Hello, I am devloping an app for my DJI mini 3. Im using google maps to allow users to select coordinates to then be uploaded into a waypointmission. I am using waypointmissionv1. Below is a screenshot of the app.
As I try to upload the mission I recive this error, invalid key for component. Here are the states that the app goes thorugh before reaching this error.
1) Config - Put waypoint configurations a) Information I put in boxes. - Altitude: 10 - Action After Finished: None - Heading: Auto - GoToFirstMode: Safetly b) Clicked finished c) Set waypoint attitude successfully : loadwaypoint succeeded 2) Upload [ERROR HERE] a) Mission upload failed, error, **Invalid key for component** retrying... b) [WaypointMissionState]: READY_TO_UPLOAD
This is the tutorial i am using [color=var(--text-normal)][size=0.875] What does the invalid key for component error mean?