DJI Mini SE Unstable
324 1 2023-8-16
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Víctor Salazar
Dominican Republic


I have noticed that recently my DJI Mini SE is unstable when flying. Even in open places where there is almost no wind. I leave it without moving it while in the air, but it looks quite unstable, you could say it looks like it's shaking and it doesn't stay static as it should. So in the videos of the drone, you can notice that it is shaking and you can not record good videos because of the instability.
I have already calibrated the compass and the IMU, but without any improvement.
Please help me to have stability again when flying my drone.

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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Hi there, thank you for reaching out. Just to verify, did you fly the drone in a place with No GPS signal? If the drone doesn't hover stably, please refer to the following steps and check, thanks.
1. If the propellers are damaged, change them when necessary;
2. Fly in P mode with good GPS environment, avoid flying when there is a strong wind and much interference around;
3. Calibrate the IMU and compass, if possible, also calibrate the VPS system.

Hope this could help. If the drone has an impact damage or crash incident before, please send it back for an overall check. Thank you.
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