Wide angle panorama problem, BUG
1592 18 2022-11-27
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There is a bug in the wide angle, 9 pictures panorama. It shots the pictures on both sides in an angle ( I can see it in the screen when it makes them), and because of this the 9 picture can not be stitched together with any software without to get an unusable distorted horizont. I found that it was already issue on the Mavic 3 (what I don't have) and unfortunately I can confirm the it is still there in the Mavic 3 Classic. In the following forum they wrote that they informed about it DJI many months ago, but this issue is still there and not corrected. I have a 4 years old Mavic 2 Pro which has not this issue. I don't understand why it takes so long to correct this issue, when it doesn't need anything to develop, just make correction, make it as good as it was in the M2P or as it is at the 180 degrees panormas. That would be a superbad approach regarding to the future sales if DJI would not care about reported bugs.

The automated generated jpg files has not this issue, however it has a big cropping, but of course I did not buy the M3C to use jpg files.
Please answer to this problem, and make it correct in the (hopefuly soon coming) firmware update!


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DJI Tony


Hi there, Blaise. Thanks for reaching out, and we're sorry for the trouble caused. May we ask for a sample photo showing the distorted horizon? If possible, kindly share a copy of the generated JPEG files for comparison. We will then have it forwarded to our related team for further checking. Kindly keep us updated. Thank you for your continued support.
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New Zealand

DJI Tony Posted at 11-27 19:50
Hi there, Blaise. Thanks for reaching out, and we're sorry for the trouble caused. May we ask for a sample photo showing the distorted horizon? If possible, kindly share a copy of the generated JPEG files for comparison. We will then have it forwarded to our related team for further checking. Kindly keep us updated. Thank you for your continued support.

A sample?
This has been complained about for a year now.
Surely DJI has full knowledge of the issue.
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New Zealand

Try starting your automated panorama shooting with the camera level, not pointing up or down and see how that goes.
Or if you want more control of your panoramas just shoot them manually.
It's fast, simple and gives you complete control.
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Labroides Posted at 11-27 22:41
Try starting your automated panorama shooting with the camera level, not pointing up or down and see how that goes.
Or if you want more control of your panoramas just shoot them manually.
It's fast, simple and gives you complete control.

Yes, but it is like if a carmaker would say that if your brake is very weak, than go slower and use the handbrake! Mavic 3 series drones are premium consumer drones, not cheapest noname brand things. It was working perfectly on Mavic 2 Pro, and also on Mavic 3 Classic shooting 180 degree panorama. So the offered workaround is not acceptable for me, even if it works (or not). It is a BUG what could be simple to correct if DJI takes this forum and their customers seriously.
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DJI Tony Posted at 11-27 19:50
Hi there, Blaise. Thanks for reaching out, and we're sorry for the trouble caused. May we ask for a sample photo showing the distorted horizon? If possible, kindly share a copy of the generated JPEG files for comparison. We will then have it forwarded to our related team for further checking. Kindly keep us updated. Thank you for your continued support.

I uploaded to drive. Here is the link:
https://drive.google.com/drive/f ... gmXJZsq?usp=sharing
There are the drone made jpg panorama, the original dng files and the assembled dng file.
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New Zealand

Blaise Posted at 11-28 00:19
Yes, but it is like if a carmaker would say that if your brake is very weak, than go slower and use the handbrake! Mavic 3 series drones are premium consumer drones, not cheapest noname brand things. It was working perfectly on Mavic 2 Pro, and also on Mavic 3 Classic shooting 180 degree panorama. So the offered workaround is not acceptable for me, even if it works (or not). It is a BUG what could be simple to correct if DJI takes this forum and their customers seriously.

So the offered workaround is not acceptable for me, even if it works (or not).
Then ignore my suggestion (which would solve your problem) and just put up with the situation as it is.
DJI won't do anything about it, just like they haven't done anything about it for the last year despite users complaining about it.
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Labroides Posted at 11-28 01:05
So the offered workaround is not acceptable for me, even if it works (or not).
Then ignore my suggestion (which would solve your problem) and just put up with the situation as it is.
DJI won't do anything about it, just like they haven't done anything about it for the last year despite users complaining about it.

I understand your point and thank you for the suggestion, just I think we should not accept these bugs and find workarounds but push on DJI to make the change. I really like DJI drones, I bought even the first Phantom and then almost all of them what they made including Inspire 1, but if they will not react to customers feedback and correct the bugs  - which by the way should not be there if they make correct testing - than I will buy other brand drones in the future.
I hate also two other things in the DJI Fly app:
1. It is not possible to switch off the landing sensor, which makes very tricky the landing to hand if you are standing on edge of a cliff or on a boat for example.
2. The other is that I can not see my battery status in % just it shows guessed remaining minutes which is complete nonsense, because it heavily depends what move I make with the drone and rapidly changes up and down many minutes. Make at least to selectable the time or %. Why they had to make these things when these were well working things in DJI Go 4 app?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 73209 ft

Also the mavic mini 2 has the same issue
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DJI Tony


Labroides Posted at 11-27 22:39
A sample?
This has been complained about for a year now.
Surely DJI has full knowledge of the issue.

