Avata 2 Fire Prove Label Placement for eID
877 7 4-22 01:01
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Flight distance : 42175 ft
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I just wanted to ask, where to place the fire prove label (which is required in EU) with the eID on the Avata 2? I assume there are only two options:1. At the bottom front, below the gimbal, where the plastic is black.

2. In the middle of the bottom, underneath the drone at about the position where the Micro SD slot is.

DJI, can you confirm this or at tell us where to put the label otherwise?

Thank you very much in advance!

4-22 01:01
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Flight distance : 5351325 ft

There's no requirement for fire-proof label anymore, a paper sticker is enough. I just printed eID as 8x8mm QR and placed it on opposite side of SD/USB.You can place your eID sticker everywhere, except inside the battery compartment.
4-22 11:08
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Flight distance : 5351325 ft

Official Source:
https://www.lba.de/DE/Drohnen/FA ... r_EID/FAQ_node.html

Muss ich weiterhin ein feuerfestes Schild mit meinem Namen und meiner Adresse auf meinem UAS anbringen?
Gemäß den EU-Regularien ist keine Feuerfestigkeit der Beschriftung, somit kein feuerfestes Schild mehr erforderlich. An geeigneter Stelle muss jedoch eine Registrierungsnummer (e-ID) angebracht werden. Zu den geeigneten Stellen zählt hierbei auch das Batteriefach, wenn es sich um ein Flugmodell eines im Original existierenden Luftfahrzeuges handelt und das Anbringen der Registrierungsnummer das Gesamtbild des Flugmodells stören würde. Drohnen sind keine im Original existierenden Flugmodelle!
Achtung! Auch wenn die e-ID in die Fernidentifikationsfunktion des UAS eingegeben wurde, muss diese zusätzlich auch physisch am UAS selbst angebracht sein.
Darf ich die Betreiberregistriernummer auch als QR Code auf meinem UAS anbringen?
Ja, die Betreiberregistrierung darf auch als QR-Code angebracht sein. Der Code muss in einer Größe aufgebracht werden, die das Lesen des Codes ohne Schwierigkeiten ermöglicht.

4-22 13:58
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Flight distance : 42175 ft
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Thank you both for your replies! The information that is has not to be fire prove anymore passed by me somehow. Good to know. Too bad I already order the fire prove label So I would still like to know if I can place it on one of my two mentioned positions, or if I should not use the label because it is made of aluminum and could cause signal problems? I never had issues before on other drones with fire prove labels, just curious two know your opinions.
4-22 23:23
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Flight distance : 5351325 ft

Schmeiß das feuerfeste weg und druck halt a Papieretikett. Dann hast kein mögliches Empfangsproblem. Stell di halt net so an xD

4-23 05:29
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Flight distance : 1297329 ft

@flojo: You should avoid covering antennas (which are in the four "corners" of the prop-guard) and GPS-receiver(antenna) which is under the front part of the top cover. Placing it at one side of the body should not be a problem or at the rear part of the top side (short of battery compartment). But the places you did proposed seem to be okay for me too.
4-23 05:48
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Flight distance : 42175 ft
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Bensberger Posted at 4-23 05:48
@flojo: You should avoid covering antennas (which are in the four "corners" of the prop-guard) and GPS-receiver(antenna) which is under the front part of the top cover. Placing it at one side of the body should not be a problem or at the rear part of the top side (short of battery compartment). But the places you did proposed seem to be okay for me too.

That is very interesting with the antennas. I did not know that. That was not the same with the Avata 1 correct? At least I assume that, because the prop guards were replaceable by the user as with the Avata 2 the prop guards are not. So does that mean rubber bumpers should also not be placed around the prop guards?

And by the way thanks for your help!
4-23 23:54
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DJI Gamora


Hi, flojo. Thank you for reaching out. Generally, there is no requirement for a fixed position. You stick it on the bottom or the tail of the drone. Kindly note that this identification plate should not be squeezed against the gimbal camera. Hope this helps.
4-25 19:30
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