 Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
United Kingdom
They never could be bound, that is a feature that is only applicable to certain FLY app using drones.
What controller is being sold with the drone? If a smart controller then log out of your app and, via computer or the controller's internal browser - if it has one, remove all the flight logs including the DATs from the controller. DO NOT worry about the DAT's on the drone, they can not be removed but they also can not be read.Personally I would MOVE all the logs to computer i.e. keep them for record purposes. DO NOT remove the folders that contained those logs.
If the controller is the RC1A or RC1B then the logs are stored on your phone, so you do not need to worry about that/them.
How much are you looking, how many batteries and how many charges on each battery? If you are sending this via post you MUST send the batteries in the same parcel as the drone and ensure they are fairly well discharged before you pack them. I would also photograph the serial numbers for the drone, the controller and each battery, keep those photos.Remove your CAA details from anything that they are on and remove all memory cards.
I would also ensure that
1) the Failsafe/disconnection option was set to RTH and that
2) the "emergency motor stop" option was set to "breakdown" or "emergency only" (whichever is the appropriate wording)
3) the obstacle avoidance was switched off
4) there is a setting, for which I do not remember the name, but if ON it means that the drone can, in certain circumstances, RTH at a very low height. If that is switched on - SWITCH IT OFF. From memory it's name or description includes the word constant but you will have to google it.