Any downside to “hover and grab” instead of landing?
604 16 7-6 08:37
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United States

Instead of landing, I often just hover my Avata 2, grab it, and flip it over. I do this to avoid rocks and debris from the ground causing wear and tear on the props. (Even though I have a landing pad, dirt can still accumulate.) Is there any downside to this practice? The motors tend to rev briefly but heavily as the drone is flipped over.
7-6 08:37
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After 10 years of flying different DJI birds I have very rarely landed on the ground because of all the dust it kicks up that gets in every part of the drone. Instead I hoover it on 1 meter and grab it. For the Mavic it was from the underside and at the same time shutting down the motors with the other hand on the throttle stick pulling down. For the Avata I grab it from the top and just flip it upside down and it shuts off with a terrible screaming last revving attempt :-) Just always watch your fingers!!
7-6 22:31
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United Kingdom

Assuming that Avatas behave in the same way as my FPV then there is no need to "grab it".
Just hover it over your hand, close the throttle and hold it closed.
The drone should descend and maybe briefly hesititate when it reachs the "landing protection"  minimum height but if you keep the throttle closed the decent should restart and it will land in/on your hand. Continue to hold the throttle closed and the motors should stop quite quickly.
Your hand MUST be kept still whilst the drone is in/on it and the drone's motors are running otherwise the drone will fight you.

7-7 02:57
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DJI Natalia

Hi there,

Consumer drones don't support Palm Launch/Palm Land. In addition, It is not recommended to land the drone on your hands which is dangerous.

I hope this information has helped to clarify your inquiries. If you have any other questions, kindly let us know. Thank You!
7-7 03:26
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United Kingdom

Ive been doing this for years and never suffered any ill effects from it.
7-7 04:31
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First Officer
Flight distance : 15039524 ft
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Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 7-7 02:57
Assuming that Avatas behave in the same way as my FPV then there is no need to "grab it".
Just hover it over your hand, close the throttle and hold it closed.
The drone should descend and maybe briefly hesititate when it reachs the "landing protection"  minimum height but if you keep the throttle closed the decent should restart and it will land in/on your hand. Continue to hold the throttle closed and the motors should stop quite quickly.

Bad idea and not recommended at all. But hey do it if you like it.
7-7 04:57
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United Kingdom

Swedrone Posted at 7-7 04:57
Bad idea and not recommended at all. But hey do it if you like it.

Why ?
There's less risk of putting a finger into the props using my approach than there is whilst trying to grab it. To me ''grabbing'' suggests a rapid movement of the hand which may result in the finger tips over shooting their intended position and getting hit by the props.
It seems that it is possible to take hold of the drone from above rather than land it in/on your hand.

Which ever of the two methiods, take-hold/land-on, is used and providing that hand is kept still, does an avata/2 not stop its motors when the throttle is held closed ?

Support your statement up with something.
7-7 07:40
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Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 7-7 07:40
Why ?
There's less risk of putting a finger into the props using my approach than there is whilst trying to grab it. To me ''grabbing'' suggests a rapid movement of the hand which may result in the finger tips over shooting their intended position and getting hit by the props.
It seems that it is possible to take hold of the drone from above rather than land it in/on your hand.

Why don’t you ask DJI Nataila instead? There is a reason for everything you know..
7-7 20:17
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Swedrone Posted at 7-7 20:17
Why don’t you ask DJI Nataila instead? There is a reason for everything you know..

Because she is not the person who said "Bad idea and not recommended at all.". You are.
So do you know the reason ? If so, do tell.
7-7 20:24
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Flight distance : 401171 ft

I grab the drone from above and tilt it to the side.

Landing on the palm takes a long time and the drone ponders and checks the quality of the landing site. He doesn't like something and starts to get irritated.

Of course, it is best to land on a special landing field. You just have to carry them with you. It doesn't fit in a backpack.
Landing on grass or sand knows how it ends.
7-7 22:01
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Flight distance : 255387 ft


Since 2017, I always land drones on the ground. Whether it's a small fpv or a large matrice. And I have never had problems with sand in the motors. Problems arise after falls. The risk of cutting off your finger is extremely high, and my colleague has already had such an incident. Why risk your health trying to protect a piece of iron?
7-7 22:07
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First Officer
Flight distance : 15039524 ft
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Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 7-7 20:24
Because she is not the person who said "Bad idea and not recommended at all.". You are.
So do you know the reason ? If so, do tell.

