First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft
AR_AirPrecision Posted at 2-8 13:18
Have you ever tried one of those aluminium balloon for kids?
No i haven't. But there may be one issue by using this balloon, it is the fact that there color is not uniform, and almost impossible to paint in a durable way.
Having uniform color is critical because then the reflectivity value will be +/- always the same.
To found them easily we use the reflectivity filter function. All point related to trees or soil with low reflectivity are disappearing. Iam talking about LiDAR reflectivity here.
Nevertheless with uniform color globe, it remains two issues:
-you can't use it when there is snow because in this situation the reflectivity is high on everything covered by snow.
-It does not have the precision of GCP. It is really made to detect what we name center plot in forest, which are usually used as reference to count how many trees there are in a certain radius. Then with azimuth and distance we are able to detect trees and compare ground measurements (trunk diameter, species...) and drone measurements (spectral Index, tree height...) |