What is the meaning of a continious beep beep beep beep on the drone when booting, No lights at all, no camera movement, no camera beeps, nothing at all. Just the alarming beeps.
Background info: I was stupid enough to update the Firmware following messages on the app. That went totally wrong, ESC Error after error, no connection with remote.
I had solved the remote connection. The app is telling me again to update the firmware. The BIN file is corrupted, download again and try again was the advice. Again the fresh BIN file was corrupted. Try again, now it's telling me that the drone is LOCKED and even after the update it will still be locked.
OK, one more try, boot the drone. and....... see my first line (beep beep beep beep is all I get)
Any advice welcome as I am ready to dump the whole thing in the trash can.