She may be a bot but she is actually not talking on the forum however did write "Consumer drones don't support Palm Launch/Palm Land. In addition, It is not recommended to land the drone on your hands which is dangerous." Why don't you try to land on your head and make a video about it so share?
Don't forget to always wear gloves and protective eyewear when flying your drone, as a Core User of DJI you shold know this.
7-7 23:54
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United Kingdom

Swedrone Posted at 7-7 23:54
She may be a bot but she is actually not talking on the forum however did write "Consumer drones don't support Palm Launch/Palm Land. In addition, It is not recommended to land the drone on your hands which is dangerous." Why don't you try to land on your head and make a video about it so share?
Don't forget to always wear gloves and protective eyewear when flying your drone, as a Core User of DJI you shold know this.

Is citing what you imply might be a bot the best answer you can come up with ?  
And, to put icing on the cake, you top that off with "Why don't you try to land on your head and make a video about it so share?" .
That just makes you look like JustName in your "Flying The Falls and Avata taking a bath" thread.

Incidentally I have somewhat over 2,500 flights where I hand launched and hand landed the following drones, Mavic Mini, Mini 2, Mavic 2 Pro, Mavic 2 Zoom, FPV and you can add to that an unknown but significant number of Phantom 3 flights where I hand caught the drone. Phantom 3 drones tend to tip over if landed in any wind so it is better to hand catch them.
In all those landings and catches I think I have been hit by the props 3 or maybe 4 times.

But ................. thanks for the laugh.

7-8 01:57
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United Kingdom

vid3 Posted at 7-7 22:01
I grab the drone from above and tilt it to the side. Landing on the palm takes a long time and the drone ponders and checks the quality of the landing site. He doesn't like something and starts to get irritated.

Fair enough.
I must admit I was quite impressed by the way the guy in

catches the drone at 7:11 but you I'd be interested to know if, once caught like that, would it stop its motors if the throttle is held closed.

My concern with flipping the drone is that the motors are likely to rev as the drone tries to stay level and that probably stresses everything unnecessarily. It may not be a big problem with as compact a drone as the avata but .....

''You just have to carry them with you. It doesn't fit in a backpack. '' there are foldable landing pads available  that probably fold down to 30cm diameter and open out to probably around 1m.

This one might also fold ... :g:tUYAAOSw42VmId5m
They would probably need pegged down to prevent the drone's down draught blowning them away.

7-8 02:12
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Flight distance : 401171 ft

This is what I do.
When the Avata is turned on its side 90 degrees, the engines will shut down.
A decisive, quick sideways movement turns off the propellers.
If you do it slowly, the avata will try to break free.
Avata has very low propellers, so it's easier to catch from above.
Exactly like in this video.

I was going to buy such a professional landing pad.
But I found that it didn't make sense for a drone like AVATA.

For beginners, all you need is a piece of cardboard.
The small landing field is difficult to hit.
A gust of wind can move or lift them.
You can't put it on the grass either.
Carrying a large landing pad for a small drone is a bit embarrassing.
Ultimately, it turned out to be completely unnecessary.

7-8 05:44
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First Officer
Flight distance : 15039524 ft
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Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 7-8 01:57
Is citing what you imply might be a bot the best answer you can come up with ?  
And, to put icing on the cake, you top that off with "Why don't you try to land on your head and make a video about it so share?" .
That just makes you look like JustName in your "Flying The Falls and Avata taking a bath" thread.

As a ”Core User of DJI” you should stop teaching flyers bad and stupid habits. I really hope no flyer takes your advice. Pity one can’t block or at least filter out users like you on the forum.

7-8 22:25
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Core User of DJI
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United Kingdom

Swedrone Posted at 7-8 22:25
As a ”Core User of DJI” you should stop teaching flyers bad and stupid habits. I really hope no flyer takes your advice. Pity One can’t block users like you on the forum.


You should stop making statements that are factually incorrect then I wouldn't have reason to correct you e.g.
"The GPS alone is not good enough to manage the height with an accuracy of ±0.5 m compared to ±0.1 m with VPS active. This was the reason why the drone would not react to the stick inputs when trying to pull up."  
from ... 0&page=2#pid3361948     post 43.
Especially when the evidence you present in support of that position shows that GPS was not working yet the excerpt of the log clearly shows height.

post 45 in ... 0&page=2#pid3361948
post 30 in ... d=310947#pid3360830

DJI drones use a barometer and, when in range, the IR VPS system to  determine height, the height displayed in the app comes from the  barometer. That I know of no DJI drone uses GPS for height measurement.

Ditto making stupid comments such as "Why don't you try to land on your head and make a video about it so share?"
7-8 22:52
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