Flight distance : 21765 ft
Very first thread at the forum.
Hello pilots, i have TWO customers with their aircraft grounded for i BELIEVE a bug in the latest T20 Firmware version.
How it was.
1 Upgraded both customers aircraft following the recomendation to keep it in latest for all improvements and etc, to .0404.
2 Did a refresh for EACH battery.
2 Customers operated their drones, one for more than a week, other for 2 days.
3 Both came back with Radar Disconnected errors, also aircraft showing error at starting missions, Obstacle avoidance/radar error.
4 Found NO WAY to downgrade the RC to .0223 version and did it by .bin file and and usb storage, but it worked.5 After no hardware procedure at all, i simply downgraded their aircraft to .223 version and got radar working again, and got an error, Radar RF clock exception, See pic.
6 The Radar when shown disconnected at version .0404 were not vibrating/spinning for both, then in the .0223 works, after about 10 min they show error Radar RF clock exception again and keeps spinning/vibrating.
7 Tried many Firmware refresh and the error simply doesn't go away.
8 Tried going up to .0404 then bringing back to .0223, no success.
9 Cleaned DJI MG app cache and data.
10 panicked for a little.
So i wanted to know what is the next procedure i can do, or if there is a fix on the way for this, or if this is a known problem, i am thinking next on testing them in another aircraft, by what i saw, looks like it was caused by the .0404 version.
If it was one T20 i would think it simply gave up and broke, two aircraft looks suspicious.
Tried refresh using assistant 2 and.. well look at the picture.
I need to know the fastest way to put two of my customers back to work at spraying without sending aircraft to repair as i am almost sure it IS a bug.
Future me
1 I will test radars at other aircraft
2 i will refresh the radars at another aircraft
3 i will swap the radars for another one that i have
4 pray?
After Downgraded 2
After Downgraded and version i am
Error at ploting screen