DJI FPV Combo issues - DJI assistance requested
578 2 2024-6-1
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United States

I am not new to DJI, been flying them since 2019 and set up this new account for the purchase of the DJI FPV as I would be using it for a different purpose than my other account

The FPV combo was listed as open box / refurbished and it arrived in very good condition.

I dowloaded DJI FLY (my other units use DJI GO 4) and signed in with this new account, linked the goggles v2, remote, and drone and the FLY app had me activate it.. which it seemed to do.

So now the weirdness:

-- Every time I log in with my account on a different phone/device it issues me a different random 'handle' or 'nickname' and if I change the name here on the website, or avatar photo etc it does not go accross devices

-- Flight logs are not syncing

-- My DJI forum acount (this one that I used to activate) does not show my FPV Model in my avatar, and again logs/distances are not shown either...

So then I dug a bit deeper and in the FLY app under device managmenet it says no devices unless I have everything on and linked

-- There is not bind with account or unbind options in value add etc..

so my question is did this unit really BIND to my account?  it shows as activated for 17 days... so I am assuming it was not already bound as that is the length of time I have had it..?

range is pretty poor.. worse than my orignal mavic here in the US/FCC  -- I get about 4000 feet or just over 1 KM

so.. what is my issue... what am I missing?


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Second Officer
Flight distance : 12536706 ft
United States

I can't attest to the range as I have never flown my DJI FPV that great of distance.

But as far as the rest of the weirdness....

I bought my DJI FPV second hand so I went through the exact same situation (no DJI FPV in avatar, doesn't show in DJI Fly app unless powered up and connected, binding options, etc. After speaking with both mods/admin here on the forum and also DJI Support, I was reassured that this is normal. The DJI FPV doesn't bind with your account the way most DJI drones do. I've had mine for eight months without any issues.

The syncing of the flight logs....I have this issue as well which my only complaint is that when it tells that X flight logs not uploaded then you hit the upload button, it appears to upload them and even gives you the upload successful message but if you wait a couple of minutes the X flight logs not uploaded notification pops up again. DJI needs to fix this.

The reason your username changes on the forum is if it is the same as your email address (ie DueceDriv3r@******.com). Been there done that myself. Now I just leave it and let DJI do it's thing)
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DJI Natalia

Hi there,
thank you for reaching out and we are sorry about the unpleasant experience.

For FPV, it does not have the binding and unbinding option. So, you don't need to do the unbinding step on the app as the new user can use the FPV directly.

Should you have any questions, kindly let us know.
Thank you!
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