strange behavior resulted in a salty and wet crash
617 2 2015-8-24
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After having a lot of fun with my rather fresh Phantom 2 Vision+ multicopter, I have to admint I was puzzled by the following events. I was flying the Phantom on a sunny and calm day, no noticeble wind at all. Location: little fishing village in Norway, just outside the northermost point in Europe. Did some aerial stills and noticed that the battery was getting low (around 20%), so started to direct the drone back to home. It was flying towards me, over the fishing harbour and reached (visually) the shore, when I started to land the drone. It was at an altitude of around 60m, coming down half throttle. Now, the fun began at around 8m height - the drone suddenly started to tilt from side to side, violently, angles of 45 degrees and more. I let go of the throttle for a few seconds - no change in behavior. I tried to go full throttle up, to avoid a violent crash - no reaction from the drone. It continued its violent movements and ended up about 3 meters off shore and 5m deep in the sea. Locals fished it out, in total the drone was submerged less than 5 minutes. I took it to the shower and rinsed out saltwater as much as I could, then opened it up and let it dry for 2 days, but no luck, i'ts dead. Later looking at it - 2 prop guards were broken in the crash. I guess water can he rahter hard sometimes.

And here is my question - what did I do wrong? Any ideas what to avoid in the future with my new drone, if I will buy one again.

Thanks for your thoughts.

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United States

One word.... Prop wash
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Second Officer

United States

If you got it out and fresh water flushed it God. You should be able to rebuild. The battery is definitely gone. Other components may be ok. Need another battery and start diagnostics of the components. Start by plugging into the assistant and see if you get any errors.
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