PV2+ Flyaway
665 2 2015-8-18
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[size=14.6666669845581px]From what I've read on the forums, this 'flyaway' issue seems to be a bit of a thing with the Phantom.

[size=14.6666669845581px]I took my Phantom Vision 2+ for a flight and it was fine. Went about 80ft up, in a field, nothing fancy. Took off fine, not much of a breeze, and landed fine. Then I drove to a different location about 2km away (a different field). Everything was off then I recalibrated and was ready for take off.

[size=14.6666669845581px]Started up the motors and about a second after it took flight, it veered off super fast without any control from me and I tried to regain control and it ended up crash landing into the grass.

[size=14.6666669845581px]Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this issue? I youtubed a few tutorials and made sure I was turning everything on properly and calibrating and what not but I've only been flying this drone for a few weeks and have never had this problem before. Until now, it could lift off and hover fine, even in slight wind. I've taken it up to 200ft with no problem. When it flew away, it was maybe six feet off the ground and it took off without any control.

[size=14.6666669845581px]Thanks so much for any help! I might contact DJI to see if they can fix this problem if that is what's recommended. I haven't had this drone 6 months so I don't think it's wear and tear...
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Second Officer

United States

May be to late now but on the remote what were the positions of your S1 and S2 switches. Also did you verify satellite lock?
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Second Officer


So many variables to consider,,,,
Doing a compass calibration for the new location (which we presume you did, did you?) is not enough to know you had enough satellites..any feedback on what you had for satellites prior to take off at the second location, wind conditions etc.  and as above, what were the S1 and S2  switch positions?
If you did not do the above and without enough satellites that is in itself a big problem...if by chance your battery was low (what was the level at your second take off point?) and it tried to RTH without a recal it may have tried to go back to where you were...
Any chance you left the Phantom on (battery only) between locations? If so, major problem!...it would not have established a new home point and if any kind of RTH was enabled it would have made a bee line (was the grass it crashed into on the side of a hill?) to the old location.
Are you set up in NAZA-M? If so, any chance you selected manual mode?...if so, not good at a low altitude, pretty much a recipe for disaster.

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