommend glueing it back? I've had a lot of experience with Mavic, but this was my first time with Inspire2, and I'm disappointed.