Flight distance : 2845026 ft
In general, you will want to CROP your footage. Not resize it (squeeze) to a different ratio.
This way, you don't get ugly distorted objects.
Also in general. Faster framerates (50fps in PAL area) are better for action cameras.
Since they will result in smoother video with fast action. Plus you have the benefit of being able to slow down without a problem.
You maybe want to stick to your PAL equivalent of 25fps, so you don't have the risk of flickering artificial lighting.
30fps is not adviced in PAL area for this reason.
Now some will argue that 24fps is 'cinematic' since a lot of movies are shot in 24fps. But it takes more than just that framerate to be cinematic
If you are going to film in a dim lit environment, 25fps might be better, since it will allow your shutterspeed to be slower and let more light on the sensor. (compared to 50fps)
But that depends on the situation.
I personally would always shoot in the fastest framerate I can, so I have smoother footage (less risk of jitter) and I can slow my footage down if I want to.
But (again) it depends on many things. There is no 1 size fits all
But in a forest that will probably not be an issue. |