Mats Bohlinsson
Second Officer
Flight distance : 2100607 ft
Mats Bohlinsson Posted at 2-4 11:49
I ask again. It cant be that noone havn't managed to build the demo?
To start with: With project should I open in androidstudio? All gives errors.
Answer my own question.
Followed instructions here: ... hapter-2-The-Sample
1 git clone
2 In Android studio, File->Open... use folder android-sdk-v5-as (This is important) AS probably stands for Androis studio
3 Run->Make project (You will get all sorts of error, even got an internal error )
4 Connect a phone in debug mode
5 Pick the phone in the dropbox
6 Pick sample-app-aircraft in the dropbox
7 Press Run
And it actually builds and install the .apk on your phone.
Simulator can't be used
You also have to update the app-keys, but thats not needed for building and installing.
To be able to use the app these keys must be generated in your account name on the dji site. Pretty much the same as before:
AIRCRAFT_API_KEY in (Project Properties) file
Lets go coding :-) Soon we will have the sdk for mini3!