Unusual Phantom 2 Vision+ behaviour (crash)
802 3 2015-8-19
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I am quite expierenced R/C model user (I was staring R/C competition with successes for many years), this is my second Phantom, but today something really weird and terryfying has happened.

I was trying to make a few pictures from above in one spot in Katowice, Poland - exactly here - https://www.google.pl/maps/place ... 18.0%22E/@50.260191,19.021675,18z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0

Everything went just usual - turned the pilot and wifi extender on, turned the Phantom on, connect with mobile app, get the vision and parameters, wait a short time to get the 6, then 7,8,9 sattellites, then turned the motors on and take off. At the level of about 30m, Phantom lost control (but without any information on mobile app), I just couldn't control and the Phantom started to drift very quickly in one direction, then to another, and another in quite random way, even when I haven't touch the pilot... finally after less than 60 seconds lost control screen appeared and Phantom fell down moving with very strange position (big angle, which I saw for the first time) with big impact, in the very lucky way - as it was quite crowded place. Nothing bad happened to anyone. But the Phantom is broken...

Unfortunately I got no SD card inside, what I realized just after take off... but was too late to land as the Phantom stopped to listening my control...

Just one prove I have is the screenshot from DJI Vision app, made just before the crash, showing how strange angle Phantom has in final stage. Normally I have never achieve so big angle with gimbal cam, so something went really wrong.

I just wondering if you could examine it in factory to check what really got wrong. To be honest I just lost some kind of confidence ito this device... and I hope it was just some kind of random error... but luckily noone got harmed...

Please find attached pictures from crashed Phantom and screenshot. The speed and the angle of fall shows that it wasn't any control mistake, but a hardware problem of Phantom...

DJI Official Crew - Can you help me please?

IMAG3369.jpg IMAG3370.jpg IMAG3374.jpg Screenshot_2015-08-19-20-40-29.jpg
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Second Officer


Were you flying in manual mode by any chance?
According to your screen shot your speed was 26.6 m/s or 96 km/h or 60 mi/h?..WOW!

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Second Officer

United States

From what you described could have been an ESC starting to fail. As it dropped speed the other tree props trying to compensate woul cause the quad to swing from one side to the other  as the ESC was cutting in and out. Then when it finally quit she fourth five'd and came down. If you get a chance pull the shell and look at all four ESC's and smell each one too. Look at the Moffits and see if any appear to be blown or smoked up. Might give you an idea of what happened. It's the motors and ESC that keep her in the air as long as she has the juice to fly. That would be my starting point to try and find the culprit for the crash. Good luck and let us know what you find.
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That sucks man, good luck !
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