Flight distance : 459954 ft
United States
It’s **possible** that those messages that you’re getting are completely unrelated.
You said that you were no more than 3 meters above the ground. When I tried a waypoint mission at 6 feet (1.8 meters), I got the “suspended message” because the obstacle avoidance was triggered by the ground. On a waypoint mission, if the drone gets too close to an obstacle (including the ground), the drone will brake and suspend the waypoint mission. (And give you that suspension message).
I was able to fly a short mission at 8 feet AGL--based on home point (2.44 meters), but I felt like I was pushing my luck. I don’t know what the exact height AGL is for the ground to be deemed an obstacle by the software but it’s in that 6-9 feet ballpark. (1.8-2.8 meter ballpark).
But then again, those messages could be entirely related.