L2 Accuracy Issues
961 9 2024-7-21
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Hi All,

I am looking for tips on how to improve accuracy.
We have now purchased L2 and after several flights we continue to observe vertical accuracy error greater than 1m accross all tests. (See image)
Data is captured with RTK on, Ntrip corrections with base less than 1km away, GCPs are surveyed by conventional method.
Any thoughts what might be the issue here?
Our nextstep would be Re-calibration process but not sure if it should be neccesary for a brand new unit.
Also, has anyone tried L2 on double mount with no 2nd Payload? Manual recommends Single mount for single payload, but has anybody tried on dualmount with Only L2?
Screenshot 2024-07-22 101557.png
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft

How precisely were the coordinates of the base measured?

"GCPs are surveyed by conventional method" / What does it mean ?

The arm lever is calculated between the GNSS antenna and the single payload support. Using dual will cause an offset.

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Scarlett G
Hong Kong

Hi \
Have you contacted the DJI support and ask for assistance?
Maybe it's the fastest way to resolve your problem.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2683589 ft

Which settings are you using on your L2 during the flight? We use L1 and L2, L2 accuracy is quite good. Never had so much difference. Dual mount is not recommended for mapping activities
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Flight distance : 8252644 ft
  • >>>

Potential positioning error between MGA94 and MGA2020 datums?
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Ok, Thank you all for your input.
Here is some info.
1. MGA94 vs MGA2020 - We have considered this scenario and checked through the coordinate systems used. All steps of capture and processing were in GDA2020/56. After further investigation, it is not related to wrong datum as the differences between checkpoints are not uniform. each has shown different error.
2. We have now tested both, Single and dual mount with only L2. Both test show same results.
3. We tested in 2 different scenarios. - Ntrip Only and Emlidrs2+ as base station. GCPs we shot with Leica and Emlid GPS units.
4. We followed the recommended processing workflow for Terra, including adding Rinex data with .obs, adjusted base station location x,y,z and GCPs import, again all in GDA2020/56
Terra processing Settings in photos.
Any idea where that error might come from?
Do we need to re-calibrate?

Screenshot 2024-07-24 091747.png
Screenshot 2024-07-24 092042.png
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Whisky Tango Foxtrot
Flight distance : 3404652 ft
  • >>>

Hi, did you figure it out mate?
It seems as though there is an issue with the L2 when using GDA2020 specifically. If you convert it 94 and back to 2020 it should match. DJI needs to fix it. I will make a complaint to them. You should do the same so we can get some action
1-18 01:47
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Whisky Tango Foxtrot
Flight distance : 3404652 ft
  • >>>

Hi, did you figure it out mate?
It seems as though there is an issue with the L2 when using GDA2020 specifically. If you convert it 94 and back to 2020 it should match. DJI needs to fix it. I will make a complaint to them. You should do the same so we can get some action
1-18 01:47
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DJI Has now acknowledged issue with GDA2020 transformation, however did not give indication when it will be fixed.
Took 3 months for them to actually  have a proper look at issue I presented, They even tried to convince me that 1.4m error is OK and also they results are fine, yet they were not able to share their processing report.
Today still no fix, The alternative workflow is rather inefficient, as the whole scan has to be done in WGS84 and then reprojected elsewhere. Far cry from the efficient LiDAR unit they promised.
More like a pain in the ****

1-23 17:14
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2683589 ft

djiuser_qSkwMnFPV8Lz Posted at 1-23 17:14
DJI Has now acknowledged issue with GDA2020 transformation, however did not give indication when it will be fixed.
Took 3 months for them to actually  have a proper look at issue I presented, They even tried to convince me that 1.4m error is OK  and also they results are fine, yet they were not able to share their processing report.
Today still no fix, The alternative workflow is rather inefficient, as the whole scan has to be done in WGS84 and then reprojected elsewhere. Far cry from the efficient LiDAR unit they promised.

I had same kind of issue actually...now I always reproject in another software. DJI Terra is only used for raw processing to get a LAS out of the L2 or L1.

I told them why do you have that select list ( of CRS ) if it doesn't do anything...
1-24 05:11
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