Ok, Thank you all for your input.
Here is some info.
1. MGA94 vs MGA2020 - We have considered this scenario and checked through the coordinate systems used. All steps of capture and processing were in GDA2020/56. After further investigation, it is not related to wrong datum as the differences between checkpoints are not uniform. each has shown different error.
2. We have now tested both, Single and dual mount with only L2. Both test show same results.
3. We tested in 2 different scenarios. - Ntrip Only and Emlidrs2+ as base station. GCPs we shot with Leica and Emlid GPS units.
4. We followed the recommended processing workflow for Terra, including adding Rinex data with .obs, adjusted base station location x,y,z and GCPs import, again all in GDA2020/56
Terra processing Settings in photos.
Any idea where that error might come from?
Do we need to re-calibrate?