Mimo screen rotation when biking driving me nuts
1955 16 2024-4-1
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I've read a few threads and see that this fault is caused by the Mimo app not respecting orientation settings of the phone. I can set the phone to lock in portrait (Samsung A33) yet Mimo just rotates round and round and round and nothing will stop it.

I've had this problem since my Osmo Action 1, so it's not new. It's really getting silly and needs an urgent resolution. It needs to automatically respect the phone's settings, or Mimo to have a lock screen orientation button.

I know I'm going to get the usual "Thank you for reaching out .... send to developers .... blah blah" but this isn't some obscure bug that intermittently happens. It seems to happen consistently on ALL platforms any time you are on a bike, and has done for years.
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There are some apps that will force the rotation of the app, search the app store for "rotation"
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One can only try But if I could find an app that did a workaround I'd be happy. I'll spend some time trying a few and report back.
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Flight distance : 29892 ft
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I think this is solved. Looked on the Play store and downloaded something called ""Orientation Control". I can keep it in the landscape mode whilst it's running. Hopefully that's that issue put to bed. Thanks for the help
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DJI Gamora

Hi, djiuser_vB7rsMeLSR1z. Thank you for reaching out. Let me confirm if this is normal. I'll get back to you once we receive an update.
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DJI Gamora

djiuser_vB7rsMeLSR1z Posted at 4-1 12:04
I think this is solved. Looked on the Play store and downloaded something called ""Orientation Control". I can keep it in the landscape mode whilst it's running. Hopefully that's that issue put to bed. Thanks for the help

We're glad that you have found a solution to this. Let me just provide as well the feedback of our relevant team as to why this is happening:
When the DJI Osmo Action series is used with DJI Mimo, the virtual buttons/icons on the camera screen should be in line with the current holding direction in various usage scenarios.

DJI Mimo will identify the current mobile phone orientation through the mobile phone sensor data and adjust the display mode in the app. However, the UI adaptive display orientation may vary due to different interaction modes of different products.

* DJI Mimo will directly call the mobile phone sensor data to identify the orientation and will not be affected by the mobile phone’s “orientation lock” or “auto rotation” settings.

[Display Logics]

For some products, the UI display orientation is not compatible in some specific mobile phone orientations. This issue is not due to a bug. It is a special design for the UI adaptive display orientation in the app based on the product usage scenarios to make it more suitable for product usage.

We will also forward your suggestion to our relevant team. Thank you for your kind understanding and support.
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DJI Gamora Posted at 4-5 00:36
We're glad that you have found a solution to this. Let me just provide as well the feedback of our relevant team as to why this is happening:
When the DJI Osmo Action series is used with DJI Mimo, the virtual buttons/icons on the camera screen should be in line with the current holding direction in various usage scenarios.

@DJI Gamora, I provided feedback about this issue before and the latest firmware version and MIMO app still did not work.
See picture below. Is it matching to what you have shared earlier?

MIMO Orientation Issue.jpg
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DJI Gamora

FfoSuy Posted at 4-5 23:01
@DJI Gamora, I provided feedback about this issue before and the latest firmware version and MIMO app still did not work.
See picture below. Is it matching to what you have shared earlier?

Hi there. We're sorry for the inconvenience. When Osmo Action is used with Mimo App, the Mimo App will fill the entire screen by default, which means even if you use landscape mode on the product, the Mimo will not change to the landscape, you'll need to rotate the phone to see the landscape effect. This is normal logic. But we will forward this as a suggestion of yours and will forward it to our designated team for attention. All significant suggestions will be implemented after the evaluation of our relevant team. For the latest updates please stay tuned to our DJI official website at ( www.dji.com ). Thank you.
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@DJI Gamora, Thanks for the reply. It does not make sense to to try fill up the screen if it is in the wrong orientation. If a user wants to do this, he/ she should orientate the phone correctly to achieve this, and in this case, landscape . The video preview should always remain upright by default. I have no issue with this on my GoPro app. Please fix this at the next MIMO app update.

In any case, your display illustration in the various orientations also does not match the actual outcome, which means this is a bug to begin with and not "as intended, by design".  Thanks.
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DJI Gamora

FfoSuy Posted at 4-14 03:48
@DJI Gamora, Thanks for the reply. It does not make sense to to try fill up the screen if it is in the wrong orientation. If a user wants to do this, he/ she should orientate the phone correctly to achieve this, and in this case, landscape . The video preview should always remain upright by default. I have no issue with this on my GoPro app. Please fix this at the next MIMO app update.

In any case, your display illustration in the various orientations also does not match the actual outcome, which means this is a bug to begin with and not "as intended, by design".  Thanks.

I will take it as a suggestion of yours and will forward it to our designated team for attention, and hope we can optimize it in the future app version. All significant suggestions will be implemented after the evaluation of our relevant team. For the latest updates please stay tuned to our DJI official website at ( www.dji.com ). Thank you.
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United States

This is so terrible.

YOU argue it is a a feature.
And simply dismiss valid user use cases.

You have went out of of your way to actively fight against default android behaviour.

When I I bend over and my phone tips past flat, the screen flips upside down.
And the thing is your devs went out of there way to ignore the phone device settings and exhert there will.

Every time that happens a kitten dies.
Shame on you DJI.

Either follow the Android default behaviour (which is configurable).

Or provide settings that are configuable (ie lock orientation. auto orient, etc)

This has been out there for a long time.
YOu do great tech, but it is only as strong as weakest link.
This makes MIMO almost useless for anyone who is moving around.

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Flight distance : 2354357 ft
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United Kingdom

djiuser_Rb0pOgSnJcg5 Posted at 7-28 11:50
This is so terrible.

YOU argue it is a a feature.

As i mentioned in my reply #2 just use an app that controls the rotation, you only need to set it once and it will set it everytime you use the Mimo app
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United States

There are several apps that do this on Android.
And in fact the Android OS has this control.
This approach is efective to control well written Android apps.

Having said that, the MIMO developers have went out of there way to assert their will.
As such I can not find any way of locking the rotation.

I you can point me to an Android App that does this, I would be appreciative.

Having said that, this is still a major flaw in the MIMO design.
Any time I have to install a 3rd party app to get an app t behave
is symptomatic of a ill conceived design.

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United States

Would appreciate help on this.

There are many other posts on this subject out there.

Alot of people having this  issue
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United States

Hello, DJI, can you please respond?
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I'm also experiencing the same issue. I use my Android smartphone attached to a 2m selfie stick base to monitor my Osmo Pocket 3 camera at the other end. I do this to achieve a crane effect. However, while I move the selfie stick up and down, the DJI MIMO screen keeps rotating even though I've configured the system to have a fixed screen rotation. The MIMO app does not obey the screen rotation setting in the Android system.
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