Brand new replacement Mavic 2 Pro drone (no video).
712 16 2022-12-31
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Flight distance : 15050643 ft

I wanted to test my brand new replacement drone Mavic 2 Pro to see if it recorded video.
I have not yet been able to fly it due to the weather.
Put in a new micro SD card by PNY of 64GB U3 and 10 for 4K videos.
Formatted the card in the drone and then started to film for about a minute.
Stopped the drone and took the card out and put it in my computer and there was no video on the card.
I then checked the format of the card and it said exFAT. Then looked at the cards that I have
previously used and they all say FAT32.

I did not know that the drone would format a new card in exFAT, as all my other cards are in FAT32 from
my previous Mavic 2 Pro that stopped working and was sent to Holland for repair.
Is this something new that they have done with the drone, as the fimware on the new drone was already
installed when I got it to version 01.00.0770.

Should I format the card in the computer to FAT32 and see if the drone will create a video?

I now reformatted the card to FAT32 in the computer and put it back in the drone and started to film.
It did not work and when I checked the format on my computer, it still said exFAT.
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The Mavic 2 spec for the card was FAT32 (≤ 32 GB) and exFAT (> 32 GB) so either formats should work fine.    Could it be the SD card is faulty or fake in some way.  There are a lot going around even from reputable sources.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 15050643 ft

DAFlys Posted at 12-31 05:28
The Mavic 2 spec for the card was FAT32 (≤ 32 GB) and exFAT (> 32 GB) so either formats should work fine.    Could it be the SD card is faulty or fake in some way.  There are a lot going around even from reputable sources.

Hmm... Strange. I now put a card in the drone that I have recently used and worked with the previous drone, but when I put that card in the new drone it did not work. Could it be the drone???
I now also tried to take a still picture and checked the old card which used to work in the old dron and it did also not work. No picture.

I will call Swedrone next year and see what they say. Could it be the settings where I have made some mistakes? It looks OK on the phone though. so the camera itself is OK i a way, as I can see everything on the phone that the camera sees.

Any way: Happy New Year to you all and hope 2023 will be even better.
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Just checked a 64G from a zoom and it's exfat too. I do not as a rule reformat cards so that should be as the card was supplied.

If you look in the csv of  the .txt flight log at column FI, that's i before j,  "CAMERA_INFO.recordState" it should show "No" or "starting" depending on whether or not the drone was recording video. I can't remember if the replay in the app show this information.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 15050643 ft

Further to the above, I now can see that I have a still picture for every time I tried to film or take a picture with the drone that is on the phone, but not on the SD card.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 15050643 ft

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 12-31 06:24
Just checked a 64G from a zoom and it's exfat too. I do not as a rule reformat cards so that should be as the card was supplied.

Just to confirm. Is this seen in the FRAP program or some other program from the phone Flight Logs. I do not see any log with todays date on them, so there is nothing logged on the phone
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This is copying the .txt flight log straight off the phone to computer and
1) uploading it to phantomhelp's logviewer  
and downloading the csv from there
2) processing the .txt flightog on a Windows computer with CsvView
and exporting the csv
3) processing the .txt with TXTlogToCSVtool.exe (Windows computer) ... sv-converter.70428/
I use __________     

FORFILES /m *.txt /C "TXTlogToCSVtool /c @file @fname.csv"   


run in a command window opened in the folder storing ONLY the .txt files.
NOTE the folder mentioned may need to be in a precise location, it's a  while ago since I worked the script out and I can't remember if it MUST be in that location, I am not a programmer.
Just for reference the path to  the folder I use is C:\name1-of-my-choice\name2-of-my-choice

1) would be the easiest if this will be the only time you will do this.
3) would be the best if you want to do it en-masse but you need to run a one line command in a DOS window etc to do it en masse

I have no idea whether FRAP will show it but, from memory, FRAP processes the csv's from PhantomHelp's logviewer.

