Selling an old Mavic 2 Pro
2292 8 2023-6-24
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Flight distance : 1936 ft
United Kingdom

I know this has probably been done to death but I'm selling my old Mavic 2 Pro and there appears to no longer be a way to unbind it from my DJI account. I go into Profile but there is no Device Managment option that I can see anymore? Is this no longer a thing and I can just sell it and the new owner can connect it to their account without any issues? TIA
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They never could be bound, that is a feature that is only applicable to certain FLY app using drones.
What controller is being sold with the drone? If a smart controller then log out of your app and, via computer or the controller's internal browser - if it has one, remove all the flight logs including the DATs from the controller. DO NOT worry about the DAT's on the drone, they can not be removed but they also can not be read.Personally I would MOVE all the logs to computer i.e. keep them for record purposes. DO NOT remove the folders that contained those logs.
If the controller is the RC1A or RC1B then the logs are stored on your phone, so you do not need to worry about that/them.
How much are you looking, how many batteries and how many charges on each battery? If you are sending this via post you MUST send the batteries in the same parcel as the drone and ensure they are fairly well discharged before you pack them. I would also photograph the serial numbers for the drone, the controller and each battery, keep those photos.Remove your CAA details from anything that they are on and remove all memory cards.

I would also ensure that
1) the Failsafe/disconnection option was set to RTH and that
2) the "emergency motor stop" option was set to "breakdown" or "emergency only" (whichever is the appropriate wording)
3) the obstacle avoidance was  switched off
4) there is a setting, for which I do not remember the name, but if  ON it means that the drone can, in certain circumstances,  RTH at a very low height. If that is switched on - SWITCH IT OFF. From memory it's name or description includes the word constant but you will have to google it.

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Flight distance : 1936 ft
United Kingdom

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 6-24 01:23
They never could be bound, that is a feature that is only applicable to certain FLY app using drones.
What controller is being sold with the drone? If a smart controller then log out of your app and via computer or the controller's internal browser, if it has one, remove all the flight logs including the DATs from the controller. Personally I would MOVE all the logs to computer. DO NOT remove the folders that contained those logs. If the controller is the RC1A or RC1B then the logs are stored on your phone so you do not need to worry about that/them.
How much are you looking, how many batteries and how many charges on each battery? If you are sending this via post you MUST send the batteries in the same parcel as the drone and ensure they are fairly well discharged before you pack them.

There is no controller it is just the drone as I have a Smart Controller that I use with my Mini 2 and the Mavic 2 the original controller was lost. It has 3 batteries all have less than 10 charges. They are all on low charge so all good and I will check the other things you mention. I always thought they were bound to my account and there were issues with a new owner if thast was the case? As I am using a Smart Controller are the logs stored on that so don't need removing?
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Smoothound Posted at 6-24 01:30
There is no controller it is just the drone as I have a Smart Controller that I use with my Mini 2 and the Mavic 2 the original controller was lost. It has 3 batteries all have less than 10 charges. They are all on low charge so all good and I will check the other things you mention. I always thought they were bound to my account and there were issues with a new owner if thast was the case?

You might care to re read my post, I added some comments you might not have seen.

With regards to the batteries. At such low charge counts I would check that they indicate that they currently have charge.
If they intermittantly flash just one segment I'd stick them on charge until they indicate they indicate they are between 25% & 50%, i.e, the 2nd segment is flashing.

Binding is ONLY applicable to certain FLY app using drones.

When you say the original controller was lost, what do you mean? If you mean it is somewhere safe but you have forgotten where that "safe" place is, I would suggest you have a look for it. I suspect prices have dropped since I last was interested but they were not cheap thing to buy and having one should increase the price you can ask.
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Flight distance : 1936 ft
United Kingdom

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 6-24 01:43
You might care to re read my post, I added some comments you might not have seen.

With regards to the batteries. At such low charge counts I would check that they indicate that they currently have charge.

I have reread your post. I will make sure the batteries are on 1 or 2 solid bars before sending.

Right so because I'm using Go 4 there is no binding and the next owner can just do the same and my flight logs etc stay with my controller not the drone?

Thanks for your help!
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Flight distance : 15997 ft
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Smoothound Posted at 6-24 01:57
I have reread your post. I will make sure the batteries are on 1 or 2 solid bars before sending.

Right so because I'm using Go 4 there is no binding and the next owner can just do the same and my flight logs etc stay with my controller not the drone?

Yes, if you are not including the smart controller then the logs remain available to only you ....... unless you have synced them and give the buyer you login details but I see no reason for you to do that.

Just to highlight the point, put ONLY a limited charge on the batteries, you DO NOT want to put in enough charge that the batteries will enter self discharge during transit. They give off heat when they self discharge which might upset the carrier. I also stress the batteries MUST be in the same parcel as the drone. RM have been known to destroy batteries that are not in the parcel with the device they are meant to power.
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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If you're sending with Royal Mail you might want to double check the forbidden items,   last time I went to post with them batteries were forbidden were inside the device or not.  
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Flight distance : 1936 ft
United Kingdom

DAFlys Posted at 6-24 02:25
If you're sending with Royal Mail you might want to double check the forbidden items,   last time I went to post with them batteries were forbidden were inside the device or not.

Cool. Won't use Royal Mail or Parcel Force
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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United Kingdom

Smoothound Posted at 6-24 05:05
Cool. Won't use Royal Mail or Parcel Force

Probably  best.  I posted on the 15th June  an item on 48 hour tracked with signature and it’s still in transit.
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