Flight distance : 60315 ft
So I can't get any video on my iPhone using the Ronin App and a Raveneye connected to my Nikon Z9. After reading a few threads I tried changing the HDMI output to other resolutions. No luck. Then I tried disconnecting the camera control cable from my Z9 to the RS3 Pro and now I get video if the HDMI output is set to 1080p.
Problem is I no longer get the advanced camera control functions since my Z9 is no longer connected by USB-C to my RS3 Pro.
This is very frustrating to have to choose between camera control via USB-C or video to my iPhone and being able to use Active Track. Am I missing a setting somewhere? Or is this a limitation of the devices used? It's annoying to spend this much money on high end products (and popular ones at that) and not have them work together.