Hi, Labroides. Thanks for your input. When it comes to issues like this, we always make sure that we collect the necessary data to provide to our related team for further analysis. This can help them understand the issue better, and provide a resolution. Like you, we also hope that this will be rectified as soon as possible. And since this issue is coming from a new Mavic 3 Classic, we will have to gather information and have it reported. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding.
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DJI Tony


Blaise Posted at 11-28 00:23
I uploaded to drive. Here is the link:
There are the drone made jpg panorama, the original dng files and the assembled dng file.

Hi, Blaise. Thank you so much for providing the required data. As discussed, we will have it reported to our engineers. We will write back to you as soon as we receive feedback. We appreciate your promptness and thank you for your continued support.
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DJI Tony


Good day, Blaise. Thank you for giving us time to assess the issue. We just received feedback from our related team regarding the wide-angle panorama issue reported. According to our engineers, the images are straight, and since none works correctly with any third-party editor you tried, kindly double-check the method to stitch the pictures. If it's accurate, kindly shoot a video showing how the images are being stitched so we may submit a follow-up on this. Your understanding is highly appreciated and apologies for the inconvenience caused.
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DJI Tony Posted at 12-3 21:51
Good day, Blaise. Thank you for giving us time to assess the issue. We just received feedback from our related team regarding the wide-angle panorama issue reported. According to our engineers, the images are straight, and since none works correctly with any third-party editor you tried, kindly double-check the method to stitch the pictures. If it's accurate, kindly shoot a video showing how the images are being stitched so we may submit a follow-up on this. Your understanding is highly appreciated and apologies for the inconvenience caused.

sorry, but the engineers answer is unserious.
Probably they did not even open the files. As I see this forum is waste of times because you politely ignore everything what a customer reports. If anyone opens the files they see that those are not straight. Other customers also confirmed it the same issue if you read other comments as well. Even when the drone shots the wide angle panorama you can see on the screen the the pictures on the sides are shoot in angle. So they did not try it neither. This is the worst approach from your colleges what was possible. You made me very disappointed.
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As I wrote before I have besides the Mavic 3 Classic the Mavic 2 Pro as well and I do the same process and it works. I had Mavic Pro, Inspire 1, Phantom 4, Phantom 2 and the first Phantom as well. So the the Mavic 3 Classic is not my first DJI drone and not my first trial to make wide angle panorama. I made hundreds of them. So to guess that the process is wrong without looking into the reported problem and sent files is irritating approach! The good approach is to read the other comments as well and take the time to investigate, test and solve the reported problem.
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DJI Tony


Blaise Posted at 12-3 23:52
sorry, but the engineers answer is unserious.
Probably they did not even open the files. As I see this forum is waste of times because you politely ignore everything what a customer reports. If anyone opens the files they see that those are not straight. Other customers also confirmed it the same issue if you read other comments as well. Even when the drone shots the wide angle panorama you can see on the screen the the pictures on the sides are shoot in angle. So they did not try it neither. This is the worst approach from your colleges what was possible. You made me very disappointed.

Hi, Blaise. We completely understand how you feel. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. We take your point and we will follow up with this for re-evaluation. Please note that we need to gather an operation video of the stitching process for further investigation. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 73209 ft

@DJI Tony

a long time ago but still not fixed for the Mini 2
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United States

The Mavic 3 Pro still has this problem.  I have this same issue on my recently purchased Mavic 3 Pro.
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United States

DJI Tony Posted at 2022-12-3 21:51
Good day, Blaise. Thank you for giving us time to assess the issue. We just received feedback from our related team regarding the wide-angle panorama issue reported. According to our engineers, the images are straight, and since none works correctly with any third-party editor you tried, kindly double-check the method to stitch the pictures. If it's accurate, kindly shoot a video showing how the images are being stitched so we may submit a follow-up on this. Your understanding is highly appreciated and apologies for the inconvenience caused.

I am also having this same issue with my Mavic 3 pro. I did not have this issue with my Mavic 2 Pro.
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DJI Tony


fans82fc1bea Posted at 12-3 19:14
I am also having this same issue with my Mavic 3 pro. I did not have this issue with my Mavic 2 Pro.

Hi there. Will it be fine if you show us a video for further checking? Thank you very much.
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