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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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United Kingdom

kyalami Posted at 12-31 05:39
Hmm... Strange. I now put a card in the drone that I have recently used and worked with the previous drone, but when I put that card in the new drone it did not work. Could it be the drone???
I now also tried to take a still picture and checked the old card which used to work in the old dron and it did also not work. No picture.

Just a thought.   You’re not saving to internal storage are you?  
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DJI Wanda

kyalami Posted at 2022-12-31 06:27
Further to the above, I now can see that I have a still picture for every time I tried to film or take a picture with the drone that is on the phone, but not on the SD card.

Hi, Kyalami. May we know more feedback about your test? Will the videos and pictures work when you try a different or new SD card? Please check your storage settings as well.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 15050643 ft

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 2022-12-31 06:54
This is copying the .txt flight log straight off the phone to computer and
1) uploading it to phantomhelp's logviewer  

Hi Sean,
Many thanks for your detailed information.
As I have not yet been able to flying the new drone, there is no .txt flight records on the phone to upload.
Happy new year.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 15050643 ft

DAFlys Posted at 2022-12-31 13:06
Just a thought.   You’re not saving to internal storage are you?

ha ha ha.....Now I really feel very bad.
You are absolutely right in your question. I was saving to the internal memory of the drone.
Went in and checked this and changed it to the SD card and the drone recorded the video. This setting must have been a standard setting to store on the internal card when you get a new drone.
Thank you so much for your help and wish you a happy new year.
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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United Kingdom

kyalami Posted at 1-1 03:51
ha ha ha.....Now I really feel very bad.
You are absolutely right in your question. I was saving to the internal memory of the drone.
Went in and checked this and changed it to the SD card and the drone recorded the video. This setting must have been a standard setting to store on the internal card when you get a new drone.

No probs kyalami.  Happy new year to you too.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 15050643 ft

DJI Wanda Posted at 1-1 01:01
Hi, Kyalami. May we know more feedback about your test? Will the videos and pictures work when you try a different or new SD card? Please check your storage settings as well.

Hi Wanda,
DAFlys hit the nail on the head. I was saving the video to the internal storage and not the SD card. I completely forgot about that there is an internal storage which the drone was saving to. Now everything is working fine. This must have been a default setting for brand new drones that I was not aware of. Now I am just waiting for warmer weather to check out it the drone also can fly he he he......
Happy new year to you and all at DJI.
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United Kingdom

Glad you got it sorted.
Just as a matter of interest all you need to do to create a log is, with the phone connected to the controller, start the motors and let them run for a few seconds them shut the motors down.
I ALWAYS use the CSC to start motors, so much so that I don't know if there is a motor start button in the Go4 App.
If you would be worried about the drone launching itself then take the props off, I recollect that if the motors are commanded to rev to flight speed and are 'propless' the drone gives a warning to fit the props and shuts the motors down.
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DJI Wanda

kyalami Posted at 1-1 04:00
Hi Wanda,
DAFlys hit the nail on the head. I was saving the video to the internal storage and not the SD card. I completely forgot about that there is an internal storage which the drone was saving to. Now everything is working fine. This must have been a default setting for brand new drones that I was not aware of. Now I am just waiting for warmer weather to check out it the drone also can fly he he he......
Happy new year to you and all at DJI.

Thanks for your reply and update. Best wishes to you and all Forum members, too. If you have any questions, please feel free to talk.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 15050643 ft

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 1-1 04:20
Glad you got it sorted.
Just as a matter of interest all you need to do to create a log is, with the phone connected to the controller, start the motors and let them run for a few seconds them shut the motors down.
I ALWAYS use the CSC to start motors, so much so that I don't know if there is a motor start button in the Go4 App.

Thanks again for your additional information, which I copy and collect to a document which I can review later on. I will try this.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

kyalami Posted at 1-1 04:55
Thanks again for your additional information, which I copy and collect to a document which I can review later on. I will try this.

Oh dear, if you are too quick copying the stuff I wrote you preserve all my typos for posterity. lol
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