Flight distance : 4853665 ft
djiuser_VvRKHTNd78gg Posted at 5-24 11:41
Man, I came here because I thought there must have been some mistake with not including the bracket with either Focus Pro set or Transmission Set, and now I know that I'm not alone and that this is widespread? It's in every pre-production set they sent to every Youtuber to make vidoes about it but doesn't come with anything and not even available to buy? And then when its in stock its going to be $175???? This is inane man, also, to even have the ability to plug in the High Bright Monitor and not use batteries, I need to buy an adapter that is almost $500. This is extrememly disappointing.
What do mean with „ also, to even have the ability to plug in the High Bright Monitor and not use batteries, I need to buy an adapter that is almost $500“?