Hetz Ben-Hamo
For those with Apple machines with Mac OS and problems with Osmo Pocket 3, follow these instructions:
- Do not use the "Video capture device" method. This method does not distinguish between Pocket's Portrait and landscape mode, so it's "stuck" on Portrait mode, hence - the weird picture
- Instead, add "Capture Card Device" and give it a name, press OK
- Select the Osmo Pocket device from the Device list
- Select the resolution that you want
- At the bottom of the window, in "Input format" Select the "NV12"
- At the middle of the windows, in Frame Rate select "Simple FPS Values", and then select your desired FPS (25,30 etc...)
You should see a video in landscape mode.
Make sure in OBS, in Settings, Under Video - to select/type the correct base and output and the correct FPS, or else you might get some skewed video.
Note: if you get a "Semi rotated" video output (like you rotated it 75 degrees), then right-click on the video, select Transform and select "Reset Transform". This will fix the output.
Enjoy ;)