Second Officer
Flight distance : 871811 ft
On a recent flight over suburban areas, the drone was about 2 kilometres away, 20-30 metres up, and the ground was flat No police stations or government buildings in the area. I was moving at about 50kph
The drone stopped moving, and I got a message my signal was being jammed and I should ascent immediately. CORRECTION - the message was "Blocked" not "Jammed"
However, the sticks wouldn't respond. After overcoming the "OH NO!!!" feeling, I checked the screen and saw there was still plenty of charge in the battery, and I still had GPS.
I was thinking that when the battery level dropped, it would RTH, but I wasn't certain.
So, I repeatedly moved the sticks and pressed RTH. After a few seconds (seemed like a minute), the RTH prompt popped up, I pressed it, and RTH kicked in.
Do you think RTH would have kicked in automatically if I had waited a while (as I had GPS), or would it have landed?
Update: Looks like my bad. In my panic I misremembered the message. I have found the flight log and it was the signal is "blocked" not "Jammed"