First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft
arpit.p Posted at 8-26 21:16
I tried that. Unfortunately processing both thermal and visibal orthomosaic together is impossible and if I use same geo-referencing for both. there's still some shift.
I am able to get points in Thermal Raw from thermal Orthomosaic but how to get the same points in RGB too?
You can't process both at the same time. You must create two different chunk. Important is to use Ground Control Point.
You do not need to measure it with precision, but the most important is that there are matching on both chunk.
When i talk about chunk i ts all about Agisoft process.
Then both rasters must be perfectly aligned.
Otherwise you can use the merge chunk function, but if you did the GCP procedure it must be fine.
A GCP is not necessary a cross painted on the ground. Any not movable object that can be easily recognize is a GCP. A rock, a street corner, sewage water door... Is fine
You may also be obligated to have an ultra high overlap on the M2EA thermal dataset. Something like 85% maybe more. Because the sensor is very small. I know it takes lot of flight time. |